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Messages - rjolda

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« on: May 29, 2024, 01:08:03 AM »
Hi Richard,
Yes, There is always a way.  What are you trying to get done?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Partial Save - Success or Fail?
« on: May 26, 2024, 04:44:43 PM »
HI Johan,
See my reply to your previous post on partial Save.  I would guess that the Form template is doing an Insert when "Partial Save" is requested.  At that point, the Server Values are written to the record and a GUID for this new record is generated.  The Server would then "read the record that was just Inserted" and put the fields into Server Values.  There, you should find the GUID of the inserted Record and you could manually test it.  I don't know about the actual code but it might return a message that the INSERT failed? 
I would look at the code and see what Bruce is doing at the time of INSERT and how it handles any errors.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Partial Save?
« on: May 26, 2024, 12:38:09 PM »
I constantly get stuck with this - Bruce keeps correcting me.  So here is it.  There is NO FORM!  It does NOT EXIST!.  So, when user is on "Same FORM" - that really does NOT MEAN ANYTHING!. 
Bruce said "Think of the Form as a series of EVENTS" - User sends a Request EVENT to server and Server Responds.  Then the connection is CLOSED.  If you open a form, THe record is read into SESSION variables and the Record itself is GONE!.  So,  Everything you do is an EVENT.  Because the SESSION ID is passed back and forth between the User ( Browser ) and Server, the SERVER VALUES are always accessible by SessionID - the record itself is NOT available. At the End of the form - when you press SAVE or DONE - the Server is instructed to fetch the record and update it with the ServerValues for that session ID.  Does that make sense?
I am doing some things like your user.  I am pulling out a record and putting some settings in it.  Then the user ( still on the same MemForm) is pressing buttons to do different actions.  For each of these actions, I have to take their new values, Stuff them into the Session Values, fetch the record and write them to the record itself. 
In other words, the Session Values are the thing that the user is interacting with ( as a representation of the record itself..).  Therefore if you are going to do a partial save, Update the Session variables.  At this point I am going to fetch the record and write the values directly to the record and update it without using the p_web.recordtovalue and p_web.Values to Record functions.  (Not sure that these are the correct names but they are in the p_web settings.  i will keep the Session values updated as they are the "representative state" of the "record".   At the end, I could to a values to record save but I might just roll my own and update the fields that i want.
Since the Updates to the record are under YOUR CONTROL in the EMBEDS  - you can check to make sure that your data got written to the record with the
If not Access:File.Update() = Level:Benign
  then ALERT USER.
You can also use the Access:File.tryUpdate() function.
Hope that this explanation helps you.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Partial Save?
« on: May 25, 2024, 02:16:17 AM »
What are you working with - a Form or MemForm?
There are several methods available for Before writing to file and after writing to file.  Make sure your code is in the Before writing to file.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: GUID Question
« on: May 24, 2024, 04:18:38 AM »
16 characters - each can have up to 36 choices ( Upper case alphabet) gives you 2.2300745198530623141535718272648e+43  unique values.  Do you need more than that?
If you do, then you can go to 32 characters and you will get 1.5324955408658888583583470271503e+54  values.  You can choose.  Bruce recommends 16 characters but you can zone in on your own comfort zone!

NT 14.21  C11.0
As a 35 year clarion programmer I have NO CLUE on css.  I got a young kid to help me get started.  Arnor told me about Stylizer 7  ( ) for helping with css.  I downloaded the demo ( free for 2 weeks ).  However, it would not load my web site.  I wrote to support and they told me that they were able to open my NT web app with the chrome add on.  I had to purchase the program for US$79.95 to get the CHrome and Firefox plug ins.  However, well worth it.  I am overwhelmed by all the stuff in the Chrome Developer and Firefox Developer.  This program lays out the CSS very nicely and with a little learning, it is pretty clear.  I am finding it very helpful in getting my css going and up to snuff. If you point it to your custom.css, it will save any changes right to your custom.css.  Pretty neat. 

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 03:33:59 PM »
Found that having the base page named "Index.htm' did not work well.  Re-named it to "index2.htm' and I got it to work under the web folder.  However, I am going to try to get it to serve out of its own folder under web\eppilihelp
At least I am getting somewhere.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 03:22:10 PM »
Hi Jane,
Yes, I can open the Help file with browser.  It is there and in the correct place. Seems like I don't have the NetTalk reference correct with paths, etc.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 01:40:30 PM »
Typos in Post.  URL is correct in my APP  and the post should have said : 
I put a Menu Item called "HELP"  which  On CLick   opens the URL:   '/EPPILIHelp/Index.htm'
Fat fingers....

Web Server - Ask For Help / Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 01:12:51 PM »
NT 14.21   C 11.0.136
I wrote a Help manual in HTML in Dr Explain.  Now, I want to have my users be able to open it.  However, I can't get it to work.
My HELP file is in the folder EPPILIHELP which is under the web folder for my APP.  WIthin the EPPILIHELP folder is an Index.htm page which is the root for all of the HTML HELP files.
I put a Menu Item called "HELP"  which  On CLick   opens the URL:   '/EPPIPIHelp/Index.htm'
However, the APP says that the file cannot be found.  I tried lots of permuatations of folder and name combos - no working.  Target fra,e  is '_blank'.

What is the proper way to call my help file?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Deleting Session Values on Logout
« on: April 29, 2024, 05:45:09 AM »
Hi All,
NT 14.18  C11.0.136

1. Where is the check box to DELETE ALL SESSION VALUES on LOGOUT?

2. What does the Checkbox on Server Settings - Performance Tab - 'Save Server State between runs" do?


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to check if they did a signature in NT
« on: April 28, 2024, 01:17:39 AM »
NT14.18   C11.0.136
In my app a SIGNATURE is required.  I have a Signature field.  How do I make sure that they sign before submitting the record?
IE - what do I check - maybe the prop:size of the image field?  Or something else?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Mem Form Field
« on: April 21, 2024, 11:37:23 AM »
Hi  Using NT14.18 and C11.0.136
I have some Entry fields on a MemForm. ( Strings).
Can I make Entry Fields ( strings )  - READ ONLY?
Is there a way to set an attribute - I am looking up data on 1 tab.
On Tab 2 - if there is no data in the table that I looked up  then I want them to Enter Last Name and First name, etc.
If the data exists, then I just want to SHOW the Last Name and First name, etc and not allow modification.
Or do I have to hide/unhide Last name String (Entry) and Last Name (Display) based on the condition?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Using MEmform
« on: April 21, 2024, 10:53:44 AM »
I had a field equate. 
The Field RESET was the key.  Got it working.

Hi Ken,
I have no CSS experience.  I hired a young kid to help me with CSS and help me understand it.  He knows NOTHING of Clarion.  These young kids code this CSS in their sleep.  He was able to help me do some styling - even to dig down and take what appeared to be the correct style and find what was overriding it and correct it - all in css.....My advice, buy some CSS time and you can get it sorted out very quickly.  I am trying to wrap up my web app.  I have the kid  on call so that we can do all the css and make it look pretty. CSS was a big headache for me - now, I just call my consultant and he sorts it out very quickly! No more CSS headaches for me.  Also, I am learning CSS and how to put stuff in clarion so that I can control the elements I want!  Let me know if you want contact info for my guy. (He charges less than $40.00 per hour because he is in Nigeria.)

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