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Topics - zdpl0a

Pages: [1] 2
Hi Folks,

I need to upload documents atttached with any given order. When I just use the upload dialogue the documents get placed in my web\uploads folders just fine and the data base field is updated.

When I go through the Rename embed and use the RenameFile procedure, the uploaed document is
placed where I want it.  (note under the web).  I needed to use he customer number to make a path and the order number with the document extension added to make a file name.  Again, it is where I need it to be placed.

However, the field in my data base is only updated for the last 5 characters. 
Example s:\uploads\964\39482.jpg  is only be recorded in the data base field as 82.jpg

A message for both the filename and the path are fine.  In the form field I have p_name = 'vti:documentpath'
which is also the field on the form with the lookup.

I have to be mssing somehting.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Any Problem With New Adobe on Client
« on: December 10, 2010, 05:27:11 AM »
I installed Adove Reader X on a Windows 7 Pro workstation I use for testing.  I had version 9 on it before and all was fine.

Now, I can not open web server generated PDF reports.  Has anyone seen this?  I duplicated the problem on another Windows 7 machine with Adobe Reader X.

I can still open the reports on workstations loaded with Windows 7 Adobe 9 and XP with Adobe 9.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Unique Key Is Customer Number - Can't Access
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:11:06 AM »
Hi All,

This used to work. I compiled under PR32 today and it does not.
3 Tables

Orders has a filed for the ID for the Customer table and the Contact Table.

The unique key, auton umber, in the customer table is also the customer number. Over 700 customers in the table.  Clarion 6 apps work fine.

The customer is obtained using a select table.  The customer number is placed in a session var

When the contact Table is called, the session var, placed in a local variable is used to filter so only the contacts for the selected customer are visibile to be select.

So, the user selects a customer, then selects a contact from 2 different forms.
Worked great

The slections of the customer is returning a zero instead of the proper customer number from the ufield whic is also part of the unique key for the table.  I can display any other field from the customer table on the server, be they long, or string.

Funny thing is the customer number does return from the select lookup and is placed in the field on the orders record as well as showing the customer name in the comments field... I just can no longer access it like before and save it for use in another lookup.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Example 60 - CPCS
« on: August 03, 2010, 10:51:48 AM »
I compiled this example and when I selected the CPCS report I get the 404 message  - page can not be found.  Maybe I'm blind, but the tag looks correct.

Can someone check to see if example 60 - mailboxes CPCS option works.....

I have 9 reports in CPCS i'd love to through up on the web for the customers to run ad-hoc



Web Server - Ask For Help / Bruce - Does This Make Sense ?
« on: July 07, 2010, 01:11:56 PM »

I solved my browse problem - I think

Some of my address and customer data contained the '&' sign.

I load a memory table from the physical data that has changed once every 30 minutes.  Works fine.

I added a routine to convert the '&' to '+' and the browse now flows fine.

They had to have '&' in the data before. 


E-Mail - Ask For Help / NetTalk 5 - PR 23
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:12:53 AM »
I need pointed in the right direction

I have a service which generates customer and associate tasks based on trigger records from orders.

It has worked fine for over a year.  Compiled clean.  The last NetTalk 5 i compiled with was PR17

Today, I installed the laters netTalk 5 and when I compile I get:

Unresolved External_Trace@F9NetSimpleSB in Noti004.obj

Noti004 is the 'hidden' window which actually performs the send.  It is from the nettalk examples.
This is the first release I've had a link error.

Any clues at all and I'll start chasing it down.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Reports - Sureley BeenAsked Before
« on: September 04, 2009, 09:54:37 AM »
I have 6 reports developed in CPCS that I would like to generate and distribute on request through my webServer.

The mechanics around it are fine and I understand the parms. They will select the reports from different browses.

Since the reports and the PDF generate run on the server, is it safe to say that the
non-relational file lookups embedded in the reports should work without any nettalk webserver related changes parms or wrappers?  We lookup some values prior to printing various detail lines.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Data DLL , File Name Loads
« on: September 03, 2009, 11:49:20 AM »
I have a 3 NetServer apps that the dictionary is (I don't know the term) compiled directly into.  There is no data DLL.

With the new release of our system I needed to build a start path app that is called at INIT for the desktop applications.  They have always had a seperate Data dll.  All this works fine.  85 files with
!GLOx:XXXXXXX to keep straight.

I tried to add the start path app to the Nettalk webservers without the seperate data dll, just let the dictionary remain internal. The start path appears not to work in this config.

I tried setting up the webserver app like a regular EXE and access the data DLL by seting up the gobal app setting.  I get about a dozen duplicate nettalk related symbols. when I compile.

I tried to make it a lib for the heck of it. When the NetServer exe runs, it crashes before the status window opens.

I through about removing the !GLO:names references from the 2 dozen files I'll need, but some have aliases so, no go there?

Does anyone have any ideas?  I  would have though I could setup the data defs to external, import the lib statement for the data.dll and compile like I always do.

The example program with DLL's seems to not compile so I don't have an example to start from.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Assign TPS File Name At Runtime
« on: August 15, 2009, 01:55:28 PM »
I converted my d ata dictionary is 100% runtime variables for the TPS filenames.  My two web server apps are the last ot get my attention.

In a regular windows app, I call 'StartPath.dll' which performs prop:name assignments for the files.  I call the startpath procedure in the startpath.dll in the WindowsManager INIT before open files, and it works great.

Can I assume I can plug it in the 'WebServer' Procedure at the same point?  I assume I can by I wanted to make sure that that one location would handle all the activity to all the procedures handling the pages and reports.

I only ask because I got an error 45 and have not started to hunt it down.




I also seem to be getting this problem on my check boxes.  - Not all of them...

CompleteCheckBoxes  Routine
          If p_web.IfExistsValue('WEB:Commercial') = 0
            WEB:Commercial = N
          If p_web.IfExistsValue('WEB:Residential') = 0
            WEB:Residential = N
          If p_web.IfExistsValue('WEB:WebFilter') = 0
            WEB:WebFilter = N

Does anyone have the easy answer ?  All the N's after the equal signs are 'unknown identifiers'



On a browse, after upgrading to 4.31 a Unique,unchanging key field became blank.

I added the key back into the template field

When I compile I get errors on the two ::Other Routine lines below

Syntax Error Routine /GOTO  label duplicated

Does anyone have any ideas?  I'll go read the release notes again....



! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Validate::Other  Routine
loc:invalid                String(100)
loc:was                    Any
  XTP:SysID = p_web.GetValue('XTP:SysID')
  If p_web._GetFile(XPTitleOrder,XTP:KeySysID) then exit.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
value::Other   Routine
loc:extra    string(256)
loc:disabled string(20)

Hi All,

I have a question that I should be able to figure out... duh...

My customer access site runs great.  My customers can launch reports as PDF's, and they can pull their monthly stastements and invoices out of their PDF folders (with a little security coded in ...)

I have scanned images stored as TIF files.  The customers do not need to view these over the web.  They just need to clik on a link in the
orders browse.  The field asscoiated with the button has the compelte path and file name of the TIF file, just like I do with their statements.

I need to launch a save at the client and and server them the tif file.  I keep getting 'junk' or the infamous 404. If I'm close, my template setting are wrong.

I'm wondering if I need to add and NetTalk FTP Download?

I do have a WebNetPage to serve a test PDF so I know I am close. 

Any Help!  would be greatly appreciated?


Web Server - Ask For Help / PDF Again
« on: October 05, 2007, 04:41:51 PM »
I have a table - customer number , statement nunber, path with PDF name...  the PDF name is the statementnumber &.pdf

I'd like to be able to open the PDF from a browse.  I created a net web page and have been trying to get it to serve up the PDF from a button on the browse line from the browse form that calls the net web page.  No luck.

I have moved the PDF to \web\drsstates\

Can someone help me with this one?



Hi All,

I have something similar working on update forms...

I want to use a modified version of the email example to create a customer support request form.

The TO: address is always the same.  I've tried a couple ways in the example to plug the address, but it does not show up on the form.

I tried in the generate form embed and the init form embed.  No luck...

Any help would really be appreciated.


Hi All,

My login works fine.  As part of the login I read the customer contact file to verify the ID and Password and then read the customer's master control record.

I am using three frames - heading - then a left and right - just like eample 31 (hint)

My Problem:   When The login is complete - "I want to display the Customer Info (Name, Address, logged in contact) on the first page after the login. "

 I have the info stored in the session q...  Everything else I'm doing is fine, - reports, email just want to get rid of the browse I have sitting there with all the customers I am using for testing (and customers can not us it that way.) I'll also need to us the customer # and contact # for filters.



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