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Topics - Alan Cochran

Pages: [1] 2
Web Server - Ask For Help / NTWS and SelfService Icon issue
« on: June 03, 2014, 11:48:03 AM »
I am wanting to run my NTWS app as a service using SelfService.  Everything seems to work except the icon doesn't display in the task tray..  If I run the app as an executable, the icon shows up.  After following the steps in the Q&A section of the selfservice documentation: "(C2) I can't get the Task Tray Icon to work, when the application is loaded as a Service on boot up",  but it still doesn't work.

Any ideas on how to get this working, otherwise, I will just keep running as an executable.  I am running NT8.12, SelfService 3.43 and WinEvent 3.86.


Hi Bruce,
With 8.13, now if I press the Select button on a NetWebBrowse procedure, it might take 3 or 4 times for the NetWebForm procedure to open. I even tried this with the Accounts (web31) example with the same results. It worked in 8.12.


After installing NT8.12, I am now getting "Expression cannot be Picture" error message when compiling.  The field that it is complaining on has a "Must be in Numeric Range" in the dictionary. This has a Data Type of "LONG", Screen Picture of "@n04", Initial Value of "RANDOM(1002,9997).

The generated code:

  ! Automatic Dictionary Validation
    If InRange(OWN:PINNumber,1002,9997) = false
      loc:Invalid = 'OWN:PINNumber'
      if not loc:alert then loc:Alert = p_web.translate('OWN:PINNumber') & ' ' & clip( & ' ' & clip(p_web.mformat('1002',@S250)) & ', ' & clip( & ' ' & clip(p_web.mformat('9997',@S250)).

It complains on clip(p_web.mformat('1002',@S250)) and clip(p_web.mformat('9997',@S250)).

This was working fine with version 8.11.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Report Progress Bar with Hyperlink
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:39:25 AM »
Hi Bruce,
I added a button with a "Start" type to show the progress bar when it generates a report.  During the report process, it generates a PDF (using PDFTools 4.1) and places it in a "FinalBills" folder under the "web" folder.  The name of the PDF for example is "333-F20-15_Hadley.pdf".  The problem that I am having is when I press the "View Final Bill" link, it is trying to open "localhost:4025/reports/$$$65444.pdf" and gives me the "404 Page Not Found" error page.  Where can I set the hyperlink with the saved PDF name under "FinalBills" folder instead of the generated $$$ pdf name?

Using C9 and NT 7.31


Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebForm Popup
« on: October 02, 2013, 08:29:02 AM »
Can a button on a NetWebForm call another NetWebForm as a Popup window?

Currently, the first form is a popup window but when the user presses the "Generate" button, it calls another NetWebForm to make sure they want to continue.  Right now, this opens as a separate page but would be nice for it to be a popup window.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Auto-Lookup on Insert on Form Problem
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:09:02 PM »
Hi Bruce,

I am having an issue when I have the Auto-Lookup on Insert checked for a field where after it brings over the value from the Lookup Table and  after completing the other fields, the record is never inserted into the table.  But if I uncheck the Auto-Lookup on Insert option, and recompile, then the record is inserted into the table once they manually click on the select button.  Currently I am running Clarion 7.2 and NT 5.12.  This is an app that I converted from Clarion 6.3 and NT 4.55. 

One thing that I noticed in the source code was there is nothing in the AutoLookup Routine.  Have you ran into this before or a fix for this option?  I would like my customers to not have to manually press the lookup button to call the SelectLocation procedure.


Web Server - Ask For Help / JQuery Calendar Feature in NTWS Needed
« on: November 18, 2010, 08:22:55 AM »
Hello All,

Since HotDates is not NTWS compatible as of yet, is there a JQuery Calendar feature that is recommended for use?  I need to ability to display events in a calendar format in NTWS.  Any recommendations is appreciated.


Web Server - Ask For Help / pr35 and access error
« on: November 09, 2010, 07:47:38 AM »
Hey Bruce,

Just installed the NT5 pr 35 and I am getting the same access error when changing a record that I showed you at the Webshop in Denver.  Attached is the screenshot of the error.

I will reinstall pr32 to get back up and running.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / BrowseCloseButton
« on: October 19, 2010, 09:37:58 AM »
Hi Bruce,

In a NetBrowseWeb procedure, if you check to have a Close button, it uses the CloseButton object instead of the BrowseCloseButton object.  Should it use the BrowseCloseButton by default in a NetBrowseWeb procedure?   Nothing major knowing that I can change the tool tip for CloseButton to say 'Click here to Close this browse' instead of 'Click here to Close this form'.  

Just Wondering!!!   I am using NT5 pr32 & Clarion 7.2.7653)


Web Server - Ask For Help / Initial Value in DCT and PR31 problem
« on: September 07, 2010, 09:58:07 AM »
Hi Bruce,

With NT5 PR31, I am getting an error when compiling.  The problem is that I have a table in the dictionary that has a column with an Initial Value.  This columns is a String type (@s1) with an Initial Value of 'P'.  The line of code that is being rejected is WUI:GroupLevel = ''P' which is in the PreInsert Routine section'.  It should be WUI:GroupLevel = 'P'.  Once I replace 'P' with P in the dictionary, it compiles with success.  This worked in PR29 and earlier.  Did not try PR30 since there was a post about compile errors. 


I need to be able to set a session value when a button is pressed on a page before calling a browse.  Which embed point do I use to for me to be able to set this value? I currently have two buttons on a page that call the same NetBrowse procedure but based on a SessionValue, I need it to hide either the Change or Insert button based on the SessionValue.  I know I could just create a second NetBrowse procedure but I would like to use just this Browse procedure.

Any help is appreciated.


Web Server - Share Knowledge / Capitalize Input
« on: July 27, 2007, 06:55:54 AM »
Hi All,

To capitalize the first letter in each word of an input, do the following:

1)  Create or modify your custom js file and place the following function in it. (Be sure that the js file has been added in the scripts section of the NetTalk or NetSimple Object extension template under WebServer procedure).

function capitalize(obj) {
   var val = obj.value.toLowerCase();
   if(!val) return;
      return w.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+w.substring(1);

2) Create global variable -   js:capitalize STRING('capitalize(this);')

3) In the entry field properties, client tab put that variable (no quotes) in the javascript hand-code entry filed (the onchange group).  Be sure to check the Field check box under the Hand Code Support option.  Also, under the Reset Other fields, add the field you are wanting to Capitalize with the Value checked.

The field will be made Capitalize when the user tabs off it.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Capitalize Javascript Function
« on: July 25, 2007, 07:42:29 PM »
Hi All,

Has anybody had any luck with calling a Capitalize Javascript function via an input field?  I am able to run an UPPERCASE and LOWERCASE functions with no problem based on Chris Laurie's example but having problems with a Capitalize function.  I would like to make sure certain fields have the Mixed case capability in different forms. So it would be nice to have one function to accomplish this.

Currently, I have created a JS file with the following:

function capitalize(obj) {
   var val = obj.value.toLowerCase();
   if(!val) return;
      return w.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+w.substring(1);

In the Client-Side tab under the Fields option I have in the "When Field Accepted in Browse (onChange)" Javascript HandCode field -  'capitalize(this)'  for the field that I want to call this function.  This is probably my problem since I believe I am not calling this function correctly.  I would appreciate any help on this. I have several forms that I need to make this function call.

Thanks for any help or suggestions on this.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Hiding Child Browse
« on: July 23, 2007, 08:12:43 PM »
Hi All,

I have a NetWebBrowse procedure with a Child Browse on the right side of the page.  I am wanting to hide the child browse when a record on the parent browse has a specific value instead of  the "No Record Found" on the child browse.  Which embed in the Parent Browse procedure do I use to place the command to hide the children browse when I highlight the record?

Another problem that I am having is which embed to use prior to selecting, changing, etc. before calling the form, another browse, etc.  Is there any documentation on helping me to determine which embeds to use? 


Hi All,

I have a form that when I click the Save button, I want to run a report with the "_blank" target before returning back to the Browse procedure.   In the URL on Save, I have the browse that called the form with the "_self" target.

I have the following in the "Routines|ValidateAll|Start" embed but it doesn't work:

loc:formname = 'GenFinalBill_frm'
loc:formaction = 'RptFinalBill'
loc:formactiontarget= '_blank'
packet = clip(packet) & '<form input type="submit" name="'&clip(loc:formname)&'" action="'&clip(loc:formaction)&'" method="post" target="'&clip(loc:formactiontarget)&'" onsubmit="{{document.'&clip(loc:formname)&'.action='''&clip(loc:formaction)&''';}"><13,10>'
do SendPacket
packet = clip(packet) & '</form><13,10>'
do SendPacket

I probably have entered incorrect syntax but hopefully what I want to do can be done.

Any help is appreciated.


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