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Topics - Pauly

Pages: [1]
Web Server - Ask For Help / Wait, Hourglass, rotating circle thingy...
« on: October 17, 2012, 12:28:20 AM »
G'day all,

Though this is probably very basic, I'm unable to find it so thought I'd ask here;

You know the little circle thingy that rotates while you're waiting for something to happen in a browser?.. Like the equivilent to the ol' hourglass thingy in a desktop app.

How do I code that while I'm looping through a squillion records... For example... when the user clicks a button?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Stopping Drag & Drop capability in Netwebyear
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:46:47 AM »

How do I stop the drag & drop capability of the NetWebYear claendar display?
I have a 'Big' NetWebYear displayed in a page, and the user can drag one displayed 'Day' (IE; one of the squares that represent a day), onto another. That would be cute if I wanted it, but I dont - And all the records that were related to the original date (The day that was dragged) disappear when it's dropped. Rather than add another feature (like say to the user.. look, you can drag one date ointo another and all the records end up in the second one) I'd just like to restrict this behaviour.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Run code When a form is completed
« on: August 31, 2012, 05:05:47 AM »

In a memory form (or a table form for that matter) I simply want to run some code when the form is completed.
That is.. when the user clicks the 'Save' button, _or_ presses enter.

Try as I might, the embed point eludes me.. there just HAS to be a place when I can put some code (lets say p_web.Popup('Closing') ) that will be run any time the form is completed by the user clkicking the save button _or pressing enter.

Advice please?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Save a record without leaving the form
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:03:21 AM »
Hi -
I have a popup form with the first tab containing a number of file fields, and a second tab with a number of local (well,, session) variables and a button.

The form can be open for Changes or Inserts.

When the button on the second tab is clicked, and the record is being inserted (IE; it's not yet saved), I want to save the record as if the 'Save' button had been clicked on the form and the form to stay open, while I do some other stuff in code
Hope I've explained sufficiently.

How do I go about that?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Documentation?
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:11:57 AM »
Is there a reference document somewhere that I'm missing (or more likely can't find! :-))?
The reason I ask is that there seems not to be a 'Language reference manual' or whatever you want to call it with Nettalk, so the syntax and parameters of keywords is questionable.

I've bougt the book, which gives some examples of specific scenarios, however I'm hungry for some more effective 'hunt and peck' type documentation.

Is there anything available?



I have a page (memory form) setup that contains numerous check boxes, date pickers, and a browse. In nettalk five, checking on one check box, unchecks the others.. Picking a new date , changes the values in some of the check boxes etc.. In short - changing one value revalidates and redisplays all the others .

Since Nettalk 6 this has not worked and though I've tried I've had zero success.

Does anyone have a simple example of a memory form with (say) 3 check boxes on it, where checking one, unchecks the others? That (I think) would allow me to solve my problem.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Spin events, and poping up messages
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:59:03 AM »
Hi All,

Does anybody have an example of the following please? I could really use some guidance -

I want to refresh the page when the user changes the value of a spin control immediately... For example, the user clicks on the spin control and it increments from 1 to two... I then want to (immediately) refresh the page using the new value. So far, I've only got it to work if the user clicks outside of the spin control.

Also... How can I pop-up a message? I know it should be a simple thing, but popping up a message box (well... I guess it would be called a pop up form?) like 'Please enter a number between one and a squillion' with an ok button on it is eluding me,

Thanks for any advice


First post so please be kind.

I have two tables, related by an ID field.
The 'Child' table has multiple records, each with the ID, a date and a time.

What I need to do (and am struggling with) is to display the date and time of the LAST child table record (based on the date and time) related to each browse row.

The child table has a key that contains the parent ID, a date, and time. 

Can anyone please advise an elegant way to do this?

Paul  ???

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