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Messages - rjolda

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NT 14.21  C11.0
As a 35 year clarion programmer I have NO CLUE on css.  I got a young kid to help me get started.  Arnor told me about Stylizer 7  ( ) for helping with css.  I downloaded the demo ( free for 2 weeks ).  However, it would not load my web site.  I wrote to support and they told me that they were able to open my NT web app with the chrome add on.  I had to purchase the program for US$79.95 to get the CHrome and Firefox plug ins.  However, well worth it.  I am overwhelmed by all the stuff in the Chrome Developer and Firefox Developer.  This program lays out the CSS very nicely and with a little learning, it is pretty clear.  I am finding it very helpful in getting my css going and up to snuff. If you point it to your custom.css, it will save any changes right to your custom.css.  Pretty neat. 

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 03:33:59 PM »
Found that having the base page named "Index.htm' did not work well.  Re-named it to "index2.htm' and I got it to work under the web folder.  However, I am going to try to get it to serve out of its own folder under web\eppilihelp
At least I am getting somewhere.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 03:22:10 PM »
Hi Jane,
Yes, I can open the Help file with browser.  It is there and in the correct place. Seems like I don't have the NetTalk reference correct with paths, etc.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 01:40:30 PM »
Typos in Post.  URL is correct in my APP  and the post should have said : 
I put a Menu Item called "HELP"  which  On CLick   opens the URL:   '/EPPILIHelp/Index.htm'
Fat fingers....

Web Server - Ask For Help / Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 01:12:51 PM »
NT 14.21   C 11.0.136
I wrote a Help manual in HTML in Dr Explain.  Now, I want to have my users be able to open it.  However, I can't get it to work.
My HELP file is in the folder EPPILIHELP which is under the web folder for my APP.  WIthin the EPPILIHELP folder is an Index.htm page which is the root for all of the HTML HELP files.
I put a Menu Item called "HELP"  which  On CLick   opens the URL:   '/EPPIPIHelp/Index.htm'
However, the APP says that the file cannot be found.  I tried lots of permuatations of folder and name combos - no working.  Target fra,e  is '_blank'.

What is the proper way to call my help file?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Deleting Session Values on Logout
« on: April 29, 2024, 05:45:09 AM »
Hi All,
NT 14.18  C11.0.136

1. Where is the check box to DELETE ALL SESSION VALUES on LOGOUT?

2. What does the Checkbox on Server Settings - Performance Tab - 'Save Server State between runs" do?


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to check if they did a signature in NT
« on: April 28, 2024, 01:17:39 AM »
NT14.18   C11.0.136
In my app a SIGNATURE is required.  I have a Signature field.  How do I make sure that they sign before submitting the record?
IE - what do I check - maybe the prop:size of the image field?  Or something else?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Mem Form Field
« on: April 21, 2024, 11:37:23 AM »
Hi  Using NT14.18 and C11.0.136
I have some Entry fields on a MemForm. ( Strings).
Can I make Entry Fields ( strings )  - READ ONLY?
Is there a way to set an attribute - I am looking up data on 1 tab.
On Tab 2 - if there is no data in the table that I looked up  then I want them to Enter Last Name and First name, etc.
If the data exists, then I just want to SHOW the Last Name and First name, etc and not allow modification.
Or do I have to hide/unhide Last name String (Entry) and Last Name (Display) based on the condition?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Using MEmform
« on: April 21, 2024, 10:53:44 AM »
I had a field equate. 
The Field RESET was the key.  Got it working.

Hi Ken,
I have no CSS experience.  I hired a young kid to help me with CSS and help me understand it.  He knows NOTHING of Clarion.  These young kids code this CSS in their sleep.  He was able to help me do some styling - even to dig down and take what appeared to be the correct style and find what was overriding it and correct it - all in css.....My advice, buy some CSS time and you can get it sorted out very quickly.  I am trying to wrap up my web app.  I have the kid  on call so that we can do all the css and make it look pretty. CSS was a big headache for me - now, I just call my consultant and he sorts it out very quickly! No more CSS headaches for me.  Also, I am learning CSS and how to put stuff in clarion so that I can control the elements I want!  Let me know if you want contact info for my guy. (He charges less than $40.00 per hour because he is in Nigeria.)

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Using MemForm again
« on: April 21, 2024, 07:32:51 AM »
I had to move my code to the "POST UPDATE".   That allowed all the field validations and then when they were all validated, the code ran the UPDATE and then my code in the "POST UPDATE" embed.  I had called the Memform in "Change" mode.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Using MemForm again
« on: April 21, 2024, 03:50:40 AM »
Hi, Using NT14.18 and C11.0.136
I am using a Memform called in Change mode.  I am collecting data and using it to write to 3 different tables.
I am putting my code in the ValidateUpdate Routine ( which calls the do CompleteForm and do ValidateRecord routines) and it calls these first.
However, if I open the memform and click the "Save" button for the form, it starts writing to my 3 tables and then pops up a message that required fields are not filled in... However, I want it to get the required fields FIRST.  Is there a statement like IF ALL FIELDS ARE VALIDATED then go ahead and write to the tables.  If NOT ALL VALIDATED then remind them to fill in the required fields?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Using MEmform
« on: April 21, 2024, 03:28:50 AM »
Hi, Using NT 14.18 and c11.0.13630. 
I am calling a MemForm in Change Mode.

Question 1: I am capturing a local field with a alphanumeric field on Tab1.  I want to display this field which is saved as a Session Variable on Tab2 - 'thisVIN'. I save it as p_web.SSV('thisVIN', thisVIN).  I have tried various Display field methods such as displaying the TEXT  of p_web.GSV('thisVIN').  I have tried displaying it as a Session Variable using p_web.GSV('thisVIN').  No luck.  What is the trick?


HI Osquiabro,
That is exactly my intent.  From mobile phone, I have 3 activities that they will do.  Going to create a separate MemForm with those three buttons.  Thanks for the info.
BTW, I sent you a message through Net Talk messaging on site to see if you do any consulting.  I am going to need a little help with getting the mobile version of my web app going.

I want to display a different menu and possibly a different start screen when the users log onto my program with a mobile phone.  I am using @media <600 to trap small screens.  My menus do change to the hamburg menu.  I have created custom css for the small screens to display correctly.  However, I want to change some behavior of the app on mobile scren.

1. I want to change the menu items - some so display and some not to display.  How does that  get done?  I doubt that i can capture @media < 600 and use it as a condition.  The other way that I can think of is to add a class attribute to the menu items and change their properties in the css.  Which is doaboe or better?

2. I want to display a page with "3 Action Buttons" when they log in on a mobile phone.  One way would be to give it a class name and hide it and use CSS to display if it is in on a small screen.

Any help will be appreciated.

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