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Topics - rjolda

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Web Server - Ask For Help / Sec:Level - Multiple Ranges?
« on: September 02, 2024, 06:19:22 AM »
I want to have multiple security level ranges - one for user  - e.g. sec:level = 100 -199 and ANOTHER for Administrators  Sec:Level 995-999.
If possible then How?

Are there any tricks to getting a good picture of something like a USA drivers license ( 5.5 mm x 8.5 mm) with a cell phone app.  Lots of cell phones now have AI to find and cut out the document in a picture so that all you save is the document itself.  I don't think that NT can engage that feature.   
Any Ideas on how to get a clean document picture?  Editing tools to edit it after taking it? 
NT 14.21  C11.0136

Web Server - Ask For Help / Hide some columns in a browse
« on: July 27, 2024, 02:44:18 AM »
NT 14.21  C11.0.136
I want to use the same procedure for displaying 'orders ' to the dealer and the customer.  There are some fields that the customer should not see. 
There is no "Hide" condition for strings in a browse so there must be a more crafty way to do it.
Question: how can I hide one or more fields on a browse display?

Hi All,
NT 14.21  C11.0136
I have an NT browse.  I have a string field "SLOT_STATUS".  There is a set of pre-defined values e.g, "EMPTY,OPEN, RESERVED, BROKEN"
In the Browse, I have made the field SLOT_STATUS and EIP field and it is picking the value from a Dropdown which contains the short list of required values.
When I select a value from the dropdown, I always get a VALIDATION error for this field saying that The value is not in the list.
Are there more steps other than checking the EIP box to make it work?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Prompt on Check Box
« on: July 08, 2024, 08:33:42 AM »
NT 14.21  C11
I have a check box and I have a Prompt on it.  Check box is Yes/No.
When I Check the Check Box from NO to YES, the PROMPT hides.
How can I stop the Prompt from hiding ( I want it to show all the time...)

Web Server - Ask For Help / API requests requiring login and password
« on: July 01, 2024, 10:21:26 AM »
NT 14.21  C11.0.136
I have a net talk server with an API method which requires a login and Password.
I have a NetWebClient talking to it.  It intermittently makes several requests to the server within a 2 minute span.
I have the First request of the NetWEbClient logging in ( successfully).
Do subsequent requests by the same Logged in Client need to have the authorization string included or is the Client get logged in once and then the session ID is remembered until the session times out?  If this is the case, then the authorization string needs to be included on only the first request ?

Web Server - Ask For Help / API and ecec.dll
« on: June 30, 2024, 03:03:07 AM »
NT 14.21  C11.0.136
I created an API app which I ran against a temporary server.  The temporary server did NOT require a login.   I have the database method working and the API method working.
I imported the database method to my working Net Talk server and set up a login and password for the kiosk.
I imported the NetWebClient procedure to make calls to the Server and set up a login and password.
When I try to log onto my real server,  debug gives me an error that the server was not able to to TLS and could not load ecee.dll.   That dll is present.
Am I missing a setting on my "real" web server?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Display QR code - when UN Hidden
« on: June 18, 2024, 02:52:51 AM »
NT14.21  C11,=.0.136
I have a form with a QR code which is saved in a file name.  When I pull up the form for the record in a normal fashion, the QR code displays correctly.
I am trying to step through the fields on the Update form in another procedure.  If I unhide the QR code when the procedure starts, it displays correctly.
However, If I hide the QR code when the update procedure starts and then UNHIDE it, all I get is ALTERNATE IMAGE TEXT.
I am calling a refresh of the QR Code on the button that Unhides it. But I do not get the QR code, just the alternate image text.
QR code is in a Type Display.  Sources: Text ( I am not sure if this matters or not...).  Image: FIL:FILENAME IMAGE;  Width = 200;  Height = 200;  CSS: Nt-Left
How can I solve this problem of UNHiding the QR code and getting it to display correctly?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Button ID or class for CSS
« on: June 14, 2024, 04:24:34 AM »
NT 14.21   C11.0.136
I want to be able to identify a button on a form so I can do some css on it.
Here is my button:
<button type="button" name="Button1_3" id="Button1_39ygW" value="Press to Confirm this is the Kiosk you are at" class="nt-flex nt-button nt-button-without-icon confirmKioskButton67 ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget" data-do="server" data-formproc="a_dropoff_memform">Press to Confirm this is the Kiosk you are at</button>
The id="Button1_39ygW"  has a generated portion which changes with each iteration.  The 'ygW' portion is generated and variable so I can't use this.
The class="nt-flex nt-button nt-button-without-icon confirmKioskButton67 ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget"  - I probably can use this as the CLASS selector but it is verbose
The  name="Button1_3"  - is unique but name is not a css selector. 
Is my best option to use the class for a selector?
Other options?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Passing parameters on a Button
« on: June 12, 2024, 08:09:07 AM »
NT14.21  C11.01
I have a button which calls a procedure.  I need to pass 2 parameters to the procedure.  I am using the GetValue in the called procedure
1. GUID of calling record
2. FROMTABLE     ( I have 2 separate tables which call the same procedure and I need to know which one called it).
On the Parameters button:  I can pass 1 parameter with  'GID=' & FIL1:GUID
However, in trying to pass 2 parameters I can't seem to get it right - compiler errors. etc
This is what I have so far:  'GID=' & FIL1:GUID & 'FROMTABLE =' & 'Table1'
What am I missing ??  Maybe a comma between the 2 values?

Using NT 14.21  C11.0.136.
I have written an API which is going to reside as part of my secure web server.  It will be used ONLY BY OUR PROGRAM.  It provides useful information ONLY TO OUR Kiosks and never to our users.
I want to suppress the documentation so that the methods and data remain proprietary and undiscoverable.
Can I do this with removing the entries from Documentation tab for Database properties.   i.e. Document Formats:  'XML & JSON & WebEncoded'.   I found the "None" drop for all the documentation.  Will that suffice?
Or is there a better way?

NT 14.21  C11.0
As a 35 year clarion programmer I have NO CLUE on css.  I got a young kid to help me get started.  Arnor told me about Stylizer 7  ( ) for helping with css.  I downloaded the demo ( free for 2 weeks ).  However, it would not load my web site.  I wrote to support and they told me that they were able to open my NT web app with the chrome add on.  I had to purchase the program for US$79.95 to get the CHrome and Firefox plug ins.  However, well worth it.  I am overwhelmed by all the stuff in the Chrome Developer and Firefox Developer.  This program lays out the CSS very nicely and with a little learning, it is pretty clear.  I am finding it very helpful in getting my css going and up to snuff. If you point it to your custom.css, it will save any changes right to your custom.css.  Pretty neat. 

Web Server - Ask For Help / Serving a HELP file for my Web APP
« on: May 10, 2024, 01:12:51 PM »
NT 14.21   C 11.0.136
I wrote a Help manual in HTML in Dr Explain.  Now, I want to have my users be able to open it.  However, I can't get it to work.
My HELP file is in the folder EPPILIHELP which is under the web folder for my APP.  WIthin the EPPILIHELP folder is an Index.htm page which is the root for all of the HTML HELP files.
I put a Menu Item called "HELP"  which  On CLick   opens the URL:   '/EPPIPIHelp/Index.htm'
However, the APP says that the file cannot be found.  I tried lots of permuatations of folder and name combos - no working.  Target fra,e  is '_blank'.

What is the proper way to call my help file?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Deleting Session Values on Logout
« on: April 29, 2024, 05:45:09 AM »
Hi All,
NT 14.18  C11.0.136

1. Where is the check box to DELETE ALL SESSION VALUES on LOGOUT?

2. What does the Checkbox on Server Settings - Performance Tab - 'Save Server State between runs" do?


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to check if they did a signature in NT
« on: April 28, 2024, 01:17:39 AM »
NT14.18   C11.0.136
In my app a SIGNATURE is required.  I have a Signature field.  How do I make sure that they sign before submitting the record?
IE - what do I check - maybe the prop:size of the image field?  Or something else?

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