Hi Mike,
The method NetWekServerBase._TinyMCEInit (NetWeb.CLW) is responsible to creating the TinyMCE editor. You'll need to extend this method.
If you add a line like:
'image_list: "/ResourceList.json",'&|
within (i've modified my NetWeb.CLW, but you could inherit the NetWebWorkerBase class and extend the method):
'entity_encoding : "raw",' &|
'mode : "exact",elements : "'&self.nocolon(p_FieldId)&'",' &|
'plugins : "link code image media textcolor",' &|
'toolbar: "cut copy paste | undo redo | styleselect bold italic underline strikethrough fontselect fontsizeselect forecolor backcolor | link unlink image media | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist outdent indent | blockquote code",'&|
'browser_spellcheck: "true",'&|
'contextmenu: "false",'&|
'theme_modern_toolbar_location: "top",'&|
'image_list: "/ResourceList.json",'&|
'link_list: "/LinkList.json",'&|
'relative_urls : true,'&|
'remove_script_host : false,'&|
'resize: "both",'&|
'theme_modern_toolbar_align: "left",')
Then create a NetWebPage called ResourceList (change its pagename to ResourceList.json- or anything else you want) that generates json in the following format.
{title: "ImageName1", value: "//someurl.com/ImageName1.jpg"}
{title: "ImageName2", value: "//someurl.com/ImageName2.jpg"}