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Messages - Stu

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« on: May 29, 2024, 08:37:12 PM »
Hi Richard,

How does the webserver have access to the user's desktop to copy the files?

Generally if you want to give the user a way to "get a file to a location", you host it out of the webserver and give them a link to it - when they click they should get the browser option to save/open.

So if you have a rar/zip backup file, you would put that somewhere under the webserver "web" folder, then build a url to that location, put the url on the NetWebForm (or whatever proc you are building), and they click + download.

If you go deeper, you would build a button + progress bar interface (where the progress bar turns into a link to download).

There should be examples that do this.

There was a bug introduced in chromium -

As of this morning's comments on that thread, looks like the new version has fixed the issue.

For a long time I had trouble with disconnects, or what looked like disconnects.

I implemented the "disconnect after X period of time inactivity" - whatever "inactivity" consists of (I think I use some of the nettalk webserver counters that Bruce showed me).

Also looked into Rick's solution, which is awesome (but that I couldn't get working, and on zooming with Rick discovered it wasn't going to solve what the root issue looked like).

In the end, what (completely) solved the specific sql connection issues I was facing was upgrading my Clarion 11 to the latest version.

At some point between the version I had and the latest, one or more SQL bugs were squashed that resolved what was plaguing my websever instances.


The user story was that they would be working and the system would "Freeze".

On investigation, at a time I was logged in and active, it was clear that there was a threading/connection situation going on, as you could navigate around to some places in the portal, but others would hang.

This along with discussions with Bruce and Rick, led me to upgrade my Clarion - which ended up solving this particular thing.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Responsive design dropdown list
« on: February 20, 2024, 03:54:07 PM »
Hi Hector,

First thing I'd be doing is right-click on the dropdown and "Inspect" / "Inspect Element", ....

This should open the browser dev tools.

From there you should be able to start experimenting with css in-line (without having to update actual code at this point), to see what works.

Hey Ron,

Are the "params" you mention strings?

Pretty sure START() can only send through parameters as STRIING type.

Code: [Select]
That kind of thing. At least, that's in my experience.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Email from browse menu button
« on: February 08, 2024, 04:06:42 PM »
It contains an option "send to server" in the browse menu item options.
This triggers a browse event "menuitem" which you can handle in the TakeEvent routine.


Now I'm going to have to upgrade to 14.

Thanks a lot Bruce.


Rightio, Arduino - definitely socket coms is good :)

HI Stu,
We are going to return automobile keys to customers at the kiosk.  They will have a QR code which they will fetch in our APP on their mobile device to scan at the Kiosk and a PIN number ( texted to them) which they will enter on their mobile device.  I think that a third check as to who is actually at which kiosk will be that the user at the kiosk will be shown a number and they will have to enter it on their mobile phone.  ( There may be 4 kiosks so I need to make sure that they are at the kiosk with their keys).  If they don't see a number to enter, they are at the wrong kiosk and we can help direct them to the correct one where they will repeat the process.
I would love to get rid of the display at the kiosk.  However, people want some type of interaction to make sure that the device is really working.  Secondly, they are going to scan the QR code on their phone on the kiosk.  In order to prevent frustration, a display on the kiosk will help them center their barcode. .  Can't think of a better way to help them get their barcode scanned.  Any ideas.

Hey Ron,

I guess I was just asking about your thinking between a desktop app that has the functionality (display full screen etc, interacting with the server via sockets or webservices) vs some kind of app that displays web content + functionality (served from the webserver).

I've been thinking about the hybrid lately (desktop app for windows machine kiosks, that uses something like Chrome Explorer to display pages served by a webserver).

Hey Ron,

I'm guessing you've decided on the kiosk app direction because you didn't want to go the "use the webserver" route for kiosk interaction?

Would be interested in your reasoning.

Having say ChromeExplorer in an app, so the app on the kiosk is just a display interface to the webserver (where the user can log in etc).

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Hiding a Tab
« on: November 20, 2023, 12:56:43 PM »
Hi Ron,

You need to put in a tab equate value for the hide condition field to be enabled.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Too Many SegDef
« on: November 19, 2023, 02:40:20 PM »
It's worth noting that the SegDef limitation is not in "the amount of code" but rather the "number of named things".
So variables, routines, and so on.


Oh nice. I didn't realise this.

Good stuff Bruce, many thanks!

Hey Johan,

Can you not use loc:Parent?

I use that in a few places where I want to do what you are describing - Change behaviour based on what called the form/browse.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Too Many SegDef
« on: November 14, 2023, 05:22:45 PM »
I've got a growing number of "content builder" NetWebForm -> Wizard procs that are all very close (most of them by a few lines) to the segdef error popping.

It is a constant wrestle when considering further addition/updates, but good comes out of it I find.

This limitation has honestly caused me to create better interfaces.

E.g. 1 - Instead of having an artwork/image page of a few fields where the specific pieces of artwork for whatever content type get processed - swap this for a browse+form.

E.g. 2 - Instead of a set of checkboxes for items in a page/tab, swap for a browse with checkbox eip field and whatever logic is required to set the values.

E.g. 3 - Push as many of my own routines into procs as is possible, that can then be called from a single line (I find my routines can grow pretty large over time).

E.g. 4 - Utilise p_web.SessionQueueToFile() and FileToSessionQueue() - I find these very powerful, and are very low-hanging fruit (instead of lines of <this variable> = p_web.GSV('<this variable>').

E.g. 5 - Any functionality that can be moved into popup forms (or browses like the above two egs), work to do this.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: IoT device
« on: September 09, 2020, 05:10:12 PM »
Hi Djordje,

I worked on something similar, although it was "receiving" packets (a NetSimple UDPServer object was the starting point, listening on a specific port).

So I'd say look up the docs on the NetSimple client functionality, and check out the examples.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Reorder
« on: August 23, 2020, 03:40:38 PM »
As a frequent builder of the up/down arrows on browses, this is gonna change everything!

Seriously, the pain you have to go through, even having helper functions instead of instance-embedded code, to get the up/down buttons going - And then like you say they suck anyway.

Thank you very much Bill!

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