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Messages - rjolda

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Sec:Level - Multiple Ranges?
« on: September 02, 2024, 12:39:39 PM »
Looking at the code, I imagine I could add this code to each procedure:

! Start of "Processed Code"
! [Priority 2800]
        If ~  INRANGE(Sec:LEVEL,100,199)  or ~  INRANGE(Sec:LEVEL,995,999)
            Return -1
! Before checking p_Stage
Does this sound correct?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Sec:Level - Multiple Ranges?
« on: September 02, 2024, 06:19:22 AM »
I want to have multiple security level ranges - one for user  - e.g. sec:level = 100 -199 and ANOTHER for Administrators  Sec:Level 995-999.
If possible then How?

I am thinking out loud here.  The Change button calls the Form with a RECORD ID ( Unique ID) being passed so that the FORM selects the correct record.  If the form is CHANGE, It must return the ID of the record to the browse or to tell the browse that called it that it should highlight the record with the SAME ID.
An OTHER button does NOT do this - but maybe you can simulate the behavior by Saving the Unique ID of the Record in a Session variable.  Go do the work that the OTHER BUTTON does.  Upon returning to the original browse, I would GSV for the GUID of the original record and if it exists, I would tell the browse to select that one.
I think that that would be how I would think about it and how I might go about starting to construct a solution.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Performance NetWebForm
« on: August 22, 2024, 03:25:46 PM »
Hi Alberto,
Not really sure what you are trying to do.  I have seen the performance indicators running real time in several videos - I remember watching them when I was evaluating whether or not i wanted to use API calls or secure sockets.  I think that there is even an API demo that does this.  It may be a demo from one of the CIDC's - maybe the 2019 one which happened I think in 2022.  Let us know what you are trying to do and where you are at.

Yes, I am adding Icon to Home screen on both Android and Iphone.  I am copying an earlier post here by Poul and follow it and you will be all set.

Re: NTWS 12.63-App shortcut in mobile's home screen
? Reply #2 on: January 14, 2024, 11:27:56 PM ?

It can be done manually.

1) Go to a site like this and create your icon images:
2) In the app, Webhandler, SetCustomHTMLHeaders you place this:

Code: [Select]
self.MetaHeaders = '  ' & |
    '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">' & |
    '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">' & |
    '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png">' & |
    '<link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest">' & |
    '<link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">' & |
    '<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c">' & |
    '<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">'

3) Distribute the created icon images and files in the web folder.
4) The user then opens your app, and creates the shortcut from the menu, Add to home Screen:


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Camscanner
« on: August 02, 2024, 03:22:28 PM »
Are you still using camscanner?  It looks like it might help pick out the documents from pictures.  Let me know how you are using it.

Are there any tricks to getting a good picture of something like a USA drivers license ( 5.5 mm x 8.5 mm) with a cell phone app.  Lots of cell phones now have AI to find and cut out the document in a picture so that all you save is the document itself.  I don't think that NT can engage that feature.   
Any Ideas on how to get a clean document picture?  Editing tools to edit it after taking it? 
NT 14.21  C11.0136

I kept running into this problem with Validating fields. 
I had some Values of 'Ready Drop|Empty Drop|Reserved, etc.
I kept running into the problem.  It looks like there is a jsOK to validate values and it did NOT TOLERATE SPACES in my values.
Once I changed my values to have no spaces, it worked fine!  E.g 'Ready_Drop|Empty_Drop|Reserved, etc.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Hide some columns in a browse
« on: July 27, 2024, 05:04:26 AM »
Thanks Vinnie - I thought that it might be the place to hide field.  Will give it a try.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Hide some columns in a browse
« on: July 27, 2024, 02:44:18 AM »
NT 14.21  C11.0.136
I want to use the same procedure for displaying 'orders ' to the dealer and the customer.  There are some fields that the customer should not see. 
There is no "Hide" condition for strings in a browse so there must be a more crafty way to do it.
Question: how can I hide one or more fields on a browse display?

I went through this about a year ago.  I found that many ISPs block port 80 so that their customers won't use port 80 to run web sites from their home. They reserve use of port 80 for more costly business accounts.  There is a DNS  challenge that Net Talk has documented to get around this problem.  That is worth looking at.

HI Alberto,
Interesting.  I have never used the SET VALUES in Dictionary.  Wow.
I guess I need to learn to use it for Net Talk.
MANY THANKS for that Info.

here is Web1 modified.  Zip attached.  Same behavior.

There are several places that the Browse and form do a file to session queue - this takes the record and fills up the Session Values. ( Generally, there is a session queue to file which updates the actual record if required.) The session value name will be the same as the field name.  So if you are looking at a value in FLD:Purchase date, look at p_web.GSV('FLD:Purchasedate').   Check - it may be already loaded in the browse for the highlighted record.  If it isn't, you can add some code to the Browse procedure "TakeEvent - 2 AfterRowClicked' and you can set a different value there to send to children.
Give it a try,

Hi Alberto,
Yes, I see that.  What goes in that box?  The choices are already set in the Drop from the Dictionary and imported by NT to fill the drop, So the choices and the one I pick is correct.  However, there is something missing.
Is there some code that goes there to assign the selected drop item and assign it to the field?

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