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Messages - dmoyer

Pages: 1 [2]
Hi, I have some browses that are embedded in a form.  The form is directly called from the menu.  When I change the browse's form to a popup, the popup form does not display.

I reproduced this using the accounts example.  If you click on the "Analysis>>Customers" menu item, and try to edit a customer record, the popup form does not display.  The only unique thing I see about that browse is it is embedded in a memory form.

-Dave Moyer

I have a web form that is a container for a browse.  I have an embedded script in the form that populates a google map that is based on the records in the browse.  This script fires when the form is loaded.  The google map is actually defined as a cell in the browse.

On the form, there is a set of radio buttons that changes the filter for the browse.  As I click on each radio button, the browse value is set to refresh, and that works great.  However, I cannot figure out how to force a reload of the form when that radio button is clicked.  If I reselect the form from the menu, the onload event fires and the script runs.

Is there a way to force a reload of the form when I click on a control on the form, so this script can re-plot the markers on the google map?  The script uses this syntax: 'window.onload = function()' (which avoids the need for the body tag to have the onload="functionname()" parameter.

Like I say, it all works great, I just need to figure out how to fire the window.onload event.


try pressing Ctrl-F5 in your browser.
This will clear the files from the cache.


Hi Bruce,
I have cache disabled in FF for my testing.   This is with a nettalk browse embedded in a static page.  Attached is the "Pages" example in both FF and IE.

-Dave Moyer

[attachment deleted by admin]

Umm...I did that.  Wouldn't the example "Pages" already have the new web folder anyway?

-Dave Moyer

Web Server - Ask For Help / Busy gif does not go away on static pages
« on: August 09, 2010, 12:09:59 PM »
The busy.gif is displayed in the upper left of the page on static pages and never disappears.  Easily reproducible with the "Pages" example program.  Using PR28

-Dave Moyer

I have a dashboard report with 6 insight graphs.  The web server template only renders one of the graphs.  Here is a new NetGraphStuff group that renders unlimited graphs per page:

  #if(not varexists(%vc))
  If not p_Web &= NULL
    If p_web.RequestData.WebServer.SSL = 1
      If p_web.GetSessionLoggedIn() = 1
        If p_web.GetSessionLevel() <= %LevelRqd
          %window{prop:hide} = 1
          ans = 'images\$$$' & format(random(1,99999),@n05) &'.png'
          %vc.SaveAs(clip( & '\' & Ans)
          %window{prop:pixels} = 1
          #Embed(%BeforeGraph,'Before Graph')
          packet = clip(packet) & p_web.CreateImage(ans,%vc.Width,%vc.Height,%vc.HeaderName)
          packetlen = len(clip(packet))
          #Embed(%AfterGraph,'After Graph')

Basically just lets the template render for each instance of the insight template.  Would be nice to see this implemented as a fix in a future release:).

Dave Moyer

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