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Messages - Bruce

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Conditional SSL
« on: June 21, 2007, 10:25:57 PM »
Hi John,

See example 8.
Basically you end up with 2 server objects in your Web server procedure, one listening on port 80 (unsecure) and one on port 443 (secure.)

But they share a common WebHandler procedure. So there's almost nothing for you to do except add the extra server object.

tip: if you have static files that must only be served over the secure connection then place them in the 'secure' folder.

tip: if you have pages that should only be viewed on the secure connection then tick on the option on the advanced tab.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Images in a browse
« on: June 21, 2007, 10:23:03 PM »
Hi Steve,

One point to clarify regarding Mike's reply:
If your images are in the images folder then you need to include that in the name. ie

Nick's approach also works.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Session Variable Question
« on: June 21, 2007, 08:41:31 AM »
Hi Mike,

The embed point to use, to set the connection string for tables, is in the WebHandler procedure.

Use the .ProcessLink method, before the "parent" call.

Typically at this point you'll want to check a Session Variable (usually set when the user logs in) to determine what the connection string should be.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Chaining multiple pages?
« on: June 20, 2007, 11:00:57 PM »
Hi Lan,

Nope, this is not easy, indeed I'm not convinced that it's even possible.
Others should feel free to suggest alternate ways as well.

Your browser does the asking, and the server does the serving. The server cannot "force" stuff to the browser. Thus if the browser asks for the PDF they get the PDF, if they ask for the instructions page, then they get the instructions page.

From what you've described I think I might try somethign like this;
a) create a netwebpage, with nothing but a FrameSet extension. Use the extension to break the page into 2 frames, let's say a top and bottom frame.
b) set the default url for the top to the Instructions page, and the default url of the bottom to the PDF page
c) create a separate Instructionspage procedure (or static htm).

Then when the user clicks on the URL to get the report, make sure it's the Framepage (created in (a)) that the URL points to.

That may well do what you are chasing, and keeps the instructions, and report together.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: How does validation work?
« on: June 20, 2007, 10:56:07 PM »
Hi Chris,

There are 2 distinct times when validation can occur.

1) as the field is entered

2) as the form is completed.

I think you're mixing the two up a bit.
Loc:Invalid is only used in the latter

However it's correct to say that fields must be validated when the form is completed - and they _may_ be validated when the user enters them.

I'd need to see an example to determine why the erroroneous field was not colored correctly.


Hi Gerald,

Check out example 31
Update Customers procedure.
There are 2 drop down's there which should be doing what you're looking for.

The thing you are dropping down, is the unique identifier a string, or a numeric?

If a numeric then it should be 0, not ''.

I'll test here using a string and see if that's the issue.


The Rest - Ask For Help / Re: HTML help using NetTalk.
« on: June 19, 2007, 11:52:06 PM »
Hi Scuzzi,

Ok, so you have a normal Windows 32 bit program, using HTML help right?

And these HTM files are usually on the web - but now you'd like them to be local. Right so far?

Well, no, you don't need NetTalk. What you do is
a) include the HTM files with the install
b) set your embedded URL's to point to the local disk, instead of the web OR
Use File Explorer to open, and display the HTML files directly inside your application.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Filters again
« on: June 19, 2007, 11:46:08 PM »
Hi Steve,

Firstly, global variables are a serious no-no. remember the web server application is being shared by many users at the same time, so the global variables are being shared by them all as well.

If your global variable is THREADed then it'll basically be blank all the time because everything happens on it's own thread. (even various routines in the same procedure, which also makes locals somewhat useless). If the globals are not THREADed then you will quickly encounter contention issues which will result in weird behavior.

So what you need to use are Session variables. Set them wherever you want to, and use them wherever you want to. They "belong" to one user. So you can treat them as "globals" but they belong to just one user.

For a filter, the classic construction looks like this

'TRI8:CustomerCode=' & p_web.GetSessionValue('GLO:CustCode')

IF Customercode is a numeric. IF it's a string then it looks like this

'TRI8:CustomerCode= <39>' & p_web.GetSessionValue('GLO:CustCode') &'<39>'

(all on one line)

Presumably elsewhere in your app (maybe on a web form, or in hand-code) Glo:CustCode has been set to something.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Two Inserts
« on: June 19, 2007, 11:39:37 PM »
Hi Stan,

Autonumbering is handled in 2 different ways.

a) the "classic" clarion way, Insert as form opens, then "update" when they press ok (or delete if they press Cancel). And

b) a "non fancy" way where the autonumbering is done right before the record is added (as they press ok).

The Web Server tries to use (b) because this makes for fewer problems if the user neither presses OK, nor Cancel. (which in a windows program is rare, but in a web program is really really easy.)
However he web server will use (a) when either;
i) there is a child browse on the form or
ii) you explicitly tell it to use (b). [ Advanced tab - "Prime Auto Inc" option]

But for you, there's a better solution.
Move your code to "PostInsert". That way the Autonumber will have been done for you, whichever approach it took.


Gerald / John -

Did you set a _value_ for that drop down option? Usually
(depending on the type)

If you leave that out then possibly it would have an effect.

Also the "current value" is highlighted when you open the form. So if you were changing a record, then the department highlighted would belong to the department that person is assigned to. Which is why setting the value to zero makes it work.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Pseudo EIP
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:11:39 AM »
Hi Chris,

4.26 (which should go out today...) will mostly be bug fixes accumulated along the way, and some other fixes that are outstanding.

4.27 is scheduled to include EIP for the browse. However that _may_ come in stages. (For example 4.27 may just support check boxes in a browse, with 4.28 supporting entry fields and so on.)

As you point out this has the potential to get really complicated, what with validation and all, so I need to step very carefully. But EIP is definitely a useful feature that I want to add in the not too distant future.


Your Views and Comments / Re: Is there CapeSoft buy-in?
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:04:22 AM »
Hi Chris,

I think the current approach of sending bugs directly to me is more useful at the moment. they get into the "queue" a lot easier from there. Most times I need private apps etc to complete a bug investigation, so most "forum" style bug reporting is not terribly helpful.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Refresh Problem
« on: June 18, 2007, 07:57:39 AM »
sounds like a bug.
I'm planning on releasing 4.26 tomorrow, and some "initial browse position" issues have been fixed, so probably worth trying that.

I'll see if I can email you something to try tonight...


Your Views and Comments / Re: Is there CapeSoft buy-in?
« on: June 18, 2007, 12:15:11 AM »
Hi Chris,

I'll try and keep an eye out here to see what's happening.
As the number of users has increased I'm finding it hard to answer every request in good time, and often there are simple answers that others can ask, so the creation of a forum like this can only be a good thing if folks use it.

But I'll try and find time to keep an eye on it and comment from time to time.


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