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Messages - rayrip

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Calendar not working in my app
« on: August 20, 2008, 03:17:22 PM »
Well, putting a (memory) date field on the screen did let the popup calendar work. And the date came into the date field for display. However, after using the calendar or even typing something new into the date field I cannot seem to capture the displayed date, only the original date that I initialized to the date field (today() + 1).

I have put code all over the place to try and get the date field after it has been changed, but no luck.

I need to find out how to get the date field that is displayed.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Calendar not working in my app
« on: August 19, 2008, 04:12:14 PM »
Ha.. I'm running out of idea's myself... but I like the idea of copying my app into the web21 folder and see if it runs..... but usually I just copy the entire web folder from the libsrc when I get an update and paste it into my working app folder... it overwrites everything that isn't mine.

I hunted for a couple of hours today to figure out why my icons wouldn't show up on my server machine... found out explorer doesn't display icons (.ico)... I didn't know that.. I use firefox and it was displaying my .ico files no problem.... so I just changed them to .png files and everything is fine.

Bruce also told me my header tags were in the wrong place... that fixed a bunch of problems... I'm sure this calendar thing is a little thing too. Anyway, the program is almost version 1.

I sure appreciate your feedback.. it's been a great help.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Calendar not working in my app
« on: August 18, 2008, 04:23:02 PM »

Well, I tried adding that to the scripts list to no avail... it showed up in the source just like you had it.

I couldn't find a date.js anywhere. Also, the invoices app that I am using to compare to (web21) doesn't have the include either.. but somehow it works. I think it is calling the calendarlookup.html somehow... and that uses either calendar2.js or calendar6.js... but I have no idea yet.

I looked in the invoice app and there are no extra includes in the scripts that I can find. I copy the web folder with every new update as instructed.. but that does no good.

Thanks though.. it gave me hope for a minute because it makes sense. However, I cannot find a date.js anywhere in the clarion6 folder(s). I even tried copying and renaming the calendar2.js to date.js (yes, I'm grasping at straws now :)



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Calendar not working in my app
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:04:10 AM »
Well, I tried turning off calling the htm file and just called the procedure, and the calendar still didn't work.

I think I'm using the latest version of the software. The field is originally a long for a date. I just changed the selection for the field in the Netwebform which did make it automatically put a button near the field and it tries to call the calendar. I don't know what properly formatted JS looks like.

Usually I have it running on our server.. the problem is when you first try and reserve a movie.. .it creates a form and puts a date in automatically. That is the only place I let them change the date... and that is where the problem is.

The instructions are at the top of the screen for logging in.. the link is:

There should be either a calendar or a notepad icon in the movie browse (let me know if there isn't please) .. the calendar is for reserves.

Thanks. If you have any other idea's I'd like to try them.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Calendar not working in my app
« on: August 13, 2008, 02:29:55 PM »
I have one field that has a date. I tried web21 which are invoices and the invoice update works... I can't see what it is doing that I am not. I changed the field to a date field. I can change the date manually, but if I press the calendar button I get an error that says:

The Page at local http host says:
Error calling the Calendar: Parameter specified is not valid target control.

I have the calendarlookup.htm in my web folder. I see calendar2.js and 6 and their associated gz files.

Not sure where to go from here.

Help, hints, tips?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: html all the time
« on: August 13, 2008, 01:07:17 PM »
OK, I got it working:


I had to put in the web\ in order for it to work. Curious because I don't have to put a \web in any other URL that calls my html tagged pages?

It was the path all along.

Thanks Bruce.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: html all the time
« on: August 05, 2008, 03:53:27 PM »
Well, changing the names of my html pages didn't work. I renamed them all to procedurename_h.htm for clarity.

I have a procedure that manually checks the validity of a reservation. If it is not OK to reserve, I call a reservebad procedure which is a webform with a browse attached (or called) in the templates. This works great. I am using the retry to make it work....

This is in validate insert start (I am always inserting).

  If Duplicate(RES:RID_RESKEY)
    loc:Invalid = 'RES:RESERV_DATE'
    loc:Alert = clip( & ' RID_RESKEY --> '&clip('Reserv date:')&', '&clip('Rentid:')&''
    loc:reserve_error=1 !set reserve error in reservebad for Already Reserved

(this is the code to see if the reservation exists for today already)... I also have code that checks for the # of reservations for this customer... so it can pass a different error to the reservebad procedure.

Anyway, I made an html page called reservebad_h.htm. So, I thought I could call
instead of

But I get a page not found.

I know the reservebad_h.htm works because if I call it directly it shows the page and lists the reservations. reservebad is just an error page that shows the error and has a browse of the current reservations for this customer.

Any hints?  ???


Ray Rippey
VMT Software

Here is the actual reservebad_h.htm code with the tags:

<!-- NetWebServer -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<!-- Net:c:Head -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Reservation Problem</title>
<style type="text/css">
.oopstyle {
   font-size: large;
   font-weight: bold;
   font-style: normal;
   border-style: double;
   border-color: #FF0000;
<table style="width: auto; color: #00FF00;" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" align="center" class="oopstyle">
<center><!-- Net:reservebad --></center></td>
<!-- Net:c:BodyEnd -->


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: html all the time
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:51:15 PM »
Perhaps my mistake is calling my html the same name as the procedures.

The point I was trying to make is this: Let's say I create a nice html page and add the tags to it. Now I have to go into the procedure and change all my URLS that call this procedure to the name of my html page.. and I have to go into the embeds to make sure when it retries it is calling my html. Plus any other procedures that call this procedure must be changed to call the html instead... a lot of work.

I've only dabbled in templates... but would it be possible to perhaps store an html url in the procedure that when the procedure gets called, it automagically calls the html page instead?

Or... maybe even have a global table that when the program compiles it puts in the name of the html instead...

That being said... I have found in some cases where I am just calling the procedure like normal... things work great. In this case I have a range filtered browse.. which is a form with a drop down ... and it refreshes the browse just fine.. until I have it call the browse.html. Then it doesn't refresh correctly when I choose a new dropdown.

I will try renaming my html pages to something different than the names of the procedures... I didn't know that was a problem, but it kind of makes sense.



Web Server - Ask For Help / html all the time
« on: August 01, 2008, 04:00:23 PM »
The interesting problem I'm having is I am creating html so I can put in the tags for my procedures.. no problem doing that.. but, I can tell the program to call browse.html instead of just browse like from a menu and from a browse to a form or anywhere there is a place to call a URL.

But, many times when the program goes back, there is an assumption that is made and it calls the browse instead of the browse.htm.

What would be nice (and perhaps I don't know how to do it), is I setup in the browse (or form or whatever) the html version URL, so any calls made to that form or browse automatically attach the .htm. It could just be a checkmark and you just make sure that the html file is the same name as your procedure.

Anyway.. if there is a shortcut I'm missing, please let me know.


Ray Rippey
VMT Software

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: validate delete from a browse
« on: July 30, 2008, 05:00:29 PM »
I'm trying to do the same thing. I put a delete button on the browse row and it even asks me if I'm sure... but doesn't delete the record. I'm not calling a form at all. It just doesn't delete the record... which kind of makes sense really because the htm must post something and something else needs to delete the record... I guess it can't do something in the same procedure?

It's confusing because some code creates html and some let's you work on the actual file.

Seems like it ought to work without calling a form... but I'd like to know where to put the actual delete code myself or if it's even possible to call code from a button where the code is located in the same procedure.

I suppose you could set a variable and perhaps call the browse again?


I have a form I've created and it has a save and a cancel button.

I want to put some code in an embed and check if I click on the save button to either call another form (so I can tell the user it is invalid) or just put a message on the form and display the message.

So for now, let's say I want to redisplay a message. I have one on the screen called reservestatus and the value starts out at 'Reserving Item'.

So I click on the Save button.. in my code I need to know how to do 2 things. One is redisplay the message.. without calling the reserveform.

Right now in the embed Validate Insert Start I have

 p_web.SetSessionValue('reservestatus','Problem Reserving Item!')
 loc:invalid='Problem Reserving Item!'

 I tried do value::reservestatus and I got some giant message at the top of the screen.. like bad html.

The way it is it calls reserveform (not reserveform.htm my html page that has the tags in it)... and does not update the reservestatus value.

I would just like to redisplay the reserveform.htm or just the one variable reservestatus and leave it at that. The docs say I can change the value and call do value::reservestatus.. but that doesn't work (probably because I'm doing something wrong).

The other option I suppose is just to call another form... but I'm really not sure how to do that on the validate embed?

Any hints at validation would be appreciated.



Got it... actually I used both W4 and W26

Because I'm calling the reservation form from an inventory browse table... I put in the following URL:

'reserveform?keepid='&clip(inv:item_no)&'&<!-- Net:s:SID-->&Insert_btn=Insert&'

This tells my reservation form to be in insert mode and passes the Item_no in the html.

I keep forgetting I'm creating HTML and must pass data through it. I'll get it figured out eventually. This would be a nice template field... to be able to click on insert, change, or delete and also select data to pass... just an idea...



I actually got code working by just clicking on different records (not my buttons)... the problem with that is the first record or actually the record that happens to be highlighted when the browse is first displayed doesn't cause the code to execute... I had to click on 'another' record in the browse. But that still didn't do anything for me as I want my little buttons to work.

For now I'm calling my reservation form from a button from the view form... which lets me capture my id number and put it in the reservation form.

However, it's not saving the reservation form so now I'm trying to figure out how to force the form to insert or to be in insert mode.

I thought p_web.SetSessionValue('reserveform_CurrentAction',InsertRecord)

would have done it because the set action routine is like this:

SetAction  routine
  If loc:ViewOnly = 0
    Case p_web.GetSessionValue('reserveform_CurrentAction')
    of InsertRecord
      loc:action =
      loc:act = InsertRecord
    of Net:CopyRecord

so it should have make the action correct.. I'll have to put a stop in there and see if it's getting hit.


I looked at the sample with all the buttons (# 28) and it seems to allow the server side code on a browse with an 'other' button to work. However the docs say to not have a URL. Unfortunately the button I am clicking on is to go to a form (in the conditional display area) and I need to pass it some variables (not a form in the same file... a new record in a different file).

Anyway if I could just save the value for the row that I am clicking the button on things would be great. I am not calling a url directly but in the conditional area. I have 2 possibilities of buttons on the browse (in the same column). One will call my reservation form and one will call my waiting list form. This almost works, except I can't save the value field that has my id number in it for the row selected.

It seems to me that the server side click code should get called no matter what, and before anything else IMHO.

If that's not going to happen I need to find another place to capture the value field for the row when the button is clicked. I can capture that data if I click on another row first... but the first row data is not there because if it is already selected, clicking again does not call the ' clicked on the browse' embed.

Even if there were some sort of embed just before the URL (in my case the conditional display URL) is called I could probably get my Value (for me it's the item number). However I still think the server side code (under fields, Client-Side, Send button click to server) should be called no matter what



Web Server - Ask For Help / range limit browse with double key
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:35:02 PM »
I almost have it working but it's not displaying in the order that was setup in the table. I have a double key... class then title. I want to pick one class then see all the titles for that class, in title order.

I have a lookup that successfully select the class field and the browse displays the titles for that one class. However, it acts like a filter instead of a range because one, it's slow, and 2 the titles are not in order.

If I must code it by hand, where would I put the initializing set command?



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