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Topics - Alberto

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 46
Web Server - Ask For Help / Performance NetWebForm
« on: August 21, 2024, 06:07:37 AM »
Hi, anyone recalls how to make it work?
Ive added the performance form, set the Websokets script but it does not work, I cant remember what else to do and I cant find it in the help.

Web Server - Ask For Help / PageFooter Session Manager issue
« on: June 11, 2024, 10:55:38 AM »
session manager set in the pagefooter to go to the IndexPage
server timeout, lets say, set to 00:30
The user logs in and go to a browse, the session timer runs ok
If the user change the browser tab, the timer of the initial tab stops running or runs slow,
so, all the time the user is in another tab is not discounted from the session timer
But this does not happen to the internal delete session process timer
So the session is deleted by the server before the session manager timer reachs 0
And when the user goes to the initial tab, the last page is still there, the timer shows it left 00:15, but its session is deleted,
then when the user clicks on any control
It is redirect to the Login Page instead of the IndexPage
And this cause problems like...
If the user logs in again, its redirect to the last browse, the user clicks on change and the form appears all blanked.

It redirect to the selected page but it does not disconects the session.

Theres no need to attach an example, steps to reproduce:
Open BasicWithLogin (3) example
Goto the PageFooterTag and change the "Goto URL" from to 'LoginPage'
(using LoginFrom is better to see the effect)
Compile and Run
Set the Session Timeout to 00:01 to be faster
Login using demo/demo, the Browse menu appears
Wait 30 seconds for the session window, click on End Session 
You will be redirected to the LoginForm but...
- the Browse menu is still there and you can click and enter any of the browse menu items.
- the Session timer is still running in the footer

HI, the Drop control has a template opction to translate or not its possible values.
See pic.
It does not work, it always translate.

Problem is in netweb.tpw line 7807

Web Server - Ask For Help / Center a WebBrowse
« on: November 08, 2023, 10:15:32 AM »
Hi, to center a WebBrowse, his locator and buttons, I need to add the following css code:
(pic attached)

div#browsetasas_div {
    text-align: -webkit-center;
div#browsetasas_table_div {
    text-align: -webkit-center;
div#browsetasas_nav_b {
    place-content: center;
div#browsetasas_update_b_div {
    place-content: center;

Is there any other easy way?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Red cross icon in popups
« on: November 03, 2023, 04:57:36 AM »
Hi, is there any way of delete the close red cross icon in a popup window?
And any way of set it as modal so the user must click on a button to close?

Web Server - Ask For Help / WebServer Single Sign On (SSO)
« on: August 22, 2023, 06:16:25 AM »
Any way to loggin using SSO?
May be using the new Secwin?

If you are showing a simple web browse with Name and Address and this data is comming from a ws reading, that is, its not entered manually, then you can found any kind of characters inside those fields and if any of this is not xHTML compatible then suddenly the browse does not refresh.
This happened to me, suddenly some Addresses comes with #xxx; coded characters. so in addition to the conversion from utf to ansi I need to use DecEntityToChar() in all the string fields, so...

Is there any st method or combination that cleans all the possible non xHTML characters from a string? no matter if you loose data?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Load balancing
« on: December 16, 2022, 09:41:24 AM »
Hi Bruce, Do you plain to add load balancing to NT14 ?

Web Server - Ask For Help / How about adding some helper funcions
« on: December 02, 2022, 03:01:47 PM »
How about some p_web helper functions like:

p_web.PushButton(string p_btnname)
    ex:    p_web.Script('document.getElementsByName(''bRefrescarMapa'')[0].click();')
p_web.ShowBusy(string p_left,string p_top)
    ex:    p_web.Script('$("#_busy").css(''left'',''50%'').css(''top'',''40%'').css(''display'',''flex'');')
    ex:    p_web.Script('$("#_busy").css(''display'',''none'');')

I have a Mem form that sest some filters and shows a browser with address to visit (lat/lon)
The form has a button wich calls another mem form with a map in it to shows the icons of the address on the map.
When there are many icons the form takes some time to appear, the mem form obly appears when the map i complete,
meanwhile the user still sees the actual mem form.
If the user gets impatient and leaves the filter form while the map form is beeing generated this thread is still working, the map is still beeing generated.
The same if the user enters again to the filter form and press again the map button.
Is there any way to show the map mem form before the map generation is beeing made? and show a message like "wait for the map"
Is there any way to delete the map thread if the user leaves the page and the map generation isnt finished?

Web Server - Ask For Help / GPF on Web Maps
« on: November 18, 2022, 07:18:36 AM »

Reported error : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION - Error reading data at : 0DB90008h
Windows : Win 10 - 10.0.19043
Clarion : 0.9
Thread : 3    Field : 0    Event : 1024    Keycode : 0
Error at address : 78D453EFh  Line=11258  Proc=R$PARENTCALL  Src=NetWeb.Clw  Module=C:\!sourceC111-NT12\GaosC11dll\DATA.dll 2022.11.17.320
Stack Trace
??? 009C6970h    Line ?=4432    no proc       Src=PaqWeb.clw
??? 790D3854h    Line ?=65    no proc       Src=Xplore.CLW    Module=C:\!sourceC111-NT12\GaosC11dll\DATA.dll 2022.11.17.320
[01] 78D7509Fh    Line=11236    Proc=_JSOK@F22NETWEBSERVERWORKERBASEOsbll  Src=NetWeb.Clw    Module=C:\!sourceC111-NT12\GaosC11dll\DATA.dll 2022.11.17.320
??? 009C6970h    Line ?=4432    no proc       Src=PaqWeb.clw
[02] 00788723h    Line=1656    Proc=R$VALUE::ACCIDENTSMAP  Src=PaqWeb028.clw

PaqWeb028.clw     NetWebForm with a Map control
AvonMap              PROCEDURE  (NetWebServerWorker p_web,long p_stage=0)
line 1656:
p_web.SetOption(loc:options,'title',p_web._jsok('Entregado: '&clip(ppqc:OrdenId)&' '&(ppqc:AvonDayRoute*1)&(ppqc:AvonTravelRoute*1)&' '&ppqc:AvonSecuenceRoute))

it calls _jsok with a string, it could be called hundred of times depending on the number of waypoints to draw.

line 11236:
  do ParentCall

NetWeb.Clw inside the ParentCall routine
line 11258:
    y = self.WebServer._jsok(self.AsciiToUtf(p_notok),html,ReturnValue)

The strings passed are like:
"Entregado: 68826397 31 40  4/11/22 07:29"
Ive added some AddLogs to see it in the log screen, see pic

The process of generating all the icons on the maps work ok, you get the map and can use it.
But the server goes slower and slower, I dont see nothing weird in the perfomance tab.
And when you CLOSE the server, yo need to restart it to solve the slowness... you get the GPS allways in the same lines.

Any idea?

Web Server - Ask For Help / How to force a re-login to go to the IndexPage
« on: November 17, 2022, 03:46:52 PM »
When a page needs to be logged in and you try to get it, it goes to the LoginPage, ok, but when you log in it tries to open the last page, which in some cases is a real problem.
How to go always to the IndexPage when logging in?

Web Server - Ask For Help / How to get rid of this errorning
« on: November 10, 2022, 12:47:47 PM »
I write errorning because its an error but the app compiles ok like it is a warning.
Its a DLL from a multi DLL app, its not the data.dll
I have this same errorning in 4 of 16 dlls and I can find the solution.
Please see pic
Any idea?

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT12 and winsocket perfomance form
« on: November 09, 2022, 01:13:06 PM »
Hi, it is not formating the numbers, please see pic.

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