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E-Mail - Ask For Help / Does certificate common name verification check Subject Alternative Name?
« on: February 06, 2022, 11:36:56 PM »
Our service provider updated certificates on our email server and our POP server address moved from common name to Subject Alternative Name in the certificate. This caused NetTalk to reject connection to the server when trying to receive emails with error: "The Remote TLS Certificate's Common Name ( does not match the Server name ( And so the connection failed to open NetSimple.TakeEvent"
Does Does certificate common name verification check Subject Alternative Name? And if not, should it check, as SAN is used to add more than one domain to certificate?
We are using server on port 995. CN and SAN on certificate look like this (from
Common name:
Our service provider updated certificates on our email server and our POP server address moved from common name to Subject Alternative Name in the certificate. This caused NetTalk to reject connection to the server when trying to receive emails with error: "The Remote TLS Certificate's Common Name ( does not match the Server name ( And so the connection failed to open NetSimple.TakeEvent"
Does Does certificate common name verification check Subject Alternative Name? And if not, should it check, as SAN is used to add more than one domain to certificate?
We are using server on port 995. CN and SAN on certificate look like this (from
Common name:
The Rest - Ask For Help / Disconnected desktop, problem with comma as decimal separator
« on: December 02, 2020, 12:57:48 AM »
I found a possible bug on syncing tables when there is a picture that uses a comma as a decimal separator on a field in dictionary. When inserting a value, for example 15, to a field on desktop, after sync the value has multiplied to much larger value. This can be replicated with the Disconnected desktop example by changing Price field picture to @n-10_`2 in the LineItems table.
We are using NetTalk 11.47, StringTheory 3.35 and jFiles 2.17 on Clarion 11 13401
I found a possible bug on syncing tables when there is a picture that uses a comma as a decimal separator on a field in dictionary. When inserting a value, for example 15, to a field on desktop, after sync the value has multiplied to much larger value. This can be replicated with the Disconnected desktop example by changing Price field picture to @n-10_`2 in the LineItems table.
We are using NetTalk 11.47, StringTheory 3.35 and jFiles 2.17 on Clarion 11 13401
E-Mail - Ask For Help / Odd behaviour trying to download emails
« on: August 21, 2020, 04:24:52 AM »
I am trying to figure out why email download gets stuck when loading a mail with somewhat large attachment (> 20MB). When using /netall, debugview shows something I don't quite understand, for me it seems that NT is trying to download same thing again and again decrementing then number of parts by 1 each iteration (part of the log attached). It seems to do it until 0 and then just stop without calling ErrorTrap. Any ideas what is going on and how I could fix this?
I am trying to figure out why email download gets stuck when loading a mail with somewhat large attachment (> 20MB). When using /netall, debugview shows something I don't quite understand, for me it seems that NT is trying to download same thing again and again decrementing then number of parts by 1 each iteration (part of the log attached). It seems to do it until 0 and then just stop without calling ErrorTrap. Any ideas what is going on and how I could fix this?
E-Mail - Ask For Help / Problems with non-ascii characters
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:30:27 PM »
We are using C9.1 and NT 8.39 to build a software with email client to receive emails for processing.
When we receive mails with non-ascii characters in the subject or message with quoted-printable -encoding, the decoding in NetTalk does not always work.
A couple of examples of the problems. In both cases the subject should be "FW: Projektin ja ajanhallintasofta omaan toimistokäyttöön_150124_TK.docx"
In the first example the decoded subject is shown in the attached png, here is the encoded subject:
Next example has a different problem. The decoding doesn't seem to happend at all, so subject after decoding is still like FW:_Projektin_ja_ajanhallintasofta_omaan_toimistok?=E4ytt=F6=F6n=5F150124=5FTK.docx:
Does anyone have any ideas how to make the decoding work properly?
[attachment deleted by admin]
We are using C9.1 and NT 8.39 to build a software with email client to receive emails for processing.
When we receive mails with non-ascii characters in the subject or message with quoted-printable -encoding, the decoding in NetTalk does not always work.
A couple of examples of the problems. In both cases the subject should be "FW: Projektin ja ajanhallintasofta omaan toimistokäyttöön_150124_TK.docx"
In the first example the decoded subject is shown in the attached png, here is the encoded subject:
Code: [Select]
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?FW:_Projektin_ja_ajanhallintasof?=
Next example has a different problem. The decoding doesn't seem to happend at all, so subject after decoding is still like FW:_Projektin_ja_ajanhallintasofta_omaan_toimistok?=E4ytt=F6=F6n=5F150124=5FTK.docx:
Code: [Select]
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?FW:_Projektin_ja_ajanhallintasofta_omaan_toimistok?=
Does anyone have any ideas how to make the decoding work properly?
[attachment deleted by admin]
Web Server - Ask For Help / Popup form, validation alert not showing
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:53:57 AM »
Working now with NT 7.31, I have a problem with the validation alert message not showing at all when form is in popup mode.
When not in popup mode (so form is not opened on top of browse), if some required field is missing the red bar appears at the top of the form saying the text I have coded, but the bar missing in the popup mode.
Currently I put values to loc:invalid and loc:alert if the field is required. Is this the wrong way to do this?
Working now with NT 7.31, I have a problem with the validation alert message not showing at all when form is in popup mode.
When not in popup mode (so form is not opened on top of browse), if some required field is missing the red bar appears at the top of the form saying the text I have coded, but the bar missing in the popup mode.
Currently I put values to loc:invalid and loc:alert if the field is required. Is this the wrong way to do this?
E-Mail - Ask For Help / Email text not showing correctly
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:09:02 PM »
We are experiencing some problems with receiving emails using C8 and NT 6.52. Plain text messages are shown correctly, but if the message has an attachment, the text part shows only following:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
This email requires a MIME compatible email reader.
This problem occurs in our software, but it happens also with the Nettalk Demo App.
Has anyone had the same problem? Any ideas what could be done to solve the issue?
We are experiencing some problems with receiving emails using C8 and NT 6.52. Plain text messages are shown correctly, but if the message has an attachment, the text part shows only following:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
This email requires a MIME compatible email reader.
This problem occurs in our software, but it happens also with the Nettalk Demo App.
Has anyone had the same problem? Any ideas what could be done to solve the issue?
Web Server - Ask For Help / Send new value to server sends to a wrong NetWebForm
« on: November 07, 2013, 12:56:40 AM »
Currently working with Clarion 8 and NT 6.54, I have a form called "Load lists", which has another form, called "Day limits" and a browse "Loads" as fields in one tab. In the "DayLimits" form I have a checkbox, which has "Send new value to server" selected from the Client-Side tab. This checkbox is used to show/hide fields from the "Day limits" form and change behaviour of the report that can be printed from the form.
The problem is that the checkbox send value to the "Load lists" form instead of the "Day limits" form, so nothing gets done. Is there some setting for deciding which form gets the value?
This project was just upgraded from C6 and NT 5.29, where it worked fine, so I am wondering what has changed?
Currently working with Clarion 8 and NT 6.54, I have a form called "Load lists", which has another form, called "Day limits" and a browse "Loads" as fields in one tab. In the "DayLimits" form I have a checkbox, which has "Send new value to server" selected from the Client-Side tab. This checkbox is used to show/hide fields from the "Day limits" form and change behaviour of the report that can be printed from the form.
The problem is that the checkbox send value to the "Load lists" form instead of the "Day limits" form, so nothing gets done. Is there some setting for deciding which form gets the value?
This project was just upgraded from C6 and NT 5.29, where it worked fine, so I am wondering what has changed?
Web Server - Ask For Help / Multisite host and dll addresses
« on: August 21, 2013, 09:30:24 PM »
I've been playing around with the MultiSite -example for few days to see if it fits our needs of managing multiple webservers.
The normal way I guess would be to point to client-dll with subdomain address ie. The ideal way of forming the client-dll addresses for our needs would be to separate each client the following way:
Can this be done with the host.exe?
I've been playing around with the MultiSite -example for few days to see if it fits our needs of managing multiple webservers.
The normal way I guess would be to point to client-dll with subdomain address ie. The ideal way of forming the client-dll addresses for our needs would be to separate each client the following way:
Can this be done with the host.exe?
E-Mail - Ask For Help / Non-ASCII email subjects and attachment file names
« on: June 06, 2013, 09:51:16 PM »
Is there a simple way in NetTalk to include non-ASCII characters to a subject-field of and to a file name of an attachment when sending emails? The way it shoud be done is defined in RFC 2047 (
It almost works with the subject field with following code:
But NetQuotedPrintableEncode doesn't seem to encode space-characters, so the result is not compliant with RFC 2047.
Attachment name seems to be more difficult to set. The only way I have found is to change the ProcessAttachments routine in NetEmail.clw. However, if I do the change and use Nettalk for downloading and saving attachments sent with the changed routine will mess up the saved file name. Saving seems to work fine with other clients. As the same messages need to be handled with Nettalk and other email-clients with non-ascii characters correctly showing, some hints would be greatly appreciated!
Is there a simple way in NetTalk to include non-ASCII characters to a subject-field of and to a file name of an attachment when sending emails? The way it shoud be done is defined in RFC 2047 (
It almost works with the subject field with following code:
Code: [Select]
ThisSendEmail.Subject = '=?iso-8859-1?Q?' & NetQuotedPrintableEncode (CLIP(EmailSubject),len1,linelen) & '?='
But NetQuotedPrintableEncode doesn't seem to encode space-characters, so the result is not compliant with RFC 2047.
Attachment name seems to be more difficult to set. The only way I have found is to change the ProcessAttachments routine in NetEmail.clw. However, if I do the change and use Nettalk for downloading and saving attachments sent with the changed routine will mess up the saved file name. Saving seems to work fine with other clients. As the same messages need to be handled with Nettalk and other email-clients with non-ascii characters correctly showing, some hints would be greatly appreciated!
Web Server - Ask For Help / Pop-up form saves scandinavian characters wrong
« on: March 11, 2013, 12:27:01 AM »
I'm using NT 6.51 and Clarion 8
When using form in a pop-up -mode, the scandinavian characters are not saved correctly into my TopSpeed-database. In WebServer settings I have set Charset to ISO-8869-1 and Store Data As to Scandinavian. The problem only appears when the form is opened in a pop-up, the "normal" way of opening the form as page works fine. Does anyone had the same issue, and maybe figured out a solution to it?
I'm using NT 6.51 and Clarion 8
When using form in a pop-up -mode, the scandinavian characters are not saved correctly into my TopSpeed-database. In WebServer settings I have set Charset to ISO-8869-1 and Store Data As to Scandinavian. The problem only appears when the form is opened in a pop-up, the "normal" way of opening the form as page works fine. Does anyone had the same issue, and maybe figured out a solution to it?
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