I noticed some bad punctuation in some of my imported data, so I ran a filter using StringTheory to remove any strange characters:
stname.SetValue(stline.GetLine(12)) ! STRING(200) !Section Name
stname.replace('"','') ! Remove extra quotes in data
stname.replace('`','''') ! fix bad punctuation
stname.replace('\','/') ! fix bad punctuation
stname.KeepChars('0123456789 .,''&ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-/:;!@#$%^&*()+?') ! Remove weird data
stname.replace(',',', ') ! fix bad punctuation
stname.replace(' ',' ') ! fix bad punctuation
mp:section_name = CLIP(LEFT(stname.GetValue())) All the text data is in upper case. If I look at it in a Clarion ABC app, the attached image 1 shows the data as it appears in the tables.
If I display the same TPS file in a NT web server browse form, I get the second image. Wherever there is a normal apostophe (Character 39) it is displayed as ', which is weird because HTML is supposed to regard this as an
HTML EntityI have to restrain myself from editing ATTORNEY'S to the correct ATTORNEYS but that's another matter :-) Also, the "Change" form doesn't show the ', only the browse form.
So what is going on? How do I fix it? Is this a bug in NT 12.19 or have I broken something?