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Topics - alan

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Web Server - Ask For Help / create additional sessionqueues
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:30:24 PM »

I'm working on an app with a large amount of data that is loaded into a queues and then processed.  This data needs to stay available throughout a session.  I would like to create those queues the same way SessionQueue is implemented.  That is, I want to instantiate them (and some classes) at the same time (with the same scope) as the SessionQueue and I want to delete (free) them when the session is deleted.

Do you have any embeds I could use at the point all this is happening with SessionQueue?  If no embeds, is there anything else you could recommend to accomplish this?



Web Server - Ask For Help / override CSS for contentbody_div
« on: August 20, 2013, 10:28:42 AM »

I have a NetWebForm on which I need to override the height on the contentbody_div.  I don't see anyplace on the CSS Classes tab to do this.

Is there a way to override the contentbody_div settings for one specific procedure?


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to display static html page
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:48:32 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I have a static html page I need to display.  It is longer than will fit on the standard size form or page in my app.  Thus, I need it to scroll vertically.

I have tried embedding it as xhtml on a page and on a form and in both of those the html text overflows way past the content height.

Interestingly, the form works well when I call it as a popup - except the form is a skinny little thing with a height of about 2500 pixels.  This approach might work for me when I am able to call a popup from the top level of a double drop menu.

So, does NT have a scrollable control that would let me display this text in a NT form.  Or, is there some other way to accomplish this.


Web Server - Ask For Help / checkbox dies after validation
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:24:44 AM »
Hi Bruce,

This seems like a weird one to me.

I have a wizard form.  I want to prevent moving from Tab0 to Tab1 if the user hasn't accepted the license agreement (checkbox - loc:licenseagreed).  The following code works fine to execute the Alert if the user tries to tab without accepting the license agreement:

NextTab  routine
  case lower(p_web.PageName)
  of lower('NewSubscription_nexttab_' & 0)
    ! Start of "NextTab Tab"
    ! [Priority 4000]

    loc:tabchanging = 1

ValidateValue::licenseagreed  Routine
  ! Start of "Validate Value"
  ! [Priority 4000]
    if loc:tabchanging = 1 AND loc:LicenseAgreed <> 1
        loc:alert = 'You need to click the checkbox...'
        loc:invalid = 'loc:LicenseAgreed'

The problem is, after the validation fails, the checkbox is effectively dead.  That is, you can click on it all day long and nothing happens.    Although the checkbox appears to check on and off, it does not generate any events in the web server window so the value is not updated.  From then on, my validation fails.

But, if I move to a different page, or if I click on a different checkbox on that same tab, everything goes back to normal and my validated checkbox starts functioning again. ( on that tab  if I click a button that executes a popup, that does not reset the checkbox - it continues to not function.

This behavior is not affected by selecting or not selecting "Use jQuery button" for the checkbox.

I tried every setting I could find. In the definition for loc:licenseagreed I set cannot be blank or zero.  For the field, I tried setting Immediate validation to Default, Yes and No.  And, for the procedure validation, I set Wizard:Validate Tab on Next to True.

WORKAROUND:  I got around this problem with this which simply prevents the tab change if the checkbox isn't set:

NextTab  routine
! Start of "NextTab routine data section"
! [Priority 5000]

! End of "NextTab routine data section"
  ! Start of "NextTab routine start"
  ! [Priority 5000]

  if p_web.PageName = 'NewSubscription_nexttab_0' AND p_web.GSV('loc:licenseagreed') = 0
    loc:alert = 'You must click the checkbox above indicating you accept the' |
                & ' license agreement before you can continue.'

Web Server - Ask For Help / popups
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:47:13 AM »
Hi Bruce,

There are a couple pages (a webpage and a webform) I would like to call directly from the topmost level of the main menu.  That doesn't seem to work.  I can only get popups to work from level 1.

Along the same lines, is it possible to popup a webpage or webform from an anchor tag in a webpage's xhtml?


Web Server - Ask For Help / how to enable/disable buttons ?
« on: August 14, 2013, 06:06:08 PM »

I have a tabbed form and I would like to disable the NextButton until the user clicks a checkbox.  The buttonset appears to be jquery .  Does NT provide a way to conditionally set the CSS on these buttons to enable/disable them? I assume there's a way to do this since the PreviousButton is only disabled on the first tab. 

I could probably figure out which nt classes to switch if I knew how to switch them.


Web Server - Ask For Help / call an update form without a browse
« on: August 12, 2013, 07:47:40 AM »
At login, I'm fetching the user's account record and using SSV to store the user's sysid.

I have a menu item for the user to edit their account information.  When selected, I want to directly call the update form in update mode with the user's account record loaded (using the unique sysidkey)

I can't figure out what code to embed into the update form to make this happen. (or, can I set a parameter when calling the update form from the menu?)

Help would be appreciated.

Web Server - Ask For Help / IfExistsSessionValue
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:46:35 AM »
I have a form using two columns (act:attorneyEmail and act:contactEmail) from a table names Accounts.

As the user accepts act:attorneyEmail, I want to default contactEmail to the same value, if contactEmail doesn't already have a value.

I found that p_web.SetSessionValue('act:contactemail',act:attorneyemail) will set the value correctly, but I can't get this to operate conditionally.  Here's what I tried (among many other things):

if p_web.IfExistsSessionValue('act:ContactEmail') = 0

In this code, the contactEmail is ALWAYS updated to equal attorneyEmail.  I found IfExistsSessionValue is always returning "1", even when I haven't yet touched contactEmail.

Obviously there's something very basic I don't yet understand.  Help would be appreciated.


Web Server - Ask For Help / using Artisteer templates
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:06:58 AM »
Hi All,
I read a post from Niels Larsen with information about using Artisteer templates in a NetTalk webapp.  That post seemed to indicate there was a way to export a design/layout template from Artisteer into NetTalk. I got Artisteer and created a nice design.

Now, can someone give me some guidance on how to import that design into my NetTalk app?



Web Server - Ask For Help / $ReferenceError: $ is not defined
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:10:11 AM »
NT 7.16

I installed NT 7.16 and now anything I generate reports a javascript error.  In firebug I see  "$ReferenceError: $ is  not defined"  and the menu doesn't display correctly.  See the attached screenshot.

I deleted the menu extension and I still get the error:

ReferenceError: $ is not defined
     $(document).ready( function(){versionCheck('7.16');

I tried opening and compiling an example app HotDates (12) and got the same problem.  I also tried reinstalling NT 7.16.

Any suggestions?

[attachment deleted by admin]

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