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Web Server - Ask For Help / Display field using file tag?
« on: October 11, 2022, 05:14:46 PM »
Question (12.46)

NetWebForm template.
Creating a Display field.
On the Display tab, there's a droplist at the top cunningly called Display.
One of the options in the list is "File Tag <!--Net:f"

If I choose that and put into the Text field:
'<!-- Net:f:/staticText/textNewAudit1.htm -->'

it goes through NetWebServerWorkerBase.LoadTagFile and looks for a file with that name.  And none of my files are named Net:f:whatever.

If instead I enter:
it works fine.

As does:

Is this the expected behavior?  I just found the "File Tag <!--Net:f" placeholder confusing.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Net Service Method XML code problem.
« on: September 27, 2022, 04:32:33 PM »
I think some template is getting confused.

Fresh install of NT 12.46.
Example Web77.

With XFiles 4.03/Reflection 1.13 it WILL compile.

Run corresponding client app.
Date method rest(get) works for receive format xml and json.

dbCustomer method REST get works for json. Make same request for xml and the server throws an exception -
xfiles.clw:2603 - XFILESSTREAM.EXTRACTNAMESFORSAVE is second item down on the call stack.

dbCustomers method throws same exception.

Through web browser interface, going to documentation page ( shows "Error in site JavaScript" in browser and same exception on server.

Update XFiles to 4.04.  Refresh classes.
Now web77 will NOT compile (complains about the removed DONTREPLACECOLONS property). The only way I was able to get it to compile was to remove XML as a return type for each service.  Is there something I need to update to make the example work?


Web Server - Ask For Help / SecWin example app with Active Directory
« on: August 20, 2022, 06:04:21 PM »
Hi, Bruce,

As mentioned in my earlier email today, I?m just dipping my toe into SecWin. I?m using the web88 example (since I couldn?t get the other SecWin example web51 to compile.)

I?m able to do local user logins with this example.  But when I switch the login type for the company to Active Directory, it doesn?t work.

I put a trace statement in the ActiveDirectory_ValidateUser procedure and that never gets called.

In secwin.clw the code runs through SecwinLoginWebClass.StartLoginType, hits the CASE of sw:ActiveDirectoryLoginUserPassword condition, and from that calls to SecwinLoginWebClass.ShowLoginAndPasswordTab. 
But that SecwinLoginWebClass.ShowLoginAndPasswordTab method is empty. 
Is it overridden somewhere?  What should be calling the ActiveDirectory_ValidateUser procedure?

I think I'm probably missing something basic.



Web Server - Share Knowledge / Making "focus" work in a nested popup
« on: April 28, 2022, 10:32:31 AM »
My problem was an input field on a form nested several popups deep.  I wanted the field to have focus when the form opened but it wasn't working.

This is a follow-up to Bruce's help on today's webinar.

1. We were fooling ourselves in the console.  The console itself grabs focus, so typing
actually DID work, but one needed to click back into the browser part of the screen for it to take effect.  (Unlike the .hide() and .show() commands).

2.  I guess "timing is everything".  I tried moving the focus() command to inside the embed that is inside the $(document).ready function and now it works!  (pic).  Apparently what I tried previously was firing too early.

Thanks, all.


Web Server - Ask For Help / CASE statement uses equate, not field name
« on: April 14, 2022, 12:45:00 PM »
I'm a good shot.

Take aim at foot.  Do not miss  ::)

Yes.  I know.  "Why would you do that?"  "Don't do that."

But I did...

I changed the equate on a form field (just because I don't particularly like the colon-replaced-by-underscores.)

And after a bit of chasing my tail figured out that that's what broke my effort to use a lookup on that field.

The AfterLookup routine grabs the session value for the "lookupfield" - but that's based on the field's equate, not the field name.
Then immediately following is a CASE statement that looks to match the actual field name, not the equate.




Web Server - Ask For Help / Disable insert button?
« on: April 02, 2022, 03:57:35 PM »
I think I'm probably missing something obvious.

I want to conditionally disable the Insert button.  The template appears to support doing that, but it removes the button altogether rather than disabling it (pic).

Setting the "Disabled IF" condition on a regular button placed as a field on a form tab works as expected.

I can OMIT() template code and write my own routine to make it work on a browse, but am I misinterpreting the template option's intent?

edited to add:  nt 12.38

Web Server - Ask For Help / SQL browse problem
« on: September 07, 2021, 01:39:02 PM »
Hi, Bruce,

I'm going to see if you can help me with this in this week's NT webinar.

I've been converting an app from 11.x to 12.25.  I've resolved most of the issues but still have one that's flummoxing me.

Some of the sort headers I've customized, others are just the field value.  They all work fine in the 11.x app. 

But with the 12.25 version, I click on a header and it sorts correctly.  But then clicking the Next button gives a "no records" message and an empty browse.

Attached is a wizarded app that illustrates the problem.  There's also a script to create a test MSSQL database and table with data for the test app.

Looking forward to Thursday  :D



Web Server - Ask For Help / Select list greybar 12.25?
« on: September 06, 2021, 12:45:00 PM »
I'm converting an app from 11.47 to 12.25.

For a droplist entry field, the old app lists the items with a greybar effect.  The rows alternate with a SelectList1 and SelectList2 class.

12.25 just has a uniform light blue background in the list.  Those classes no longer exist in Base/nettalk-ui-css.

Is there an easy way to restore the greybar to this droplist?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Session timeout??
« on: September 03, 2021, 01:32:46 PM »
I'm missing a piece here.

The SessionManager in PageFooterTag uses the new (as of 12.13) p_web.GetSessionTimeout method.

On a server I'm working on I set the timeout on the server window to 3 minutes.
The "old" correctly gets set to 180.
But the p_web.GetSessionTimeOut()/100 that the SessionManager uses stubbornly says 900 (stuck at 15 minutes).

Do I need to call p_webSetSessionTimeOut when a user logs in and pass in the "site" value?
Or what is the best way to make these things line up?

Thanks for any insight.


Hi, Bruce,

I showed this at a webinar a couple of months back but probably should have emailed you as well. 

Steps to reproduce:
1.  Put some embed code AFTER the parent call in the BearerToken version of p_web.Authenticate in the WebHandler.
2.  Save the procedure.
3.  Open the procedure.  The code has magically moved to BEFORE the parent call.



Web Server - Ask For Help / troubleshoot 500 busy error?
« on: August 17, 2020, 05:21:23 PM »
I have a low-volume NT 11.41 web server running against an MS SQL back end on an internal network (no bots, probes, etc.).

Today in mid-afternoon it went unresponsive - just returning a 500 busy error.

This is running as a service, and I haven't built remote monitoring for the performance counters.

I stopped the service a couple of hours after it stuck but there was still an instance of the exe showing in task manager.  In my experience, typically that means a thread is still running.  I killed that manualy.

The only windows in the app other than the webserver are those from the default Active Directory login, AD getuser, and AD getinfo procedures.

I'm going to leave it running as not-a-service for a couple of days.  But wondering whether anyone has suggestions as to what might have cause this or how to troubleshoot?



Web Server - Ask For Help / PhoneGap end of life
« on: August 11, 2020, 07:34:31 PM »
Probably the wrong section of the forum, but the most read.
So herewith:

Web Server - Ask For Help / data on a map?
« on: June 26, 2020, 10:14:41 AM »
I have no idea where to start with something like this.

The concept would be a page displaying a map showing two counties, with some kind of graphic (different size dots?) showing COVID cases in each postal code.

The underlying map could be a static graphic, rather than an actual map from a service.

Any thoughts or examples?




Due to the 2020.02.29 CAA Rechecking Bug, we unfortunately need to revoke many Let’s Encrypt TLS/SSL certificates. We’re e-mailing affected subscribers for whom we have contact information.

This post and thread will collect answers to frequently asked questions about this revocation, and how to avoid problems by renewing affected certificates early. If you’re affected, please: thoroughly read this thread, and search the community forum, for an answer to your question. If you don’t find one, please make a new post to the “Help” category, filling in the questions in the template that appears as you compose your post

Web Server - Share Knowledge / Loopbacks. MANY loopbacks....
« on: March 01, 2020, 10:53:47 AM »
If you're working with the multi-site host, you probably run into an issue on your dev machine where you say,
"I've used localhost for one site, for a second site, and my machine's actual IP address for the host.  How do I add another site?"

You no doubt know that localhost maps to

But did you know that you have 16 million such loopback addresses at your disposal?

RFC 3330 ( ) actually dedicates the entire range of addresses to loopback.

Some people have complained over the years that this is a bit wasteful.  Of course, the widespread adoption of NAT eased the IP V4 crisis and pushed IP V6 out of most of our consciousness.

Windows’ implementation definitely gives us all 16 million loopback addresses to use.   ( through

In my own development, I’ve never needed more than that <g>.

Obviously you can create as many aliases as you want by editing the HOSTS file.  But I often find the 127.x.x.x route quicker and easier.

So when you need another address for multi-site testing, try



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