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Messages - Mike Grigsby

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Niggling problem with FreeImage for Clarion
« on: November 27, 2013, 12:39:05 PM »
Hello Larry, Sorry for the delay. Attached is a screen shot of how the images look (fuzzy) on the browse, and one of the two images that were uploaded and resized using the previously posted code. Thanks for any insight.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Niggling problem with FreeImage for Clarion
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:20:57 PM »
Thanks so much Larry. I haven't talked with you in years. Weren't you on Team TopSpeed years ago?

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion, and attached is a screen snippet of my terrible looking downsized thumbnails in action.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Niggling problem with FreeImage for Clarion
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:21:36 PM »
Thanks Larry, The image is almost always larger, and i am pretty familiar with digital images. I know, even in photoshop, if you down sample an image, you sometimes have to sharpen them. Maybe I need to run some sharpening function on it, but havent seen that in Free Image yet.

I'm filtering a browse (I'm using a bit of short hand here, because I actually do this in the browse filter loop embed), but I need to evaluate if a member type is an "a" or a "m", then show records that are not disabled but have been vetted by the administrator.

So this works:

'USE:MemberType=''m'' AND USE:Vetted=''1'' AND USE:Disabled=''0'''

But I need to check two member types, and this does not work:

'USE:MemberType=''m'' OR USE:MemberType=''a'' AND USE:Vetted=''1'' AND USE:Disabled=''0'''

I can't get my head around it. I can't figure out how to isolate the OR. Thanks in advance.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Custom Image on Button
« on: November 19, 2013, 08:56:27 AM »
One of the things I like about the system is you can add your own CSS styles file, and it comes last in the generation of the style on the page. So I have a running file of customizations in my file orfolio.css, in my case.

I use Firebug or Stylebot to view the element, then copy the style element from the netweb.css (or wherever) into orfolio.css, tweak the name from .nt-prompt to .orfolio-nt.prompt, for example, and customize it to my needs, then change the field or button's css element to my own. That would include adding an image to a button, of course.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Niggling problem with FreeImage for Clarion
« on: November 19, 2013, 08:24:31 AM »
First, I don't think there is a FreeImage forum for Clarion users is there?

I am creating a thumbnail image (so it displays properly in the space allocated on my browse).  So in the form, I have the following code, but it creates a really fuzzy image (not sharp). Does anyone know of a solution for this? I have played with the filters a bit, and it doesn't seem to help. Thanks!

  If p_web.GetValue('USE:PortraitImage')
    If ThumbImage.iImage.Load(clip(  & '\' & p_web.GetValue('USE:PortraitImage'))
      ThumbImage.iImage.Thumbnail(220, FILTER_BSPLINE)
      ThumbImage.iImage.SaveAs(clip( & '\' & p_web.GetValue('USE:PortraitImage'))
      USE:PortraitImage = p_web.GetValue('USE:PortraitImage')

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Clarion FreeImage documentation?
« on: August 09, 2013, 07:42:41 AM »
Thanks so much Larry. That makes things a lot more clear.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Clarion FreeImage documentation?
« on: August 04, 2013, 09:03:26 AM »
Thanks Bruce, I was trying to use more of the hand code stuff. The exact Clarion code is a bit hidden in template code, and the FreeImage docs are not very clear on "here's how to resize an image and specify its size." I'll just grind through it I guess.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Clarion FreeImage documentation?
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:46:48 PM »
I have just switched over my NetTalk Web apps from ImageEx to Clarion FreeImage, just because it's a little cleaner. But I can't seem to find documentation to tell me what I can do with FreeImage for Clarion.

I used some code Bruce put up to create a thumbnail, but it doesn't really give me the control over producing an image of a specific size.

For example, I need to resize all images to 480 wide and have the height proportional, but I can't seem to get where to do that in the actual FreeImage docs, since they are not Clarion specific. Anyone know if there is actual Clarion template/code docs/help, or how to manage this specific example? Thanks!

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Backslashes to front slash
« on: February 26, 2013, 10:06:57 AM »
I thought I recalled a function that converted a string, like a path, from backslashes to front slashes, for use in a url.

In my case, I wanted to display a helpfile which is an html.

For example, something like...


Web Server - Ask For Help / Backslashes to front slash
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:55:16 PM »
I can't for the life of me recall how to submit a path to the object and have it returned with front slashes. I can build my own, but thought I should know for future use. Do you happen to recall? Thank you!

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: does nettalk support tapi
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:53:39 AM »
Can you offer more specifics on how it would be used?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Filter child browse
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:08:51 PM »
Thanks Bruce. I think my issue is that I can't seem to get the category info in order to filter the child browse. I thought I read something about capturing a row ID or something. If I try to get the category info, it is blank or zero.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Filter child browse
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:36:08 AM »
Dont know why I am so challenged by this, but I have a parent browse (category) with. Child browse (person) as a child, and appears on the right. What is the right approach for filtering the child with just the category selected on the parent form?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Make button into link
« on: January 22, 2013, 11:49:34 PM »
Hi Bruce, I should fix the root of my problem which is the login form doesnt process when pressing the enter key, so I thought I would make the user click a link instead. I know how to add a link to the form to go to another page, but I need to process the login code first.

I have the login page set up pretty much exactly as the example, but want the login button to be a link instead of a button.

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