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Topics - David

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Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebForm- Change Password
« on: March 10, 2023, 03:15:13 PM »

I have a memory form with 3 string fields: Old Password, New Password1, New Password2.  Using a password generator a user tried to change their password to fx^i*q-tXP3DM,rur}W&#t

When leaving the NewPassword1 and NewPassword2 field NetTalk removes the &#t from the end of the password.

I seem to remember that there was a template setting to allow HTML and unsafe HTML but can't find it anywhere for a string field.  The Wizard generated LoginForm does allow for that password to be used.  I'm just stuck trying to see what is different on the LoginForm and my form.  Any suggestions?

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT12.55 NetDemo Compile Error
« on: March 03, 2023, 07:27:39 AM »
unmodified app compile error: ThisSendEmail.AuthToken = pEmail.pToken

In a NetWebForm, if I set a blob field to be required the generated code causes a compile error.

Generated Code
ValidateValue::MyBlobField  Routine
          If MyBlobField = ''
            loc:Invalid = 'MyBlobField'
            MyBlobField:IsInvalid = true
            if not loc:alert then loc:alert = p_web.translate('Message to Send:') & ' ' &
          do OpenFiles
          If loc:invalid = '' then p_web.SetSessionValue('MyBlobField',MyBlobField).


for the DROP field there is the Value field, description field, and you can add additional fields to the view.  I have added an additional field to the view and want to use that value to then hide/unhide other fields on the form.  From my testing it does not appear that NT is writing the DROP record fields to Session values.  Would it be possible to add a DROP template option to write the selected DROP record fields to Session values?


Web Server - Ask For Help / NT12.52 - opening file error in DebugView
« on: December 21, 2022, 07:16:02 PM »
Since upgrading from NT12.50 to NT12.52 I am seeing the following errors in DebugView.  They don't appear to be causing any issues... but.  I added the 3 dots in in the path to reduce length.

[7484] [st] [netTalk][thread=4] Error [-1:2] opening file: C:\...\web\-browsemsglogcontainer_value
[7484] [st] [netTalk][thread=4] Error [-1:2] opening file: C:\...\web\browsemsglogcontainer-browsemsglogcontainer_value
[7484] [st] [netTalk][thread=4] Error [-1:2] opening file: C:\...\web\-updateservice_value

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT12 - Copy-To-Clipboard Button for Fields
« on: April 10, 2022, 07:28:50 AM »
Is there a built-in copy field to clipboard button in NT12?  If not, what code would I need to make this work in both browses and on forms?

Thank you,

When setting a conditional display for a field in a browse it appears that applying the css for the color is increasing the column width on either side.  This has the affect of shifting the columns on either side of the colored column.  This then makes the browse grid wavy.  Attached screenshot of effect and the conditional display screen.

Also, the Wizarded default footer doesn't handle more than about 10 browse rows.  This can also be seen in the screenshot.

NT 11.30

The documentation says that "token" is automatically included in the client app ServerSync procedure when sending the data to the server.   When I look at the logs on the server I see that "token" is indeed included without any value.   How do I set the value of Token?  I do not see it as a local variable in the ServerSync procedure and I don't see it as a template option.  I can add "token" to the Custom Fields but then "token" is included twice.

Thank you.

Using the WebClient .SetValue() I add several parameters and then fetch the URL.  How do I clear the internal list of parameters that were added with SetValue()? 

I tried:

If I first run this
MyWebClient.SetValue('parm1', 'my text')

Then after the PageReceived I run this

I can see in the logs that parm1 was added to the fetched URL.  I can probably solve this with MyWebClient.DeleteValue('Parm1') but was wondering then what .Start() was for.  And if I do a .Start() do I still need to do .SetAllHeadersDefault()?

NT11.04, Clarion 11

After reading the docs :-) I added a Sync procedure, using the Wizard, and then tried adding a SyncAccounts procedure using ServerWebServiceMethodWizard.  The generated code for CheckForToken is missing information.  I went through the wizard a few times to make sure I wasn't missing anything and then went trough the "Actions" tab to see if anything obvious was missing.  Below is the generated code.  You can see that the ExistsValue('') and GetValue('') are missing information.  There is a line where the left side of the = is missing.  Is there something I need to add to a setting or is this a bug?

CheckForToken  routine
! Start of "Start of CheckForToken Routine"
! [Priority 5000]

! End of "Start of CheckForToken Routine"
    ! before getting started check to see if there is a token for the session ID
    If p_web.xml = 0 and p_web.json = 0 ! incoming parameters are just url encoded, either in the URL, or as post data, or as a cookie.
      If p_web.IfExistsValue('') then  = p_web.GetValue('').
    ElsIf p_web.xml = 1
       = strxml.between(p_web.Nocolon(lower('<token>'),Net:SingleUnderscore+Net:NoSpaces),p_web.Nocolon(lower('</token>'),Net:SingleUnderscore+Net:NoSpaces))
    ElsIf p_web.json = 1
      json.RemovePrefix      = false  ! token field won't be in a structure, so no concept of prefix, so no need to remove it.
      json.ReplaceColons      = true
      json.ReplacementChars  = '_'
      if json.LoadString(strjson) = jf:ok
         = json.GetPropertyValue('token',1)
      Else ! jf:error
        p_web.AddServiceError(Error:InvalidJson,'SyncAccounts', '', json.error,'Review JSON data and correct it.')
      p_web.SessionID =

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT11 TLS Program Load Error
« on: November 14, 2018, 12:22:10 PM »
NT 11.01, LetsEncrypt

I've installed Visual Studio 2017 (x86) runtime.  In reading the NT documentation Msvcr120.dll has a line through it which makes me believe I no longer need it since I installed VS 2017 runtime.  Note, the installed VS runtime is not in my program folder but wherever the installer put it.  I'm not sure where to go from here.

If I delete Msvcr120.dll then I get the following error:
[st] [netTalk][thread=1] NetSimple.ErrorTrap -73 Unable to Listen on TCP Port 443 NetSimple(Server).Open

With Msvcr120.dll in the program folder I get the following error and my site will not load:
SSL_Our_ServerListen : SSL Error. Could not load Certificate File. rl_SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file [C:\myapp\certificates\localhost.crt] returns 0

Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebForm - File Upload Using StringTheory
« on: October 01, 2018, 04:28:00 AM »
NT 10.34

I'm trying to use a StringTheory object as the storage for a Text field and a file upload field in a NetWebForm.  In the local data I added 2 fields both as Type StringTheory.  Once compiled I get errors because the Nettalk template generated code is still treating those fields as variables and trying to assign data to/from them.

example: p_web.SetSessionValue('stUploadedData',stUploadedData)

In the NetTalk Usergroup video 202 Ashley had a question about uploading 3 files and Bruce showed him how to set the local fields as Type StringTheory.  I was using this as the bases for my setup.  What step am I missing?


What embed would I use and method to post to debugview what I'm posting?

Thank you.

I have a Wizard created server, no changes, and a desktop client app.  The servers is writing to TPS files in the same folder as the server and the client is using a copy of the dct with the database driver set to memory.  When I add a record to the client and then click 'Start', on the ServerSync window, syncing runs and tells me 1 record was sent.  I can see in the log on the server that it is receiving information from the client.  However, looking at the TPS file on the server side the record wasn't added.

Is there some obvious things I can check and then maybe some tips on how to trace this down if the obvious doesn't work?

Below is the JSON the server log is showing.

   "token" : "",
   "table" : "objects",
   "action" : "sync",
   "everythingafter" : 0,
   "objects" : [
         "guid" : "IC0CHF4CO6TRYWSD",
         "ts" : 1466425346200,
         "sts" : 0,
         "dts" : 0,
         "description" : "Obj1",
         "retired" : "",
         "retireddate" : 0,
         "dateadded" : 78702,
         "whoadded" : "",
         "searchstring" : ""
         "guid" : "FOTSTU5O6A6VY4JY",
         "ts" : 1466425871045,
         "sts" : 0,
         "dts" : 0,
         "description" : "Obj2",
         "retired" : "",
         "retireddate" : 78531,
         "dateadded" : 78702,
         "whoadded" : "me",
         "searchstring" : "me"

I have a many to many relationship and am using a 3rd table to link the other two.  In a NetWebBrowse I want to filter if there is a record in the link table.  To do this, I have a source procedure, TagLink(string xTagRecordID, string xMyRecordID), LONG.  This procedure returns a 1 if there is a link between the two tables.

My filter is: 'TagLink(TAG:TagID, p_web.GSV(<39>OBJ:ObjectID<39>)) = 1'

I am assuming I need to do a BIND('TagLink', TagLink) at the beginning of NetWebBrowse procedure so that it will work correctly in the filter.  However, C10 is giving me the following compile error on the BIND line of code.

Attribute variable must have string type

Is there a different way to do this or am I missing something on BIND?

Thank you for your assistance.

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