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Messages - David

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Auto Refresh A Browse
« on: September 17, 2008, 07:27:18 AM »
oeb, thanks for posting your update.  I also had my browse in a form.  Once I moved it out of the form, the refresh started working.

Bruce, is it possible to get the browse refresh to work on browses that are in a form?

So something else is the problem... If I only use text, then the header is directly above the table.  When I add an image as a background to the header, I get white space between my header and my table.  Thanks for clarifying the <br>.  I will have to play with the my css.

Correct, there is just one <br></br>

However, I have unchecked the Blank Line After Heading.  So I should not have a <br></br>.  If I check the Blank Line After Heading, then I get:


2 blank lines.  So my question is why the 1 blank line if I uncheck Blank Line After Heading?  Shouldn't there be 0 <br>'s?

On the NetTalk Browse Template, there is a checkbox to add a blank line after the Heading.  If checked, then I get 2 blank lines.  Unchecked gives me 1 blank line.  I have attached screen shots showing this.  Is this behaviour a mistake or intentional?

I am trying to add a image as the background for the header using a custom css file.  However, I then get the blank line between the header and the browse table.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I think you are getting the 404 error because you have not told NetTalk what page to go to if the use has to be logged in.

On your WebServer procedure:
1. Double Click the WebServer Extention, Click Setting, General Tab
2. Fill in the Logon Page prompt with the name of your login page ex. 'logon.html'

Then when the session times out and a user clicks on a link that requires them to be logged in, they will be re-directed to your logon page.  Attached is a screen print.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Auto Refresh A Browse
« on: September 03, 2008, 06:25:07 AM »
4.31 PR11

On a NetWebBrowse, under the Advanced tab, I have set the timer to 30 sec and the refresh to current.  On my webserver the log shows that every 30 seconds a request is made for the browse.  However, the browse does not update until click on the link again.

Anyone have a thought as to what I am missing?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Help With Membership
« on: November 07, 2007, 12:24:30 PM »
I am using bitwise functions, BAND / BXOR, to assign security groups to users.  Since the groups are longs, I can have 32 groups available and 32 groups assigned to the user.  I have a form with 2 browses on it.

Available Security Groups                               Assigned Security Groups
Supper High Security                                                   Medium Security
Low Security

The idea would be for a user to click on a button to "Assign" or "Un-Assign" a security group.  On the server, perform a BXOR and turn on/off the security group.  My issue is that I do not know how to identify which security group the user was on when they clicked "Assign" and how to refresh the browser.

Any ideas or suggestions on a different approach?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Button on each row of a Browse
« on: October 25, 2007, 08:40:20 AM »

What version of NetTalk are you using?  I am in 4.29 and can not get the button to show up on a browse.  It works fine on a form.  The example 28 that ships with NetTalk also does not show the button set with action other.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Restrict Access to certain pages
« on: October 24, 2007, 07:16:32 AM »

Thanks for your reply.  Yes, I have all the pages I do not want people visiting hidden via the menu and IF conditions that NetTalk has available.  However, if someone logs into the website as a base user and then types the ULR http://MyWebService/admin/createusers.html there is no control that says the user is not an administrator.

I have setup access rigths for the users and check the rights before displaying menu options, but as stated above, there is nothing stopping a user from typing the url directly in.

I will give your suggestion of embedding code into the procedure setup.  If I have to do that on every page I want to protect, then it is probably a good candidate for the template  :)

Web Server - Ask For Help / Restrict Access to certain pages
« on: October 22, 2007, 09:37:10 AM »
NetTalk 4.29

On the Advanced tab of a nettalk procedure, there is a checkbox indicating that the user must be logged in before they can see the page.  Is there a way to perform a check and then re-direct if the check fails?  If not...

Bruce, please consider adding two additional prompts to the Advanced tab.

Prompt 1: a entry field where I can set my own criteria ex. if use:admin = False
Prompt 2: what page to display if prompt 1 fails

Web Server - Ask For Help / Button on each row of a Browse
« on: October 22, 2007, 09:11:59 AM »
NetTalk 4.29

I have a form with 2 browses on it.  Browse 1 is a list of available departments and Browse 2 is a list of assigned departments.  I want to include a button in each row on both browses.  Clicking the button would assign or unassign the hilighted department.


1. I can not seem to get a button (other) to show in a browse.  I looked at example 28 and it is setup for an other button in a browse, but it does not show up when run.

2. what embed woud I use to update my filter variable.

Thanks for your help.

In a validate embed, I want to cause the users browser to goto a specific web page based on their input.  Can this be done, and if so, how?


If ACC:AccountClose = true
  <send browser to webpage ....>
  do some other stuff

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: CAPTCHA & Nettalk?
« on: June 26, 2007, 12:40:14 PM »

I am using Capesoft Draw and generating the Captcha images to be used for registration.

I have a worker thread that gererates random numbers and letters, uses Draw to create a png image and then add the image name and generated text into a memory table.  Every 24 hours the images and memory table are deleted and then recreated.

On the WebForm, I "Display" a random image and have an input field for the user.  The image text is saved to a session variable.  Using the validation embeds, I check the user input against the session variable.

If it has not already been sugested, I am going to post a feature request for a Captcha template.

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