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Messages - hkalmbach

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Set the picture of a spinner field
« on: August 15, 2018, 05:32:55 AM »

perhaps I am blind, but I don't find the possibility to set the picture of a spinner field in a web form.
What I want to do is to have a time (only time) field which spins by 15 minutes (step 90000).
I have a long variable, minimum 1, maximum 8640000 and want to use the picture @t1
But there is no picture field...

Does somebody know wheres the mistake?

Thanks a lot.



is there a way to solve the following problem in a net web form:

I have several tabs on my form, at start some are hidden some not.
Now by pressing a button the conditions for the tabs should be changed (Send new value to server, serverside code), the form should be refreshed and according to the conditions other tabs should be shown.

Can I do this by some kind of refresh or does the form itself should be called by URL again?

Thanks for every hint.


Thanks a lot. I first tried the suggestion of Bruce.
I made a tab for the questions. First this tab is displayed by hide/unhide conditions.
On this tab I placed a button which on click calls the form itself with a parameter that tells the form not to display the questions again.
Then have my normal form with lookups and so on. But now the form does not work correct any more.
- If I use a lookup that displays a browse to select from I don't get back to my form.
- If I select from a dropdown menu and save the form the value is not saved.
- If I enter a text in a text field and save the text is not saved.
I think some internal states of the form are not set correct.

What's the error?
Is it the wrong way to call the form itself when finished the question to call itself?
How can I accept the answers of the question tab, reload the form in normal way (as update form) that the form works correct?

Thanks for every help

Cheers Heinz


I have the following task:
- a user has a browse with orders. There he uses the change button to edit the order as usual.
- Before the order is displayed there has to be done a check. If the check is negative not the update form should be displayed but a form with some questions.
- After answering the questions and saving the question form there should be two possibilites. If the answers are ok then the update form of the order should be called. If the answer is not ok then the user should come back to the browse.
- If the first check is positive the update form should be displayed directly

Can this be solved by a redirection?
Where, in the 'procedure setup embed' of the update form?
If I am in the question form an save with positive answers, how do I get back correctly to the update form?
How to the browse?

Thanks for every help.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NetTalk disconnected desktop app
« on: May 22, 2018, 02:13:40 AM »
Hi Bruce,

thanks for your answer.
I think I found most of what I need:
- In the ServerSync procedure on client side the possibility to filter records on client side.
- In the syncFile procedure of the server the possibility to filter the records on Server side, they are filtered with FileView{Prop:Filter} in the routine BuildResultFields
(This I need, because in one case on the server there are > 100.000 records, the client only should get ~20 of these records, starting with an empty table, and the filter on client side here is very much to slow, it takes than half an hour even if the server and client are on the same computer.)

But some questions are left:
- in my case I have a main table with serveral sub tables. The main table is this where the client should get the mentioned 20 records. All the sub records of these 20 main records should be synced to the client, but only they, not the complete sub tables (these may contain > 100.000 records each).
How can I filter them on server side to get a fast sync? If I filter them on client side all 100.000 records have to be sent and checked, and only lets say 100 are ok and are inserted in the client table.
- The main table in addition to the GUID field has an autonumbered order number field. If a client creates a new  order and this is synced to the server it may be, that the order number of the client already is used on the server. Therefore I create a new order number in PrimtFields:File. This works so far. But if after the first sync, where the record gets to the server with a new order number, the record is changed on the client, the server record is not updated again. I saw that the problem starts in SyncRecord:File because the record on client side has no ServerTimeStamp and therefore is look at as an incoming insert.
Should the record be resynced from the server to get back the ServerTimeStamp?
The next step is, that if I get an error in InsertRecord:File (Duplicate) the next check is ReallyTheSame:File, but this does not result in a positive result because the order number is different. How can I manage this case?
- If I have the described situation that after the first sync there is an order on the server with different order number, but same GUID as on the client, and then on the server the record is changed, should this change be synced to the client with the next snyc? This does not happen.

Thanks a lot for hellp.


Web Server - Ask For Help / NetTalk disconnected desktop app
« on: May 15, 2018, 06:47:36 AM »

I have the following task. I want to build an offline client programm for a windows device, there as first step a disconnected desktop app.
This client should be used in the following way:
- People walk around in a factory with the device, on the device they have their tasks (orders), work with them and later this should be synchronised with the server
- On the offline device they should have not the complete server data base, but a selection of data corresponding to their person. Therefore at the beginning of each day the client data base should be empty in regard of the orders, some other tables stay filled on the client, as basic data like machines, persons. The emptying can be done after synchronizing the last day.
- For the actual day there should be the possibilty to tell the sync procedure, that only orders from the server are fetched which have been assigned to the actual person on the server. Other records of the order table should not be fetched.
- This selection or filter should be set in the client app while connected to the network and as soon a filter is set and the next sync is started the related records should be fetched from the server.

Is it possible to do this with the sync procedure or do I have to write an own procedure which copies the relevant records from the server data base to the client database?

Thanks for every hint


Web Server - Ask For Help / Show the contents (files) of a folder
« on: May 08, 2018, 01:21:52 AM »

I have a web app where the user can look at dokuments attached to a machine. In the browse the document paths are shown and the documents can be opened in the browser (pdf's, word doc's, ...). This works fine.
Now a user has a lot of documents and does not want to attach each document to the machine, but wants to attach the folder where the documents a stored to the machine.
In the clarion windows program its no problem to have links to documents in the data base as well as a link to a folder. If the user wants to see the folder I can open an explorer window to show the content of the folder.
Is it possible to do something similar with NetTalk? That means to have the path of a folder in the database, show it to the user and when he clicks on it to show him the contents of this folder?

Thanks for every hint.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Disconnected Web app
« on: April 11, 2018, 11:34:58 PM »
One addition:
Updates seem not to work. I change the name of one of the countries and see the changes in the browser, also in the window of the sync server, but not in the tps file???
New inserts I see there at one.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Disconnected Web app
« on: April 11, 2018, 11:26:54 PM »
Sorry, I was not finished.
The strange behaviour:
- I call the server for the app (port 88) locally with chrome and add a country. I can close the browser, reconnect, and the inserted country is visible
- I call the server for the app from a second computer, I don't see the country from the first computer, but I can insert also countries and see them after restarting the browser there
- I don't see the countries of the second computer on the first one
- In the tps file I see all countries

What ist wrong here

Thanks for help

Web Server - Ask For Help / Disconnected Web app
« on: April 11, 2018, 11:23:07 PM »

I am testing the example disconnected web. Some things work, some not. I have the following questions:

- Am I right that in addition to the server of the example which serves the app I need a second server for the sychronisation of the data, which runs on a second port?
- I created this second server and get some kind of synchronisation. But it behaves strange in some way:

Hi together,

I am trying to create an web disconnected app. As first step I prepare my dictionary. Bruce wrote in the documents in the 'Clarion dictionary tips' to create a global section and a variable st of type STRINGTHEORY.

Clarion Dictionary Tips
Add a Globals data section
Add a variable, st, to this section. Set the type to STRINGTHEORY

How can I do this? I created a global section. If I add a column st I only get the clarion data types, but not stringtheory as type.

Thanks for every help.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Call a QR code app
« on: March 14, 2018, 12:44:38 AM »
Hi Bruce,
sorry I lost the focus on this subject, too much different things...

In the end, the value of the barcode should be placed in a variable of the web form and I would like to place code there to look in the database for the correct record belonging to this code.
In some way it should behave like a lookup field where you enter manually the value and the webform checks the value in the database and fetches the other values like description...


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Call a QR code app
« on: January 16, 2018, 05:56:40 AM »
Hi Bruce,
I don't mean a barcode reader as a additional device. I want to use the camera of a smart phone or a tablet to read 1-dimensional barcodes.
To do this you normally have an app on the device which calls the camera, makes a picture and interprets the code on the picture.
What happens afterwards depends on the app. Some apps just copy the result to the clipboard others directly call an URL or something else.

What I want to do is to read a barcode in a normal web form and put the code into a input field. The barcode contains only a number (perhaps from a machine or a spare part). With this number I go to the database and fetch the correct record. The handling should be to press a button on the form, this calls the app to read and interpret the barcode, close the app and be able to get the number from the clipboard of the device or on some other way to put it into a input field of the form.

In the case where the user has a barcode reader as extra device (connected via USB) I already use this and it works. Here the software of the USB barcode reader puts the number it read into the keyboard queue and in this way it directly goes into the input field of the form.

But it would be better to be able to use the camera which is already in the device.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Call a QR code app
« on: January 12, 2018, 08:15:19 AM »

is it possible to call a barode app from a web form procedure with a button click?
The QR-Code app is an app to read barcodes. Normally this app starts the camera, allows to scan a barcode, interprets the code and puts the code to the clipboard, calls an url coded in a QR code or does some other action.
What I want to reach, is to call the barcode app, read the code (in my case a simple 1-d barcode) and get the number it contains into a Variable or a Session Value.
In the moment I am using an app called QR Code reader for Android from google play store.

Thanks for every help.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Manually created lookup button
« on: December 21, 2017, 07:14:15 AM »
Hi Bruce,

one addition: I am working with pages here, not popups.



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