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Messages - cwtart

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I have a situation where I may have multiple users uploading files at the same time and some of the files may have the same name. Because of this, I cannot use a common folder for uploads.

I want to create a randomly named folder for each session so any files uploaded in a specific session will be uploaded into a uniquely name folder.

How can I set a unique upload folder for a session? When the files are uploaded by a user they will be processed in the SaveFile embed of the File Upload control in a form and they will be moved out of the upload folder to another location. When the session ends the randomly named upload folder will be removed.

Also, in the properties of a File Upload control where does the file go if "Save incoming file to uploads folder" is not checked?




I have a browse/form combo that allows for inserts and deletes. Under some circumstances when a record is deleted it is not really deleted but a flag in the record is set to filter the record out of the browse.

In order to accomplish this I use code in the delete validate embed of the form. This works fine - when the delete button is clicked I set the flag (a byte field that = true or false) in the record - this flag then filters the record from appearing on the browse. But to prevent the actual delete of the record I set loc:invalid = 'something' in the delete validate - the problem is that when loc:invalid is set in delete validate the browse is not reset.

My question is how to reset the browse even though delete validate has prevented the actual deletion of the record.



NT 7.15

I have a browse with a form. The insert and delete buttons, as set on the form tab of the browse procedure properties, will only hide and not disable with a condition. If I set the buttons to disable if the condition is not met they hide instead of disable.


NT 7.15

As an example, if I use this url: using a mobile device (7" tablet) the login page will load in the desktop version but as soon as I login and the IndexPage loads it reverts back to the mobile version.

How do I keep the entire session in the desktop version when using a mobile device?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: force desktop in mobile
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:00:02 PM »
I have a problem with this.

If I use this url: using a mobile device (7" tablet) the login page will load in the desktop version but as soon as I login and the IndexPage loads it reverts back to the mobile version.

How do I keep the entire session in the desktop version when using a mobile device?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: force desktop in mobile
« on: July 17, 2013, 08:05:29 AM »
Thanks Poul,

I was forgetting the underscores


Web Server - Ask For Help / force desktop in mobile
« on: July 17, 2013, 06:54:04 AM »

I know I have seen the answer to this here but I cannot find it again - how do you force a mobile device, via the url, to run in desktop mode instead of mobile mode?

PS - could not find in the NetTalk docs either although I am sure it is there.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Mobile file upload problem
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:53:12 AM »

Also - if the CSS is fixed that allows the add button to be displayed can you tell me what to change in the CSS or post the fix here - so I can test the mobile upload function?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: 7.15 browse - no print button
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:50:55 AM »

But I cannot even get the print button to display on the browse, let alone make it do anything.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Mobile file upload problem
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:49:43 AM »

The advanced uploader is set - what I mean is that the start button has overlayed the add file button since I switched to Nettalk 7 from NT4 and started converted my old web apps - actually, not converting but re-creating from scratch.

So I don't know if the problem existed prior to NT7.11.

So are you saying CSS was the problem with the covered-up add button but now the the add button is visible the upload still does not work?


Web Server - Ask For Help / 7.15 browse - no print button
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:05:45 AM »
I have a browse with no form. I have ticked on the buttons section of the settings to have a close button and a print button. The close button shows at the bottom of the browse but the print button does not.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: file upload problems
« on: July 12, 2013, 07:45:12 AM »

I need to track an invoice number for each file as the files are uploaded so waiting until all files are uploaded would not allow me to know which file should be attached to which invoice.

Plus, I could not rely on the user to click the proper button to close the upload form. But thanks.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Mobile file upload problem
« on: July 12, 2013, 07:41:38 AM »
This problem has existed since at least NT7.11 - now using NT7.15

I have a memory form with a file upload control on it - works fine in the regular version but in the mobile version the Start button covers up the Add File button - attached screen shot shows example. This is all stock css, nothing changed.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: file upload problems
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:54:24 AM »

Ultimately, I could not get the classes I am using to be thread safe so I had to settle on allowing the user to select only one file at a time.

Maybe on the wish list here - the option to have multiple selected files upload serially rather than on multiple threads at the same time.

Thanks for your help.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT 7.14 login form moved to center
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:13:07 AM »

This is the culprit - ' nt-fix-center nt-width-300px'

Was not in the login form css before the upgrade. Was in the "Form Div" entry field.


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