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Messages - Bruce

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>> However, I want to change some behavior of the app on mobile screen.

I think you need to define "mobile screen". Is my laptop mobile? is my 13" ipad?

>> I want to change the menu items - some so display and some not to display.  How does that  get done?

if you are basing the "mobileness" on resolution, then attach a css class to the menu item, and use css to set
when that resolution is met (ie with a media query).


Post a small example showing the affect and I can comment on what you might be doing wrong.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: API documentation
« on: March 28, 2024, 09:37:44 PM »
That's on the list. Or already in.

sure, post the example app showing the effect and i can check it out.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Multi-Site host question
« on: March 28, 2024, 09:35:19 PM »
>> Will it ever be possible to mix NT versions of apps in the future?

I expect not. The host has a server object which is passed into the DLL. If the DLL is on a different version, then the prototype of the server may be different, which in turn will lead to bad things.


make sure the "outer" form has the "Generate <form> tag" option turned OFF and the table form has it ON.

I _feel_ like it inherits it automatically?
Perhaps tweak one of the example apps to show the layout you have and we can look from there.
But, from memory, the "action" is a value for the page, and so cascades down to all the controls on the page.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Webcam broken in 14.03??
« on: March 24, 2024, 10:45:50 PM »
Hi Osa,

Because localhost is considered a "secure origin" as the traffic does not flow over the network. Lots of the API's which require HTTPS carve out an exception for local-host because it's "the same machine".


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Webcam broken in 14.03??
« on: March 22, 2024, 11:57:19 PM »
I feel like this thread is on a loop;

>> Hi, you need a secure server for this to work.


is that a question?

thanks, fixed for 4.20

Aside: For forms with Guids, the Guid field should be primed to a random value on the priming tab (if you allow partial saves). Otherwise you'll encounter problems when multiple users use the form at the same time.


most likely you have either;
a) not deployed from your development machine correctly or
b) not run GzipAll.Bat, and deployed the web folder correctly.

If you look inside \scripts\netweb.js and \scripts\all.js you'll be able to see the nettalkversion.

>> On the Site Tab - 4th field down:  "Web Folder"  - THIS HAS TO BE the LOCATION THAT YOUR APP IS RUNNING FROM.

This is inaccurate Ron.
The web folder can be anywhere. (Obviously it must be where you are updating.)

st.SetValue(p_web.GSV(' loc:value'))
IF  st.StartsWith(p_web.GSV('loc:value'))

you're using loc:value on both sides of the IF statement here.
(also a type in the first GSV)

Your form-in-a-form is fine, as long as the memory form has the option to "include <form> tag" set off.

Regarding the header, it depends on whether the form is in popup mode or page mode.

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