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Topics - Mark Sarson

Pages: [1] 2
Upon ticking User must be logged in, the following code is generated by the templates.

  If p_web.GetSessionLoggedIn() = 0

At the top of the procedure is:
  DO OpenFiles

At the end of the procedure is:
  do CloseFiles

However if the user isn't logged in then the calls to close the files isn't made, is this correct?



I have tested this on both a normal forms and a popup forms.

I have the cancel button of the form set to prompt for conformation, but the prompt never occurs.

I do have a small example app if you need it.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Popup on a popup form problems
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:42:22 AM »
Hi All
I have a from that contains 4 tabs. One of the tabs contains a browse that shows the user a list of files they have uploaded to the server.

The browse has a standard insert button seen here:

The Add Plan form show's nicely (another popup form) and I can upload a file (pdf for instance) and a record of that file is added to the tps file I am browsing on. (checked in topscan)

But on return to the browse, the file is not showing the newly added row. 

I have a debugout on LOC:FilterWas for that browse and the data there seems fine.

If I save the main form and then re-edit it, I do see the item in the browse, but if I add any other items, they to do not show.

Any thoughts?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Reset Field if Browse has been edited
« on: August 23, 2011, 07:11:50 AM »
I have a web form with tabs, on one tab is a browse (procedure).

I want to reset a button if any edits are made to the rows of this browse.

Is this possible?, and if so how :)




I have a form without a browse.

I call this from from a menu option with the link like so:

'updatemainpassenger?change_btn=change&_bidv_=' & p_web.AddBrowseValue('WebMenu','Customer',CUS:KeyCustomerID,p_web.GSV('CustomerID')) & '&PressedButton=change_btn'

When the user saves their data from this form, I need the form to stay open on the same tab as it was on before the save.

I have tried many ways to do this without avail.

I thought I was onto something when I tried this in the   ! Start of "Set Form Action" embed,

 p_web.SetValue('onsave','stay')  ! Make the target be the same form

This works with the first save I make, but then any save after that,  the post update is not being called, and if I return to the form later, any changes I make on the second and any other attempt after that, changes are lost.

Any help in resolving this would be much appreciated.


Mark Sarson

Web Server - Ask For Help / Possible Bug in p_web.GetValue
« on: May 30, 2011, 04:33:55 PM »

I'm testing the SagePay payment gateway. All is going quite well apart from a problem with the returned information from Sage.

They use Base64 encoding of a simple xor encryption, and this is a small snippet of what they return for a value called Crypt:


However when I use MyVar =  p_web.GetValue('Crypt'), MyVar contains

MQVW5mDy8cLwV3cWEqXHt3b0AUdx8 Yj08eFFoFF4K

Notice the + has been replaced by a space.

Now I have fixed my code up to replace the spaces GetValue returns with the + and I can decode without any problem.

So my question is, is this expected behavior or is there a bug?

Kinds regards


Web Server - Ask For Help / Refreshing a Browse on another tab.
« on: May 19, 2011, 12:44:20 AM »

If I have tabs as follows:

   Browse 1
  Browse 2

And I change an item in Tab B, how can I refresh the browse in Tab A?



[Lookups to a file with a PK that is alphanumeric and unique]

Should this be possible?

When my lookup returns it very quickly shows the random characters, then my field goes blank.

Bruce: I have stripped this app down to its bare minimum and still have the problem. Skype me if you want me to send it to you

Ive attached my lookup settings so you can see them, both Cus:PreferredRegionCode and Reg:Code match.



[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / CheckBox not storing value
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:50:59 PM »

I have a byte field in my dct. In the DCT its validation is set to true or false.

In my form I have the field set as Checkbox and set true value to 1 and false to 0.

To make sure I wasn't going mad, I placed a stop statement in ValidateUpdate, and the value is showing correctly.

However when I go back to the form after a save, the value isn't being saved.

I then decided to play around a bit. I set the field to be a string rather than checkbox, and the value does get saved.

Ive tried every combination I can think of to try and find out why it won't save when its a checkbox. Ive set the true/false values in the dct. Changed the true/false values on the form, to no avail.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



NTWS 5.25 - Clarion 6

Hi, In my app I call a from from a menu. Im calling it with this code

UpdateMainPassenger?change_btn=change&_bidv_=' & p_web.AddBrowseValue('WebMenu','Customer',CUS:KeyCustomerID)

The form appears correct, all data for the record is loaded etc.

However, no matter what I try to do, I get the following being issued to the console in Firebug/Chrome dev tools when I press the save button on the form. This is the standard save button, but have tried to add one on the form as well, and that gives the same result.

Uncaught ReferenceError: save_btn is not defined.

I'm pasting in a few lines where that error is occuring, in case it helps. But some advice would be appreciated.



<div id="UpdateMainPassenger_saveset" class="">
<button type="button" name="save_btn" id="save_btnFWVO" value="Save" onclick="removeElement('UpdateMainPassenger_frm','updatemainpassenger_procextendflight_embedded_div');removeElement('UpdateMainPassenger_frm','updatemainpassenger_browseshoppingitems_embedded_div');removeElement('UpdateMainPassenger_frm','updatemainpassenger_passengers_embedded_div');removeElement('UpdateMainPassenger_frm','updatemainpassenger_linkedpassengers_embedded_div');removeElement('UpdateMainPassenger_frm','updatemainpassenger_browseflighthistory_embedded_div');document.UpdateMainPassenger_frm.action='WelcomePage';'_self'; dsb(event,UpdateMainPassenger_frm,save_btn,'save_btn','','');" title="Click on this to Save the form"  data-nt-default="1">Save</button>
<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#save_btnFWVO").button({icons: {primary:'ui-icon-check'}});});


Web Server - Ask For Help / Bug In C6 5.23 Maybe?
« on: April 30, 2011, 08:58:58 AM »
I have a form that has various tabs on. 

On one of the tabs I have a field as type Procedure (1) that calls a memory form, that form just has the 1 tab that has a Procedure type to a browse.

So far so good, when I look on that tab, sure enough the browse is there.

However :( On other tabs of the main form, I also have Procedure types going to browses, and ALL of those browses are vanished.

If I change the field (1) to the browse I want, rather than the form, then all comes back.

If Im not explaining myself clear enough, let me know.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Popup Validation
« on: April 18, 2011, 02:11:17 AM »

If I call a popup (NTW Form), any validation text is appearing on the window behind the popup from and not on the popup form. The calling browse is on the main html and is not a popup.

Maybe thats causing my problem?

Some clarification about what you can and can't do with popups might be nice :)



Web Server - Ask For Help / Browse As Popup looses its way
« on: April 16, 2011, 07:11:11 AM »
Hi, I am calling a browse as a popup from a button on a form.

I have the delete button on each row.

If I remove any row from the browse using the delete button, the browse popup is left totally blank apart from the popup border.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong.


Mark Sarson

Web Server - Ask For Help / Popup Form from popup Browse
« on: April 15, 2011, 05:41:14 AM »
Hi, if I have a popup browse, and then change the record which opens a popup form, is there anyway, when pressing save on the form to be able to close both popups?

The change button is on the rows of the browse, rather than at the bottom of the window, if that makes any difference.



Web Server - Ask For Help / "Unknown Variable %FormSource"
« on: April 15, 2011, 04:58:28 AM »
Hi, I am getting the above error when generating my app.

I can continue and let the app compile, and all works ok, however I would like away to get rid of the error if possible :)


Mark Sarson

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