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Topics - Rene Simons

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 13
Web Server - Ask For Help / Mini survey about NetTalk Apps
« on: October 08, 2019, 10:12:04 AM »

Just curious.
  • How many of you have purchased NetTalk Apps 11+ ?
  • Have you attempted to create a PWA?
  • Have you succeded to create a PWA and are you willing to share your experience/issues?
Kind regards,
René Simons

Web Server - Ask For Help / Field priming
« on: October 01, 2019, 12:27:39 PM »

I have this procedure UpdateA, where A stands for table A.tps.
In the Clarion-part of the program priming the GUID for A is primed.
I also use the javascript priming for A:guid because I want the app to be a PWA sometime.

In this procedure, I also, ocasionally, write a record into table B.tps.
B:guid is primed (clarion-style) in the embed-code where I write a record into B.tps.

How and where must I do the Javascript priming of B:guid ? Or do I not need this?

Kind regards,

René Simons

Web Server - Ask For Help / Javascript filter of a browse
« on: September 28, 2019, 01:39:42 AM »

When building a browse for e.g. a phone app, the filtering is to be client side.
In the documentation an example shows a javascript statement like

'return record.paid ==1 ? recordOk : recordFiltered'

2 questions:
  • Has this condition/statement to be quoted?
  • Is it possible/allowed to call a javascript function here (with parms) which returns the recordOk or recordFiltered value?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Using the header-back-button
« on: September 23, 2019, 12:12:09 PM »

When I use the header-back-button, the following happens:

  • I open the first popup
    Th popup appears WITH a header-back-button but with no fields to enter data in.
    I use the header-back-button to "close"the popup.
  • I open a different popup.
    This one appears WITHOUT a header-back-button but WITH data.
  • I "close" this one and open the first one again.
    Now the popup appears WITHOUT header-back-button but WITH data

Has anyone encountered the same behaviour?



Web Server - Ask For Help / tree view
« on: August 14, 2019, 12:21:11 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Is there e tree view feature in Nettalk?
I seem to remember that there was an option to use a browse in a browse at some time.
I would be nice to be able to create a (self-) recursive tree like multiple generations parents with children, like ultra tree has in the windows version.
Create the tree data using jfiles and let NTWS create a tree in the browser.


Web Server - Ask For Help / NT11.16 Sicking Menu
« on: July 18, 2019, 10:46:21 AM »
Hi Bruce,
Thanks again for your time during today's webinar.
Btw are you or aren't you aware of the menu that sticks?

See attachment.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Column Width using relative setting
« on: July 10, 2019, 02:04:46 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I remember you explaining the relative column witdth in Browses in DIV-mode.
Do you have a hint where I cab find sone docs about that?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Procedure doesn't belong
« on: June 30, 2019, 04:15:10 AM »
I upgraded to 11.15 and 3 errors appeared.
See attachment.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Double Drop Overrides if Submenu:
« on: June 21, 2019, 03:47:20 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I noticed the Double Drop Overrides if Submenu: xxxx
Is it hard to add or create a  Double Drop Overrides if Submenu: Color ?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Auto complete
« on: June 03, 2019, 12:50:00 PM »

Is it possible when I enter a complete new value into an autocomplete field (value will not be shown as autocomplete),
to have that value added to the lookup file and have the form act as if the value already existed in the lookup file?
If so, how would I do that?



When I click the Certificates button in the settings tab, I get a "Unable to get certificate - Challenge  was invalid" notification.
The process resolved my IP-address but I don't know if that's done by LE or by my app.

  • My server is behind a router.
  • The domain name is in the settings tab of the server window;
  • In the Certificates folder I found the two <domain>.xxx files
  • I have port 80 and 443 open in my router (port forwarding);
  • My firewall has port 80 and 443 open for my application;
  • I use NO-IP as a DNS for my IP-address (Could this be an issue? It isn't when I have an insecure web-server, port 80 only.)
Any hints in the right direction are really welcome.

Rene Simons

Web Server - Ask For Help / Password in the Settings Table
« on: May 05, 2019, 07:21:34 AM »

When creating an app of some sort, at one time the user has to enter his/her credentials.
Think of a User name and a Password at least.

The Settings-table tab in the Activate Nettalk Web Server Window has an entry for the name of the password field in the Settings Table.
Now I have learned that storing passwords is a very bad habbit so I have doubts about storing the password in the Settings Table.
The settings Table is stored on the server, but also on the device.

Does this mean that the password is also on the device and is it un-encrypted?
Is there a relatively secure way to store the password in the Settings Table without the risc of it being exposed in some way?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Basic Mobile Example-app
« on: April 19, 2019, 12:27:00 PM »
Hi Bruce,

I am trying to get to grips creating a mobile app.
The most sensible thing to do seems to me is using the (BasicMobile) in the NetTalk examples.
Loading and compiling the results in browses not being shown and errors in the console.
The Insert-button for the browses are being shown. But the browses are not.
I checked the countries.tps file and there are records in that file to be shown. But the browse isn't.
See BrowseCountries.png

Using the insert-button shows a popup form for entering a Country-record.
See InsertCountry.png

Filling out the form and clicking the Save-button results in a lot of errors in the console. And no new data in the countries.tps .
See ConsoleErrors.png

Kind regards,

Web Server - Ask For Help / static page with dynamic content
« on: March 21, 2019, 11:18:32 PM »

I have this page with dynamic content.
Whenever I make a manual change in the static or dynamic part, the page that appears in the browser still looks the same as before.
I have cleared the browser's cashe but that does not help.
I even added a parameter to the url to force the server to really reload the page.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?



My first attempt to create a phone-app.

When I use forms in popup-mode, no fields appear in the form.
When I define the form as a link, the fields show themselves.
I have had this issue before e.g. having the login-form to appear as a popup. It showed no fields.
I worked around it then but now I need the popup mode.


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