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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« Last post by Richard I on May 31, 2024, 04:38:40 PM »
Thanks Sean,
It redirect to the selected page but it does not disconects the session.

Theres no need to attach an example, steps to reproduce:
Open BasicWithLogin (3) example
Goto the PageFooterTag and change the "Goto URL" from to 'LoginPage'
(using LoginFrom is better to see the effect)
Compile and Run
Set the Session Timeout to 00:01 to be faster
Login using demo/demo, the Browse menu appears
Wait 30 seconds for the session window, click on End Session 
You will be redirected to the LoginForm but...
- the Browse menu is still there and you can click and enter any of the browse menu items.
- the Session timer is still running in the footer

Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebForm Drop control allways translate drop items
« Last post by Alberto on May 31, 2024, 07:48:45 AM »
HI, the Drop control has a template opction to translate or not its possible values.
See pic.
It does not work, it always translate.

Problem is in netweb.tpw line 7807
Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« Last post by seanh on May 30, 2024, 09:14:19 PM »
the question now is how to programmatically get WinZip to perform the creation  of a zip file
Have a look at info zip and 7-zip.  Both are free and have command line versions that make it easier to automate.
Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« Last post by Richard I on May 30, 2024, 04:32:15 PM »
Thanks Sean and others,
Yes I understand the limitations as outlined.
I am using Amazon virtual servers to host and if possible I am trying to limit users access to those server's desktop.
Saving to the Servers backup is currently an option in the app with the users cutting  and paste back to their local

However I have found I can using the File Download app  bring the backup folder back as a zip file.
which suits and makes it elegant but, the question now is how to programmatically get WinZip to perform the creation  of a zip file
Stu Andrews in this thread mentioned rar backups as a possible solution - i am exploring that.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« Last post by seanh on May 30, 2024, 03:54:03 PM »
Hi Richard,
No I don't think it can be done the way you would like.
1.  Because the 2 locations are on different machines and not really connected as such.
2.  Because any access to the local system is through the browser, which tends to get locked out of doing that sort of thing for good security reasons.
You can certainly send the file as a download, but the browser and user will still need to interact with it, again for security and because the only connection between you and the user it via the browser.
Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Date and lookup
« Last post by Johan de Klerk on May 30, 2024, 04:34:44 AM »
Hi Johan,

See this thread:

p_web.SetOption(loc:options,'changeYear','true' )
p_web.SetOption(loc:options,'yearRange:','-117:+0' )


Johan de Klerk
Web Server - Ask For Help / Date and lookup
« Last post by JohanR on May 30, 2024, 04:26:09 AM »


Any tips on how to handle date entry for DOB's?

The popup calendar does not have a year button,
hot to make it easy to get to to your birth year?

Can I prime the lookup with a year at least if I have a separate drop field just for years?
Or is the only option to do 3 separate fields for YYYY, MM, DD?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« Last post by rjolda on May 30, 2024, 12:49:25 AM »
HI RIchard,
I am still not sure what you are trying to do.  Like Stu said - everything that web server accesses should be beneath the web folder  - otherwise you compromise security on your server. 
I am not sure why users would want to work on their local folder?
I do backups but end user has no control - and they are off site and in the cloud...
The best way for users to have access to their machine and run a desktop program AND connect to a web app is to build a net Web Client into the desktop app. 
Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Desktop File path
« Last post by Stu on May 29, 2024, 08:37:12 PM »
Hi Richard,

How does the webserver have access to the user's desktop to copy the files?

Generally if you want to give the user a way to "get a file to a location", you host it out of the webserver and give them a link to it - when they click they should get the browser option to save/open.

So if you have a rar/zip backup file, you would put that somewhere under the webserver "web" folder, then build a url to that location, put the url on the NetWebForm (or whatever proc you are building), and they click + download.

If you go deeper, you would build a button + progress bar interface (where the progress bar turns into a link to download).

There should be examples that do this.
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