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Messages - PaulMacFarlane

Pages: [1] 2
Thank you !  That works.

Using the default login page example I'm trying to go to one page if the login is successful and a different page on failure.

Reading through different posts I saw examples of:
    loc:formaction = 'SuccessPage'
    loc:formactiontarget = '_top'


neither seem to work.

Using the example code I can 'Authenticate' fine but can't seem to 'act' on it....

  if p_web.GetValue('loc:hash') = p_web.GetSessionValue('loc:hash')
    ! login checking goes here
    if p_web.Authenticate(Loc:Name,Loc:Passw) = true ! WebHandler, Authenticate method needs to be fleshed out.
      p_web.ValidateLogin()                   ! this sets the session to "logged in"
      p_web.SetSessionValue('loc:hash',0)         ! clear the hash, so this login can't get "replayed".




I think I'm completely off base !

Web Server - Ask For Help / RED BOX FLASH - Error in site script
« on: May 11, 2017, 10:29:36 AM »
I've cleaned the script folder, etc. in the WEB folder and ctl-F5 on the browser.

Tried in IE and Chrome (firefox insists on added www. in front of my localhost address - but then I've always found firefox's address bar to be obtuse)....

So, what scripting (it's all freshened to 8.71) is causing this problem?

This was a wizard generated webapp.

I have a client update procedure. (netwebform)
Within that update procedure is 8 tabs that contain related browses (netwebbrowse).
6 of the 8 seem to generate an ASSERT error that Close was not called....

From the client list, I double click to edit a client.
The window displays and the server generates 6 ASSERT errors ...

If I remove the call to a netwebbrowse procedure the ASSERT error to its main file goes away. 

I cannot detect any settings differences between the netwebbrowses that generate the ASSERT message and those that don't.  I've examined both the Netwebbrowse itself and the calling webform.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Posting to Paypal
« on: August 28, 2015, 10:33:35 AM »
Are you talking about IPN?

Little confused here by what you mean by "post a payment".

PP requires a place to post transactions to you (payment received, etc) and you need to acknowledge receipt by basically posting back to them the exact same thing.

Are you actually sending credit card info, etc? Are you building the transaction on your site (not theirs which it typical)?
Is that what you mean by post a payment?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Multi-Site Host and Subdomains
« on: July 10, 2015, 09:17:09 AM »

There's a difference between obscurity and serving up your control panel by default....g
Not trying to obscure things.  Just didn't think the default-default page should be the admin control panel.....

The difference between accessing "" or "" or ""

Right now if the host header doesn't match to goes to the control panel....
Typing "" gets the control panel.....

I can't make entries for everything someone MIGHT type....

I'd like to be able to choose one of the hosted sites (DLLs) as the default - not just a page in the host webserver....

I guess I could create a default page that forwards to one of the site DLLs..... but doesn't that require sending a redirect to the browser? and it possible for the user to get a warning...

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Multi-Site Host and Subdomains
« on: July 09, 2015, 08:45:43 AM »

I think it's fine. I've done a few apps where I've loaded the same DLL multiple times - although not 100 <g>...

Hopefully it'll be 100...g  I may use this method as a stop-gap....

Is there a way to catch the host header just before passing it to the DLLs?  Basically in HOST.exe I'd want to trim off the leading segment of the host header to determine the DLL but pass the complete host header to the DLL.
In the DLL I could then determine what I need from the hos header.

This works fine in a standalone server.  Using Host to call it is the issue....

>> With this experimenting I've come to realize the default website (when it can't find a host header) is the admin site......  not good....

why not good?

Because its tempting to hackers.....  just showing its there....

>> Is there a way to create a unique URL for the admin site?
>> Is there a way to create a default sit

Note at the moment (but the app is just an app, so I'm sure it's possible - if you do make that change and want to submit it I'd be happy to fold that into the shipping app.)

Okay.  What I'd want is the default site to be informational and instructional on how to sign up, etc...

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Multi-Site Host and Subdomains
« on: July 09, 2015, 08:37:38 AM »
just curious why you would use this approach.
I have a few multi tenanted sites but they all log into the same url.

I'm using the URL to determine the database to use.  That way 2 different businesses can have the same login ID "Bob" but be totally separate.

This method also allows easier transition from desktop to web - take their desktop data and plunk it in a folder on the web....

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Multi-Site Host and Subdomains
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:49:30 PM »
With further experimentation I added my full hosts:

and I had them reference the SAME DLL......

It works and doesn't seem to change memory use much.  Is this a bad solution?
If I have 100 host entries all referencing the same DLL?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Multi-Site Host and Subdomains
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:08:43 PM »
I'm experimenting with a Multi-site host and it's working fine. -> app1.dll -> app2.dll

So, now I want to tweak it a bit....

I want to have the host header say: and have that host processed by app1.dll

I suspect I can use some trickery in the host.exe, correct? where?
I've tried to change the dll registered with a host header of "" or "*" and neither works, so I'm probably going to have to change it in code.....

With this experimenting I've come to realize the default website (when it can't find a host header) is the admin site......  not good....
Is there a way to create a unique URL for the admin site?
Is there a way to create a default site DLL ?


E-Mail - Ask For Help / Re: Hotmail and TLS using NT 6.51
« on: May 18, 2015, 09:44:48 AM »
Using Nettalk Demo I've got the same problem.  This is what the LOG generates. 
I don't see a problem:

0 <71 < 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 8.0.9200.16384 ready at  Mon, 18 May 2015 10:42:53 -0700
84 > EHLO
84 < Hello []
250-SIZE 41943040
250 OK
85 < 220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready

E-Mail - Ask For Help / Re: Hotmail and TLS using NT 6.51
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:40:40 AM »
Well I wrote a test app in C8 w/NT8.18 with the same error -53 result.

So, what does that error mean?

E-Mail - Ask For Help / Hotmail and TLS using NT 6.51
« on: May 12, 2015, 11:52:08 PM »
I have an older project in C55 using NT 6.51.  Client had been sending messages via Hotmail.
Not it doesn't work...

Gives and error -53.  

If I uncheck TLS I get an error indicating I need to start TLS...
If I StartTLS I get the error -53

So, something's happening but not sure why the error -53....

Any suggestions?  Is TLS broken in this release (6.51)?

Okay - found something....

In the browse on the form tab I had the "selection method" set to Radio.
Changed it to Hightlight and it works.....

Changed back to "Radio" and it doesn't work.....

So, Radio doesn't work.......

So even though I added the uid field to the browse the change didn't seem to take.

After several "pokings arounds" it apparently decide to compile my changes and started populating the value in the view.....

So since one was working I attempted to fix another.  This time I just added the uid field to the view.
Added some embed code to try and force a recompile.
Same problem - field blank - debug code working so it did recompile.

I deleted all my source and obj files and recompiled.  Added the uid to the browse.  The code in the CallClicked routine still returns a blank value.  Have no idea now how the first one 'started working again'.....

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