Hi Bruce,
I have a client that uses LastPass password manager. It is an extension of his Chrome browser. It seems LastPass is filling in the user name and password and auto-submitting the login form. It then repeats this over and over. See the attached screen shot of the web log from the Host.exe. The user has disabled autofill/auto submit in the LastPass settings and that seems to resolve the issue for now. The user claims this did not happen when the host.exe and apps were on T 12.41. I have two questions:
1. Can you think of a reason why this would happen with NT 14.04 and not NT 12.41? Note I'm not sure this did happen with NT 12.41, but wanted to ask anyway.
2. Users who insist on using password managers can configure (turn off) auto fill/submit globally or for specific sites. However, I would like a way to control this in my NT apps. Is there a way to prevent autofill of NT password fields?
Jeff King