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Topics - cwtart

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Web Server - Ask For Help / problem with browses
« on: November 11, 2016, 02:31:54 PM »
This has been a problem for me forever - I have many browses on forms, very normal.

Out of the blue, a browse will no longer scroll down via the next and last button. When the browse first displays, the first and previous buttons are disabled, as expected, and the next and last buttons are enabled. But the next and last button do not do anything - cannot get to the next page on the browse or the end of the browse.

This has happened to me on totally unrelated browses - they are all on forms but that may be a coincidance.

The only way to fix this is to either recreate the browse procedure from scratch or to copy the browse and use a new procedure name for the copy. The copy will then work fine - but then a month or a year later, the same problem returns - I cannot see what I may be doing to cause this - really no rhyme or reason.

An example is not possible - just looking for a possible cause - it may be a bug in the NetTalk templates but there is no way I could recreate the problem on demand.


Web Server - Ask For Help / alert message will not display
« on: October 23, 2016, 09:24:34 AM »
I have a simple table form that has a bunch of validation code in the "Validate All" embed. If something is wrong with some of the form data I manually set alert as follows:

loc:alert = 'my message here'
loc:invalid = 'field:name'

The problem is that when I create an alert message as above, and the save button is clicked, the web page will darken a bit and go modal, but the actual alert popup does not display - so the user cannot tell what the actual alert message is.

The the very strange thing is that this works when the form is called from one place in my app but not another place. The form is a popup.

Any ideas?

NT v9.14


Web Server - Ask For Help / browse auto-refresh timer bug
« on: August 13, 2015, 08:31:41 AM »

Per your request to my question on the 08/13/2015 NetTalk webinar:

I have a popup memory form on which there is a browse procedure. The browse is set to automatically refresh via a timer every 5 seconds. The problem is that when the form is closed, the timer is still active in the browser and stays active on all windows under the popup until I do a page refresh. You indicated that this is a bug and you would be utterly delighted to fix it.



Web Server - Ask For Help / how to add timer to form
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:21:25 PM »
NT 8.31

I have a form that I want to have a timer on and then be able to run code in the equivalent of Event:Timer. Is this doable? And if so, could someone point me in the right direction?



Web Server - Ask For Help / browse column will not refresh
« on: December 06, 2014, 02:51:27 PM »
I have a wizard generated NetWeb browse and form. The primary key is a single String(30) key and this field is displayed on the browse. The primary key field can be edited on the form. If I change the value of the primary key field in the form it will not refresh on the browse and the value displayed shows the original value. All of the other fields in the form that are displayed on the browse will refresh properly on the browse when the form is edited. The primary key field is being changed in the database but not refreshed on the browse so when I attempt to edit the same record again just after having changed the primary key field I get a record access error. If I refresh the entire browse by going to Last or First then the new value is displayed.

Using NT 8.31

Web Server - Ask For Help / calendar questions
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:40:10 AM »
NT 7.20 C8 9661

I am adding an appointment calendar to my app and using the Hotdates(12) example as a guide.

With the procedure HorizontalWeekPlanner - the drag and drop option is checked but drag and drop does not work - is this feature not yet available?

Also with the HorizontalWeekPlanner procedure - can the column header for the calendar be changed? The example shows the calendar date as "19 Jan" and I would like to also add the day of the week but I cannot find anywhere in the properties to change this.


Web Server - Ask For Help / barcode scanning
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:50:56 AM »

A few months ago I asked you about using a mobile device's camera as a barcode scanner. I have created native Android apps that use Zebra Crossing's barcode scanner to take control of the camera and scan barcodes. This works great - and Zebra Crossing has a method to allow a browser to do this.

Have you given any more thought to this?


Web Server - Ask For Help / form question
« on: October 09, 2013, 06:33:20 AM »
I have a button on a memory form that calls a table form. The unique key field session value for the table form (the called form) is set in the first memory form. My question is where in the table form (the called form) do I set the key field value and get the record?

Or would it be better to set the value of the key field in the URL for the called form? If I am calling the form from drop list of the "OnClick" tab of the button how would I use the "parameter" list?


Web Server - Ask For Help / how to display icon in browse column
« on: October 08, 2013, 11:26:58 PM »
I could not find and example for this.

I want to display a conditional icon in a browse list - either one icon or another, depending on a condition.


I have a browse that has a column taken from a memo field. The browse column appears to be limited to a string length of 255 characters. Is there a way to display more than 255 characters in a browse column or do I need to do something else here?


Web Server - Ask For Help / variable will not accept time picture
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »
C8 9661 NT 7.20

I have a memory form with a local long variable to be used for time entry. I have tried several different time pictures and when the field is tabbed out of the time is displayed correctly. But the value never reaches the validate embed when I click the save button. The value almost always changes to 1 - that's the number 1 - this is regardless of what time I enter. If I remove the time picture and have no field picture at all I can enter any value and it reaches the validate embed correctly - something does not like the time picture formatting.

This is a popup form but it does the same thing with a standard form.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Web Server - Ask For Help / form - on save will not insert another
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:49:17 AM »
NT 7.20

I have a basic browse/form where in the form properties I have "On Save. When inserting:" set to "insert another". It does not work - always returns to the browse on Save. Does this feature work, and if so, what might I be missing?


I have a non-NetTalk generated web page that my NetTalk web app displays for the user - being called from a NetwebPage procedure. I need to do some ajax back to the NetTalk web server from this page. I have full control of the ajax on the displayed page so I can make it anything that will work on the server side. How do I handle this on the NetTalk server side?


Web Server - Ask For Help / more Google maps questions
« on: September 03, 2013, 10:23:07 AM »
With Don Ridley pointing me in the right direction I have integrated the Google Maps api into my web app - it shows scheduled service jobs with markers and information for each repair job.

What I want to know is where to start making it interactive, if possible. I want the user to be able to do something on the map, such as click a link or a control and have that action feed back to my NetTalk web server app. Probably easiest would be to put a link in the info window for the map marker. I want the user to be able to select a service technician to assign to the job that is indicated by the map marker.

What do I need in the Google Maps page to post/get to my server app? Session ID, etc.? To create the Google Maps page I use a NetwebPage and mostly javascript from the Google API - so I can add anything to the map page that I want.


Web Server - Ask For Help / is NET:MaxBinData immutable ?
« on: August 31, 2013, 12:12:19 PM »
NET:MaxBinData     equate(16384)   ! Don't change this - Max size of BinData in NetPacketType

Any way to work around this? I am getting a NetWebSource created page that is truncating a script and causing a javasript error.


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