I have a problem using a 'contains' locator in version 4.30 and 4.31 of NetTalk. The browse I am searching on is filtered with this statement in the Filter tab of the browse:
'vEMSItem:CstCatID = ' & p_web.GetSessionValue('lEMSCstCatID')
This yields this filter string: vEMSItem:CstCatID = 8 and it works correctly.
Because we need to search on any text within a column called: ItemDescription in the browse, I set up a 'contains' locator on the Item Description column. This generates this filter string:
(vEMSItem:CstCatID =
AND (Instring(upper('band'),upper(vEMSItem:ItemDescription),1,1) > 0)
This looks correct and I created a small windows tester app to demonstrate that it is and works correctly. It does not work in the web app as no records are returned when the filter is applied. After a lot of experimenting I discovered that if I remove the first condition: (vEMSItem:CstCatID =
and filter with the second condition only the filter works. It does not seem possible that this filter statement does not work but I cannot get it to work with both conditions.