>This falls into the category of "it's not as simple as that".
I hear that often usually to justify more expenditure.

>firstly, all cookies are "across all tabs" so cookies can't be part of the solution
Cookies are just another data store, can the cookie not be renamed in NT or is it a fixed value?
>Assuming window.name can identify the page, then two major issues arise. first the name has to be passed with each ajax request (although it will change on every new _page_) and on the server side there has to be a way of separating session values based on the page name, but at the same time allowing the values to flow from one page to the next.
If the Window.Name is changing on each new page, then sessionID and window.name is all I will need to make it work across multiple tabs and/or opened in a new browser window.
Anyway I wont take up any more of your time debating this, as I need to get this problem with Nettalk GPFing when sending emails sorted as its dragged on long enough proving the bug is in your software.
BTW some users running an older C6 app with NT4 in have also been able to reproduce this problem, in this instance, I got them to open a window with a browse on it and an option (button) to send an email. They have opened two instances of this window side by side, if they click the Email button in quick succession it GPF's if both buttons are clicked within 1sec of each other. Granted not the usual way a user works, but it just demonstrates the problem exists in NT and has done since NT4 but I think its clear this callbackwindow starting up needs to have some WM event management in place so it can work in a multithreaded environment becuase the Sleep(x) workaround SV have put in place in the C7/8 when starting a new thread to prevent it from GPF'ing is not a fix.