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Topics - Johan de Klerk

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hi Bruce,

I need to get the file name that the user selected to be uploaded as soon as it was Selected via the "Add File" button.
If the File Name is wrong or it has already been uploaded I want to run some clarion code and Clear the File Name/Selection and popup an Alert Message and the Start button should not show.
Or check the file name, run my clarion code, popup alert message and press the "Clear" button.

I need to verify the file name before the user uploads a 50MB file and then only in the Save File Embed I reject it if the file name is wrong or it has already been uploaded.
Each user on the system have a specific format and file name to check.

Can you please explain how I can achieve the above.

In the FireFox Developer Tools I see the File Name and Size in this section after it was selected:
<table id="Tngv24" class="nt-upload-table ui-corner-all" style="">
<tr id="Xmh993e">
<td id="ZXmh993e">41 KB</td>
<td id="WXmh993e">
<span class="">Waiting</span>

Clarion 10, NetTalk 11.57.


Johan de Klerk

Hi Bruce,

You previously said you use WireShark to inspect NetTalk traffic.
Can you please explain how to use WireShark to inspect the NetTalk traffic.

I am testing on
I would like to see all the header & packet my browser send to the NetTalk server.
My NettTalk server connects to a web/API service on the internet.
I would like to see the headers & packets it sends to the web/API service and the return.
It would be great if you might be able to demonstrate this live also on n NetTalk webinar.

I have WireShark installed but either I am stupid or it is not capturing the correct data but I am not seeing anything that looks like header data.


Johan de Klerk


I have tried:
p_web.SetOption(loc:options,'yearRange', '-117')

I think it might be the '117' that is causing my Date Picker not to show.

Any help will be appreciated.


Johan de Klerk


I have the same Memory Form that is called as a POPUP from a inline button on a browse and it can also be called from a menu item.
Depending from where it is called from certain fields will be readonly or hidden.

How would I determine from where/who it was called from?


Johan de Klerk

Web Server - Ask For Help / How to change Prompt Text and ToolTip in Code
« on: October 08, 2023, 01:13:13 AM »

I need to change the Prompt Text and ToolTip in code depending on conditions.

If p_web.GSV('Option') = 1
    PromptText = 'Select Option 1:'
    ToolTip = 'This will give you the Customer Report'
ELSIF p_web.GSV('Option') = 2
    PromptText = 'Select Option 2:'
    ToolTip = 'This will give you the Invoices Report'
ELSIF p_web.GSV('Option') = 3
    PromptText = 'Select Option 3:'
    ToolTip = 'This will give you the Orders Report'
    PromptText = 'No Option Selected:'
    ToolTip = 'Please Select a option for the Report'

Any help would be appreciated.


Johan de Klerk

Web Server - Ask For Help / Conditionally Hide Insert Button on Browse
« on: September 14, 2023, 02:25:58 AM »

I have a browse with the Insert Button below the browse.

I want to Hide the Insert button with code like this:

IF p_web.GSV('HideTheInsertButton') = 'YES'
    !Hide - What code should I put in here?
    !UnHide - What code should I put in here?

Could someone please help with the code to Hide and Unhide the Insert Button.

Johan de Klerk
C10, NT 11.57

Web Server - Ask For Help / How to determine if Form is in View mode
« on: September 12, 2023, 04:09:47 AM »

Clarion Ver: 10.0.12799
NetTalk Ver.: 11.57

This has been driving me nuts for a full day now.

In my PreUpdate  Routine in the embed after ! Start of Pre Update After Primes" I have code to check if the Form is in View mode.
IF Loc:ViewOnly = TRUE
    p_web.SSV('Loc:MessageDisplayMessage','Record in View Mode ? No Editing Allowed')
    ! Assign correct values from Related Tables
    p_web.SSV('Loc:MessageDisplayMessage','Please Change Fields as Required')
    ! Clear Certain Fields to force new values

I have put debug statements in the embed to check the values of:

When I click on the InLIne View Button on the Browse my code runs 3 times in this embed.
This is the results from the Debug statements:
Loc:ViewOnly = 1
loc:action = View
loc:act = 5
Loc:ViewOnly = 1
loc:action = View
loc:act = 5
Loc:ViewOnly = 0
loc:action = Change
loc:act = 2
It changes from View to Change so it is messing up my code.

I would appreciate if someone can put me on the right track.

Johan de Klerk

Web Server - Ask For Help / URL on Save not Working - Memory PopUp Form
« on: September 18, 2021, 11:22:40 PM »

I have a NetWebForm that opens as a PopUp and is a Memory form.
This NetWebForm is called from a PopUp Browse.

In the NetWebForm I have set the:
URL on Save to 'SaveBrowseURL'
URL on Cancel to 'CancelBrowseURL'

However it returns to the original NetWebBrowse and completely ignores the URL on Save and URL on Cancel.
Does anyone have an idea of how I can fix this or what I am doing wrong.

Johan de Klerk
C10, NT 11.53

Web Server - Ask For Help / How to Enable and Disable CancelButton
« on: September 14, 2021, 04:55:40 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I have made my NetWebForm ViewOnly on a certain condition.
This works perfect.

Only one problem.
The Cancel Button is also Disabled.

Is there a command I can use right at the end of the GenerateForm Routine to enable the CancelButton?

Something like:
IF loc:viewonly = 1

Johan de Klerk

Hi Bruce,

C10 & NT11.50 question.

I have my sessiontimeout set to 5 minutes.

There are some pages (some requiring being logged in and some not requiring being logged in) where lots of information is required and the users sometimes needs to go and lookup the details.
By the time they have the information the 5 minutes has expired and the session deleted.
On these specific pages I would like to make the sessiontimeout = 15 minutes or even longer but not interfere with the rest of the application/users/pages 5 minute sessiontimeout.

Is this possible?


Johan de Klerk

Web Server - Ask For Help / NetTalk 11.49 CheckBox problem
« on: January 18, 2021, 02:33:41 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I upgraded to 11.49.

When I compiled I got errors on all my CheckBoxes.

When I checked the TRUE and FALSE VALUES was made blank by 11.49.
Changing them back to TRUE=1 and FALSE=0 fixed the problem.

I have a lot of forms that uses quite a lot of CheckBoxes.
Some forms have 30 CheckBoxes on them.


Johan de Klerk

Web Server - Ask For Help / WebSockets Refresh Question (NetTalk 12)
« on: December 23, 2020, 01:34:38 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I have one WebServer EXE.
Many companies each with their own Data Files in their own folders under the WebServer folder.
When a user logs in I open the data files for the company he is allocated to.

Lets say I have 5 users logged in per company, 10 companies.
That means 50 users are logged in.

On the Browse.
If user 1 (Company 1) changes something and the WebSockets fire up to refresh the Browse.
Will it send the Refresh to all 50 users or only to the 5 users that are currently working on Company 1?

On the Form.
If user 2 (Company 2) changes something and the WebSockets fire up to refresh the Form.
Will it send the Refresh to all 50 users or only to the 5 users that are currently working on Company 2?


Johan de Klerk

Run the example in C:\Clarion10\accessory\Examples\Capesoft\NetTalk\Web Server\LoginBeforeFrame (7)\

Try clicking the "Remember Me".
It does not work.

I think this is related to my previous post: Errors with 11.42 and EIP Check Box on Browse

Hi Bruce,

I have downloaded and 11.42.
Compiled fine with 11.41.

Compiling my app now gives me errors:
Unknown identifier: Y
Expected: <operator> ) , &= {
On this line:
packet.append(p_web.CreateInput('checkbox',p_web.nocolon('CompSetup:Paid'),1,p_web.combine(,,loc:fieldclass),loc:extra,' data-true="'Y'" data-false="'N'"',,loc:javascript,'inp'&p_web.crc32('BrowseCompanySetup_CompSetup:Paid'&CompSetup:Guid),,'inp'&p_web.crc32('BrowseCompanySetup_CompSetup:Paid'&CompSetup:Guid),,'eip')  & p_web.CRLF)

Hi Bruce,

Would it be possible to have a InLine Button on a Browse that can be setup that if you click on it to show a DropDown list of choices?

When a choice is clicked from the DropDown to then either execute some code or go to another Form/Browse.


Johan de Klerk

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