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Topics - Rene Simons

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 13
Web Server - Ask For Help / Using SQLite
« on: March 22, 2021, 06:40:21 AM »
Hi Bruce,

Can I use SQLite for a WebServer app?
"Of course you can" you will say.
But is it wise /smart? Are there restrictions that could keep me from doing so.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Browseline height
« on: February 16, 2021, 02:06:13 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I recently upgraded to NT12 (07) and noticed that the line height in my browses is rather big so there's a lot of white above and below every line
I think this is because the buttons are somewhat big.
Is there a way to make the buttons smaller by default?


Web Server - Ask For Help / mime type css files
« on: December 30, 2020, 12:21:04 AM »
Hi all,

In my multi site host, the css does not kick in.
The console in chrome shows :

Refused to apply style from <blah blah>
MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.

Where/how can I change the MIME type for a css file?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Multi site host
« on: December 23, 2020, 03:04:19 PM »
Hi Bruce,
I am creating a multi site host, following the instructions I found in a pdf on the Capesoft site.
When I compile, I get errors:
  • Unknown identifier: GRAPHVIEW:2:1 (3x)
  • Unknown identifier: DONTSHOWTHISAGAIN (1X)

The first ones are caused by not having Insight Graph 2 in my template set.
Is that template a requirement?
Otherwise, is this fixable?

The last one I fixed myself by declaring that one.

I am currently on NT 11.45 APPS
Also the latest Draw template is present in the app

Stay safe and healthy.
Merry Christmas,

René Simons

I am retrieving data using the Google Data Api.
These api's return json-formatted data sets.
The maximum list size I can receive is 50 items per call.
When there are more items available, the URL used to retrieve the data must be extended  with '&nextPage=<NextPageToken>.
And the URL has to be called again to retrieve the next (max.) 50 items. And again and again etc.

This calls for a loop, I would guess.
The NetWebClient requires that after calling the URL, further processing is executed in the .PageReceived or ErrorTrap methods, depending on how succesful the .fetch method was.
My understanding is that the .fetch method does not wait until the execution of the .PageReceived has finished before it moves on.

What I would like to know.
How can I process the received data in the .PageReceived method and return the value in order to be able to know to retrieve the next batch of data? In other words: How can I simolate a loop, based on info from the retrieved json-data?

René Simons


Web Server - Ask For Help / Using SrverBrowseWizzard NT apps 11.38
« on: July 08, 2020, 01:58:49 AM »

When I use the ServerBrowseWizzard, the values in the browse appear to be bold.
When I create the browse manually, it appears as normal.


Web Server - Ask For Help / css in divs
« on: May 15, 2020, 03:54:35 AM »
Hi Bruce,

When I start my (NT) webserver and press F12 I can see the HTML code and the css-classes that are used in the various divs.
For every NetWebForm and NetWebBrowse there is a CSS-tab in the template where one can input a css-class-name that one wants to apply to that specific part of the HTML source that is generated for the web-application.

In order to find out which part of the page is affected by which (custom) css-class-name, I have filled out all the fields with a unique, easy identiable name (see attachment1.png) with a leading space, so that the css-class-names, asigned by NTWS remain present in the HTML code. (All my css-class-names start with 'qdl', as QDL.NL is my company name).

Then I compiled the app went to localhost:88 in my browser and pressed F12.
To my surprise not all the divs in the page that have nt- or ui- class-names embedded, have one of my qdl- class-names present.
Most of them have though.
Problem for me is that I also want to tweak some of the css settings of these divs.
In order to do that, I create the same css-class in my custom.css and tweak the class the same way I have tweaked the original class in the browser.
I don't know if I have to use the '!important' option or not, but to be on the safe side I use it.
When I refresh the page, I see that the changes I have made have effect. I also notice that the line in the original css, is crossed out. Is that because I have canged the line in my custom.css .
Problem (for me) however is that all references to that specific css-class "look" at the one in custom.css .

What to do if I don't want that.
Main question is, is it possible to add a new class-name to all divs that normally use ny- or ui- classes?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Off topic: OnsenUI and Monaca sites gone?
« on: April 08, 2020, 01:58:37 PM »
Yesterday I was reading into the Onsenui on web-site and suddenly the site doesn't respond anymore.
Has anyone an idea as of where I can find info on the status of this sort of sites?
Same goes for

Web Server - Ask For Help / syncserver NT-APPS 11.32
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:37:46 AM »

When I follow the rules as in document C:/Clarion11/accessory/Documents/Capesoft/NetTalk/NetTalkApps.Htm#Introduction
(step 5 : On the What Do You Want to Create tab select Server API's to Sync Disconnected Data)
I end up with an empty sync app.

when I also tick one of the other options, besides the  webserver(window) etc., the login and sync and sync per table are generated.

What is the right thing to do?


Web Server - Ask For Help / column width of browse columns.
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:35:56 AM »

I am creating an application  in 'Table" mode beacause in this case I don't need responsiveness.
It seems i cannot set the column width for browse columns.
How can I achieve that?


The Rest - Ask For Help / How to set the HTTP headers
« on: January 26, 2020, 08:54:19 AM »
Hi all,

I have acces to an API where I can obtain inof I need for my web-application.
To use it I need to set the HTTP-headers. The specs for the header can be seen in the attached image.
I have no idea on how to set these headers.

I guess I can call the URL after I set the HTTP-headers.
And then retrieve the received result in the Pagereceived embed.

Thanks in advance for helping me out here.


Web Server - Ask For Help / sync-on and sync-off png's missing
« on: January 09, 2020, 02:02:25 AM »

Am I correct when I see that sync-on and sync-off png's are missing in te /images folder?


Web Server - Ask For Help / onblur
« on: January 08, 2020, 11:10:43 PM »
Hi all,

I am trying to  create a PWA. Therefore some validation on the client side must be done in javascript.
Looking into the source of one of my netwebform procedures I noticed some JQUERY-javascript embed points.
See attachment.
  • Is it possible to write a validation (java-)script here?
  • Is the value of the field passed in variable elem? Or do I have to retrieve the value from the DOM first before I can process the entered value of that field?



Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebYear
« on: October 29, 2019, 11:52:50 PM »

When I use the small calendar tyoe , every month has a button with a small magnifying glass to enable the user to zoom in on that particular month.
(see CalendarSmall.png).
When I click the magnifying glass, a larger version of that month is shown. but the colors are missing here. (see NoColors.png).

Is this fixable in some way?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Prev and Next buttons in NetWebYear
« on: October 25, 2019, 03:09:07 AM »
Hi all,

Working my way through the NetWebYear procedure template,
I cannot find where to activate the previout and next buttons when I show a single month at the time.

Does anyone know how to do that?


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