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Author Topic: Browse Conditional CSS Background-color  (Read 2176 times)


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Browse Conditional CSS Background-color
« on: April 18, 2024, 07:17:24 PM »
I am using Nettalk 14.21

I have a browse within a memory form with certain columns getting a different background-color based on a field with a color code. I place the color code field into the CSS background-color CSS property for the field. For the most part it works just fine with the exception of the first row. When the memory form opens, it is just fine. User enters a field on the form and hits enter. The client side tab is set to refresh the browse list. When the browse is refreshed, the first row gets the color of the last row no matter what the color code is set for the first row.

I have ran debug to see if somehow the code is cycling back to the first row with the color of the last row and it is not doing that, but yet the color of the first row is set to the color of last row.

Ken Watts


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Re: Browse Conditional CSS Background-color
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 10:32:20 AM »
Hi Ken,
I have no CSS experience.  I hired a young kid to help me with CSS and help me understand it.  He knows NOTHING of Clarion.  These young kids code this CSS in their sleep.  He was able to help me do some styling - even to dig down and take what appeared to be the correct style and find what was overriding it and correct it - all in css.....My advice, buy some CSS time and you can get it sorted out very quickly.  I am trying to wrap up my web app.  I have the kid  on call so that we can do all the css and make it look pretty. CSS was a big headache for me - now, I just call my consultant and he sorts it out very quickly! No more CSS headaches for me.  Also, I am learning CSS and how to put stuff in clarion so that I can control the elements I want!  Let me know if you want contact info for my guy. (He charges less than $40.00 per hour because he is in Nigeria.)


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Re: Browse Conditional CSS Background-color
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2024, 10:09:22 PM »
Without an example it's impossible to comment.
