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Web Server - Ask For Help / Passing parameters on a Button
« Last post by rjolda on June 12, 2024, 08:09:07 AM »
NT14.21  C11.01
I have a button which calls a procedure.  I need to pass 2 parameters to the procedure.  I am using the GetValue in the called procedure
1. GUID of calling record
2. FROMTABLE     ( I have 2 separate tables which call the same procedure and I need to know which one called it).
On the Parameters button:  I can pass 1 parameter with  'GID=' & FIL1:GUID
However, in trying to pass 2 parameters I can't seem to get it right - compiler errors. etc
This is what I have so far:  'GID=' & FIL1:GUID & 'FROMTABLE =' & 'Table1'
What am I missing ??  Maybe a comma between the 2 values?
Web Server - Ask For Help / PageFooter Session Manager issue
« Last post by Alberto on June 11, 2024, 10:55:38 AM »
session manager set in the pagefooter to go to the IndexPage
server timeout, lets say, set to 00:30
The user logs in and go to a browse, the session timer runs ok
If the user change the browser tab, the timer of the initial tab stops running or runs slow,
so, all the time the user is in another tab is not discounted from the session timer
But this does not happen to the internal delete session process timer
So the session is deleted by the server before the session manager timer reachs 0
And when the user goes to the initial tab, the last page is still there, the timer shows it left 00:15, but its session is deleted,
then when the user clicks on any control
It is redirect to the Login Page instead of the IndexPage
And this cause problems like...
If the user logs in again, its redirect to the last browse, the user clicks on change and the form appears all blanked.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Urgent Issue: Windows Time Zone
« Last post by rupertvz on June 11, 2024, 12:29:09 AM »
Hi Guys,

We've upgraded a client to Windows Server 2022, and all of a sudden my Windows service-applications does not recognise the Windows time zone.
We are on UCT+2 and now all my log entries from the Service-applications are 2 hours behind.

Running the "normal" applications from the Windows desktop is perfectly fine.  Clock() reports to the correct time.
I've done a test and inserting a record from the Windows service-application causes the same 2 hours lag-result.

I've never seen this before, and believe it must be a setting or new adoption in Windows Server 2022 - specific to Windows Services.

Anyone experienced this recently?

I've done a lot of Googling and still have no solution yet.  Any help will be appreciated.

Seems like others experienced the same, but unfortunately not answer yet ...

Thanks Jane
Try ticking the Private checkbox on the Security tab of the WebServiceMethod you don't want documented.
Web Server - Ask For Help / Internal API - I don't want any documentation to show
« Last post by rjolda on June 09, 2024, 01:13:49 AM »
Using NT 14.21  C11.0.136.
I have written an API which is going to reside as part of my secure web server.  It will be used ONLY BY OUR PROGRAM.  It provides useful information ONLY TO OUR Kiosks and never to our users.
I want to suppress the documentation so that the methods and data remain proprietary and undiscoverable.
Can I do this with removing the entries from Documentation tab for Database properties.   i.e. Document Formats:  'XML & JSON & WebEncoded'.   I found the "None" drop for all the documentation.  Will that suffice?
Or is there a better way?
Available For Hire / Re: Looking for contract work
« Last post by Matthew51 on June 07, 2024, 11:29:42 AM »
Updated with a link to my webs site.
Sorry Bruce, forget it, I was wrong.
what does your line 7807, and surrounding lines look like?
Perhaps post an example of the error?
When a session ends you can't direct to a Form - and specifically not a login page.
Because forms require a session.
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