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Topics - ViggoPoulsen

Pages: [1]
Web Server - Ask For Help / Can you identify the smartphone ?
« on: July 25, 2012, 02:22:10 AM »
I am working on an app ment for Smartphones ( as _mobile_ ).
You start up by scanning a QR code containing the IP address.
What I need is to get some kind of ID from the smartphone scanning the QR code. The ID can not come from the QR code but must be some kind of ID from the smartphone or from the browser that opens on the clients smartphone. Is there any kind of parameter I can use here ?

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

Web Server - Ask For Help / Make a smartphone beep
« on: July 16, 2012, 03:46:08 AM »
When the customer has pressed a button on the smartphone, I would like the smartphone sound a beep, play a note or in another way let the user know that something is happening. It this possible ?

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

Web Server - Ask For Help / Mobile - button in full page width
« on: July 10, 2012, 03:21:20 AM »

I'm struggling with a problem about buttons. In the example Calculator (34) the Calculate button is full page width. This is what I want to do.
In the project I am working on I have 3 buttons on a netwebform (memory) whitch I want to behave like this but no matter what I try the buttons are of fixed sizes.  Problably some CSS thing that I cannot understand. Any hint to push me in the right direction are wellcome.

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

Web Server - Ask For Help / Nettalk webserver and QR codes question
« on: June 23, 2012, 12:36:33 AM »
Here is what I want to do:

I build a webserver. Let's say the address is http://800.800.800.1
I already know that I can select mobile with this parameter:  http://800.800.800.1:88/?_mobile_=1
But can I send another information as parameter to use in the program, like this:  http://800.800.800.1:88/?_mobile_=1/?_name_=Viggo   (and how do I detect this in my program)

Let's say this is possible, then I want to put this line http://800.800.800.1:88/?_mobile_=1/?_name_=Viggo into a QR code, take a fresh smartphone, scan this QR code and see my program running.

I have a link to a homepage where I can generate QR codes with text, but will a smartphone automatically go to the webpage in the QR code without having to install anything first ?

I'm going to buy my first smartphone. What a nightmare, too many to select from. I guess I will go for an Android thing. Does this sound as a good idea together with a Nettalk server ?

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

I have a Display field on a memory form with this text (equate = SlutprisDisplay) :  p_web.GSV('VaegtIGram')

Somewere else on the same form I have a Number using this server code:  p_web.SSV('VaegtIGram', VaegtGram)
I have inserted SlutprisDisplay value for Reset.

Now when I type something in the number and leave the field the Display field updates as expected (accepted).
What I want instead is an update of the Display field every time I put in a new digit in the number.  Is this possible in NTWS ?  (I'm in the learning phase).

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

The Rest - Ask For Help / Problem with NT V6.33 with CW 6.3 9053
« on: June 12, 2012, 09:22:58 AM »
Upgrading from 6.26 to 6.33 goes well. But when trying to install the patch (nettalk6_9051-3) the installer informs me about a mismatch of versions. I guess the patch needs to be updated.

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

E-Mail - Ask For Help / Problem sending via SOLVED
« on: March 20, 2012, 12:44:16 PM »
In my program (c6.3 NT6) I use smtp to send via . Most installations work just fine but some does not work at all. I have a few things left to try ( ex. point at a CA_Root.pem file) but have stumbled over a strange thing:

In the dokumentation over HELO it says 'This property defaults to '' (blank), and if it's still blank when .SendMail() is called, it is set to the domain of the From address.'

I leave it blank like this:  ThisEmailSend.Helo = ''
I put this in the 'From' address:   "Viggo"<>
In the log file I thought that I would see   but instead I see my machinename  like this
84 > EHLO Viggo-Monster

Is this an error, or does it meen nothing ?

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

The Rest - Ask For Help / NetWebClient problem downloading index.php
« on: December 21, 2011, 04:44:05 AM »

At my site ( ) I have a index.php. I want to download the exact content of this file.

The content is:

 * Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
 * wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
 * @package WordPress

 * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
 * @var bool
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);

/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */

But this seems to be impossible for me. When using Fetch (and with Redirect off ) I get a status instead of the contents. Anything I can do ?

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebYear
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:54:11 AM »
I have started playing a little with NetWebYear and have a few questions (
NetWebYear seems to be undocumented ):
Can I change the calendar so it starts on a Monday (Std. in Denmark) ?
Can I show weeknumbers to the left of each week ?
Can I print the calendar ?

A hint: The example 'Hotdates (12)' warn about Hotdates and a few other
templates are missing. Just ignore and compile, it works fine without these
templates ( sure must be missing something, but calendar, appointment etc.
can be tested).

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen

Pages: [1]