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Web Server - Ask For Help / Adjusting the height of a tab DIV
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:31:00 AM »
On a wizard form the height of each tab DIV seems to be set to the initial height of all visible fields. But in the case where other fields may become visible due to selections on a drop list (e.g. when Passport is selected in ID Type and then the Passport Number field is displayed) the total height of the DIV is too short. How can this be adjusted dynamically depending on the actual number of visible fields - after the initial height was determined?

Attached is a screenshot that shows what it looks like when the height is too short.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / First field on a tab is read-only
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:09:14 AM »
When the Next button is pressed on a wizard form and the first field on that tab is read-only, the focus remains on that field. Is there are way that it will advance to the first non read-only field?


I have several lists in which I need to populate with data received from stored procs. I can't use a dummy table on SQL to receive the data in - the db belongs to someone else and I can't have custom tables created for that. We are using ADO in an OLE container to retrieve the data.

My problem lies in this - I would like to use the NT browse template to display the data. But I need to override the normal Clarion processing for that. I think a class interface would have been nice, but SV have not implemented something like that. What other method may there be to do this?

Maybe this post belongs in the SV newsgroups, but I think the browse in NT works different and could be easier to manipulate.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Validations
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:05:00 AM »
On a web form I have the following quesitons:

1. The value in loc:invalid should indicate to which field the focus must return, but it does not. Should it?
2. Now because focus is not set to the error field, I have to repeat the validation on the save button. Is that correct?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Things I learned
« on: June 20, 2011, 11:54:55 PM »
For use by others here are some of the items that I got from Bruce recently:

1. What does p_web.SetValue ('retry', 'LoginForm') do?

If the validation for the form fails, then this is the URL it will return to so the user can try again.

2. If a field can only contain one character, how can the focus advance to the next non readonly field automatically?

Use the Auto Tab option on the field.

3. In Wizard mode, when pressing enter on the keyboard - what happens? I thought it would be pressing the Next button (or something regarding the wizard buttons), but it doesn’t seem to work like that.

I've no idea what it'll do. I'm not sure what it _should_ do really. I guess in a windows program I'd expect it to press "Finish".

4. How do I right-align a prompt so that it's next to the entry? Tried align="right" on <td> but did not have effect.

in your custom style sheet file put;
or if you want more control in custom style sheet file put
and then add the my-right class to the prompts you want moved to the right. With fields that contain multiple fields in the same row, this is probably not a good idea.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Validation on a wizard tab
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:13:59 PM »
On a web form where the tabs are in wizard format, I need to do validation of the fields on a tab when the Next or Previous buttons are pressed. There doesn't seem to be embed points for those - does anyone knows where I can add these checks?


Web Server - Ask For Help / URL on a page
« on: May 25, 2011, 12:33:50 AM »
I want to have a URL to another Clarion page on a form page. I use the URL type on the Fields window. But it doesn't give any option for me to provide the URL i.t.o. a page or external link, and it produces a stock-standard entry box. How can I get a URL link to an existing Clarion page?

(I have been trying to use the search on the NT Central for this, but I can't convince it that I am searching for the word "URL" and not a literal url... If there was not a previous post containing the letters "URL" - by virtue of this post there is one now.)

Web Server - Ask For Help / Display TAB headers when Wizard is used
« on: May 23, 2011, 01:35:35 AM »
On a lengthy web form - where I split the fields into several tabs - I would like to use the Wizard form style to keep the page small enough to be readable. But then the tab headers are not displayed - like a wizard should work like. Is there any way to retain the tab headings when the Wizard form style is used?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Field-level validation
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:30:41 AM »
I needed to do a field-level validation. For this field I checked the "Send new value to server" on the Client-Side tab and added code to the Server Code. In there I did the check in code and set loc:altert and loc:invalid when the value was found to be invalid. However the error is correctly displayed BUT the focus is not set to the field in loc:invalid.

I found a similar problem in the web53 sample app - on the MailboxesFormControl procedure with the MAI:NickName field. It has the same behaviour - doesn't give focus to the field set in loc:invalid.

How could the user then otherwise be restricted to the field when invalid?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Displaying two buttons side-by-side
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:11:12 AM »
I need to have two buttons next to each other on a tab of a form. Currently they show below each other because they are listed as fields on the tab. Is there a way to have them next to each other - other than maybe changing the CSS?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Message to user
« on: May 10, 2011, 11:19:05 PM »
I need to display a message to a user after successfully creating a login. I want it to be a normal windows message and not some information on a web page. How do I do that?


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