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Messages - Jane

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: IT Audit Report
« on: October 21, 2022, 07:35:57 AM »
My NT 12.47 apps report 3.6.0 

The History in the docs says that update to 3.6.0 was as of 12.33 last December.

As Bruce often says, security is not a "one and done" affair.  I'd suggest upgrading.




Not sure whether I understand your situation.

But I've had cases (not barcode, just regular lookups) where I needed a two-part lookup key (i.e., practice ID and provider ID). 

I've found I needed a single-component key to make this work.

Since I'm using SQL, in my case it's easy to create a computed column
CAST(p.contextId AS VARCHAR(6))+'|'+CAST(p.providerId AS VARCHAR) AS ID

Then I put a key on that in the Clarion dictionary and it works fine.  Simple to write a function that splits that ID into its two constituent pieces when needed.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: What is more?
« on: October 19, 2022, 09:02:53 AM »
Thanks for the confirmation, Don.

@Bruce - not important.  I'm just using StringTheory's abbreviate on the fields now.  Might be better, though, to remove the template option if it doesn't work?



Web Server - Ask For Help / What is more?
« on: October 17, 2022, 07:33:38 PM »
Hi, Bruce.

In a browse, for a string field there's an option on the Column tab called "Abbreviate Length".

It adds "more" as a hyperlink.  In the template-generated code, what's generated when I specify a picture of @s70 and an "abbreviate length" of 50 is:

Code: [Select]
packet.append( p_web.CreateHyperLink(p_web._jsok(Left(p_web.FormatValue(aud:notes,'@s70')),(Net:HtmlOk*0)+(Net:UnsafeHtmlOk*0)),,,,loc:javascript,,,(Net:HtmlOk*0)+(Net:UnsafeHtmlOk*0),,,'editAuditDatesBrowse',loc:abbreviate,'more'))

where editAuditDatesBrowse is the name of the browse procedure.

I haven't managed to find anything in the docs.  There is a mention in the May 3, 2018 user group webinar.  But when you ran an example for Don it didn't seem to work.

Does this actually work?  What is it supposed to do when one clicks the link?  If I'm reading netweb.clw correctly, it looks as if the second parameter should be the URL??



Excuse me, Sean.  Is that MY lucky tinfoil hat you're wearing ??  ;D


But why do you need to explicitly set overflow-x and overflow-y when you've already set overflow: auto !important


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Net Service Method XML code problem.
« on: October 16, 2022, 07:12:09 PM »
Looks fixed with the new pieces.  Thanks, Bruce.

But... trickster are you!!  All popups in my existing apps suddenly start SLIDING open and closed.  Those defaults were blank before 12.47. 

I'm blanking them out on the WebServer extension.  But will they get put back to SLIDE with each future upgrade?




I would go out on a limb here and assume that if this is what your service is replying, then this is what your service is replying.  But don't quote me ;)


Yes, it looks like a 200 to me, Jeff. ;)

Also try using the Logging tab (top row, to the right of the Atomic Time Server).

And try using parameters to get actual data from your API (I can't tell what you're getting back in your pics).  It should be the same.

That netDemo app is a good trouble-shooting tool to keep in mind.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Display field using file tag?
« on: October 12, 2022, 03:18:43 PM »
Thanks, Bruce.  Good to know.  I looked through the docs here and didn't find anything.



Two quick suggestions, Jeff.

1. Compile the Web77 client/server demo. Run that. Look at the Response tab on the client when you make a request.  (Mine shows a 200)

You could then adapt the client app to point at your actual server.


2.  Compile the NetDemo app and use the Web Client to connect to your API.  The Logging tab in the Web Client will show you what's sent and received.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Display field using file tag?
« on: October 11, 2022, 05:14:46 PM »
Question (12.46)

NetWebForm template.
Creating a Display field.
On the Display tab, there's a droplist at the top cunningly called Display.
One of the options in the list is "File Tag <!--Net:f"

If I choose that and put into the Text field:
'<!-- Net:f:/staticText/textNewAudit1.htm -->'

it goes through NetWebServerWorkerBase.LoadTagFile and looks for a file with that name.  And none of my files are named Net:f:whatever.

If instead I enter:
it works fine.

As does:

Is this the expected behavior?  I just found the "File Tag <!--Net:f" placeholder confusing.



It's pretty much the same as using any non-LetsEncrypt certificate.

On the Security tab on the Settings tab of the web server
1. Put something in the "CA Account" entry.  On some servers I literally just have the word "something"
2. In the "Domains" box, put your domain name.  Do not put the star or any prefix.  If your wildcard is for * just put

Next question is what format of certificate and private key you have.  You need both.  If the client just gives you the certificate he's purchased it won't have the private key and won't work.  If it's in PFX or PEM format it will contain the private key but you'll need to split it into separate certificate and private key files using OpenSSL.exe
This incantation should work:
Code: [Select]
Openssl pkcs12 ?in MyDomain.pfx ?nocerts ?out MyDomainEncrypted.key
Openssl rsa ?in MyDomainEncrypted.key ?out MyDomain.key
Openssl pkcs12 ?in MyDomain.pfx ?clcerts -nokeys ?out MyDomain.crt

Note that the second step in this process will create an unencrypted private key file.  That was necessary for NetTalk 11 and below and out of habit I still do things that way. NT12 supports a password on the private key but I haven't done it that way yet.

The files you've create from your wildcard certificate need to go in the Certificates folder inside your app's web folder.
They need to be named the same as what you put on the server's configuration page:

Read the documentation here:
If your app may be accessed by phones or chromeboxes I've found it's important to have the full certificate chain included (see the stuff about intermediate certificates in that link).



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT Webserver Freezing
« on: September 29, 2022, 07:25:58 PM »
If you've paid for the CIDC2020 content, the first thing I'd recommend would be to watch Rick Martin's session on Preventing SQL Disconnections and see whether his approach is something you'd want to try.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT Webserver Freezing
« on: September 29, 2022, 05:16:08 PM »

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