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Messages - ccordes

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Who is Bruce2?
« on: January 07, 2012, 06:51:20 AM »
He's "the man behind the curtain"... pay no attention to him <HA> :D (Bruce too?)


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: MakePage not including pageheader
« on: January 05, 2012, 04:47:52 AM »
Fixed here.
The actual fix for the header issue is
    if omitted(6) or p_header=''   !for the headers
    if omitted(7) or p_footer=''    !for the footers

You already have an ELSIF p_page=''  in the first condition

I'll watch for 6.14

Thanks again.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: MakePage not including pageheader
« on: January 05, 2012, 03:57:12 AM »
Thanks, Bruce I should've seen that.
If you use  if omitted(p_page) or p_page=''  instead of if omitted(2) in the parent would that fix it?


Web Server - Ask For Help / MakePage not including pageheader
« on: January 04, 2012, 05:15:41 PM »
I wanted to keep track of what page a user is on. As a test I put self._Trace('Page:'&p_page) in the embed before the parent.

The trace worked fine, but then the only time the page header was sent to the browser was on the index page because I call it out in the XHTML.
When I removed to embedded code, everything works normally.
I thought it was the trace that caused the error so I replaced it with a single comment. Compiled and ran and the header is missing again.

Any thought as to why this might be happening or a better place to track what page a session has been served? I thought of Sendfile, but that gets everything and I just want page names.

Here is the procedure in ThisNetWorker -

ThisNetWorker.MakePage PROCEDURE(<STRING p_page>,LONG p_Type=0,LONG p_Special=0,<STRING p_Title>,<String p_Header>,<string p_footer>)

  ! Start of "NetTalk Method Executable Code Section"
  ! [Priority 2500]
  !stuff goes here <-- this breaks the headers
  ! Parent Call
  ! [Priority 7500] 
  ! End of "NetTalk Method Executable Code Section"

! Start of "NetTalk Method Routine Section"
! [Priority 5000]

! End of "NetTalk Method Routine Section"

This just makes no sense to me.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: LoginForm ValidateUpdate
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:52:34 PM »
Good to hear you got it going, but I don't like those One-Switch-wonders.

Right now my pages no longer display the pageheader. I don't know why. It was working and then it wasn't.  :-\


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: LoginForm ValidateUpdate
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:30:34 AM »
I'm using 6.13 and ValidateUpdate seems to working.

What version are you using?
Are yours not firing at all or just not doing what is expected?

Answering my own questions...

Here's a fix for you. Even though I'm not using the performance control template, the performance is still being calculated - That's fine
In NetWebServer._PerfEndThread you have this line -
  self.PerformanceLoad.RequestsPerMinute[(clock()%360000)/6000,clock()/360000,day(today()),month(today())] += 1
That causes the error -
:( Every hour, for 1 minute, clock()%360000)/6000 = 0  
:( Everyday, for 1 hour at midnight, clock()/360000 = 0

This should fix it -
  self.PerformanceLoad.RequestsPerMinute[(int(clock()%360000)/6000)+1,int(clock()/360000)+1,day(today()),month(today())] += 1

Now I'm going to try the performance control thingy.


I'm having a very strange situation here and I am wondering if anyone else is seeing it or can give me a clue where to look.
I have just installed 6.13 and recompiled my 5.44 app. Testing went beautifully. BUT ...
Now every hour if anyone does anything in the first minute of the hour, the server falls over with an Index out of range error.

Is there something new in 6.13 that might be causing this? or is no longer compatible with my code?

To test this, I have been resetting the clock on my machine to 10:59:30 and waiting 30 seconds. If just refresh the page or even just drop down a menu selection (not making a menu selection), it crashes.

This is happening on 4 instances of this app on 2 different machines. They all go out within a few seconds of each other.

I have nothing in my embeds that tests the time of day.

 ???   ???   ???  ???

---- Edit ----
I am not using the new server performance control
nor any timers on browses, etc. They wouldn't be limited to the top of the hour anyway)

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Embed point when windows closes?
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:38:39 AM »
You might want to try adding an "Enter another line item" button that would recall the entry form as an insert instead of returning to the browse.
Or make the save button call the entry form as an insert and add a "No more line items" button that returns to the browse. (AKA the cancel button)

Since there are no user interface windows in a web app, you can't trap a close event. You need to rethink how the data entry logic works.


I started making a template utility to do it, but got swamped the complexity of multiple relations of all the fields. I thought it would be quick and dirty fix, but learned otherwise and I ran out of time.
As a matter of principle, it is on my 2012 fun things to do list. :)

I would be very interested in any approach you come up with.
(TXA method was not easy either)


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Update code fires on Browse
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:24:24 AM »
I'm not sure what you're doing, but when pages appear that you don't expect to appear, I double check the naming of things.
In NT pages are called 2 ways; by the procedure name and by page name. Procedure names are unique while page names might not be since you enter them in the template.So check what you called the page on the general tab for the procedure. It became such a problem for me that I wrote a quick template utility to find duplicate page names.
Also, if you are doing any sleight of hand stuff in the sendfile method of the workler you may have an issue there.

Happy New Year

Aw - I KNEW it would be easy <G>
After changing the GB colors to use css in 5, I promised myself not to fiddle with the templates again. At least not until after Christmas...
refresh 11's not up yet...
refresh refresh 11's not up yet...
refresh refresh refresh 11's not up yet...

Phew! I thought I was headed to Bedlam - thanks!
I'd love to know what you changed to make this work.

Can't wait for 6.11 to test it.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: 2 color questions
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:08:50 PM »
That all sounds right. Just a couple things to remember - css is case sensitive. Are you using the redmond theme in your app? I think the default is ui-lightnes (not sure).
Do you have the firebug plugin for Fire fox? You can see if your styles are getting reset by using it. You can see the over-ridden styles will have a line through them.
You don't need to use Gzip all to include your css file just include it in the file list. Also, unless you actually add it to the all.css file, make sure the "Is Included in ALL.CSS" box is unchecked.

As far as changing one field when another changes...
In the 'trigger' field, on the client side tab, check "send new value to server" - click the Server Code button and add your code to set the css selector. Something like
Case triggervalue
  of '1'
  of '2'
 Add the the 'changed' field name to the reset list.

In the 'changed' field, on the CSS tab, put loc:css in as the EntryDiv Class or the Entry class.
That should do it.

Bruce may see something I missed here (he usually does <g>)


Thanks. Sorry for being so cryptic.
I said Update Invoices when I should have said Update Line Items. The idea is to add a lineitem to the selected invoice.
I'm a little surprised that you didn't see the Browse Invoices displayed with a column called Add Item with Shopping Cart buttons. See the attached image.
If you click on one of those shopping carts, you should go to the UpdateLIneItems page where you should see the lookup button . If you don't see the cart buttons, then that's a whole different problem.


[attachment deleted by admin]

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