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Messages - Bruce

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: App won't run on remote web server
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:28:15 PM »
Hi Gregg,

As a guess, the most likely reason is a firewall on the server. Or possibly another program running on that port.

Here's how I'd debug it;

a) compile your app with the "suppress error messages" option unticked. This is on the WebServer extension.

b) run the app as an Exe on the server (not as a service, to start with.)

c) Run a browser _on the server_ and see if it works ok. If it does try running the browser on another machine on the LAN. If ok there, move out onto the WAN (if applicable.)


Hi Paul,

What does your filter look like? The most common cause of slow browses is incorrect filter statements.

Also, since the browse is based on a VIEW (just like a normal Clarion browse) it would seem to me that you're better off using Prop:SqlFilter over Prop:Sql. Or better yet the SQL() funtion. See normal Clarion docs for more help on SQL().

In terms of placement - right click on the browse procedure and search for LOOP. This is the start of the browse loop, and you'll see code (and embed points) right before it where the filter can be set.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Problems Controlling RAM Usage
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:18:11 PM »
Hi Rob,

As you noticed, "I clicked on the "X" (close) button to drop it back into the system tray" is not minimizing. Actually it just hides the window.

>> The RAM usage dropped from 153M to 2M - the lowest I have EVER seen it in this app.

well no, it didn't. The "Working set" of ram dropped to 2M. In other words, what this is showing you (if nothing else) is that Task Manager "Ram" is not an especially useful measure for determining memory leaks or anything else. (There are more columns you can turn on though that are better at it.)

So it's behavior neither shows a problem, nor shows there-is-no-problem. As a measurement for this it is not actually relevant.


Hi Mike,

the reverse of Rob's answer is also true - and possibly more in tune with your situation.
Set the HeaderTag, and Footer Tag options for that NetWebForm (Advanced tab) to
(quote quote)
I think that'll work.

If the menu bar is in the header proc then this answers both questions.


Web Server - Share Knowledge / Re: Customising your own Styles
« on: March 28, 2008, 10:13:40 PM »
Hi Sukhendu,

All the procedures have a "Css Styles" tab. This is where you set the various Css styles for all the components on that window. Then you can also apply styles to browse columns, individual form fields, and so on if desired.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Problems Controlling RAM Usage
« on: March 28, 2008, 10:11:29 PM »
Hi Rob,

Obviously the possibility for memory leaks in clarion exist, just like any other language - but I think in this case you've got all the bases covered. The fact that it "grows" in memory use would concern me - and I think you should look further into that. Especially if it is "growing" while the program appears to be doing nothing. That suggests a timer somewhere (probably on the web server window) doing something.

Alas though - using Task Manager to determine Ram usage is misleading. Because Windows is smarter than you think.

What happens is basically this. You program uses the 150 Megs of Ram, finishes with it and "frees" it. Windows noticed this, but has nothing better to do with the Ram at the moment. No other program is wanting Ram, and it has plenty of Ram for anyone who does ask. Since your program used this ram recently, it "leaves" the ram assigned to your program for now. That's why the next request just reused that 150 megs.

You'll see this all the time with a normal clarion windows app. On trigger that Windows uses for "taking the ram back" is if the app is minimised. If you "minimised" the server you'd probably see the number change a lot.

If you right click in task manager there are many other memory things you can measure. (for example Virtual vs Physical memory). And in WinEvent there are some memory functions for returning more "accurate" memory numbers.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Email from a browse using it's data
« on: March 25, 2008, 06:28:05 AM »
Hi Gregg,

So you have the unique ID to identify the record.
Now you need to do a "fetch" from the file to get the rest of the record.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Browser Title on PDF report (IE6)
« on: March 23, 2008, 10:55:36 PM »
Hi Rob,

Fundamentally The browser displays on the heading whatever it "asked for". The server can't tell it "hey you asked for A, but what you're actually getting is "B")

However there are 2 parts to the URL there. The first is the sessionID bit. You can suppress this is you like (and as long as the user has cookies turned on). It's slightly superfulous anyway, and is being included by the option on the menu "preserver session numbers". You can turn this option off if you like (everything still works because the session id is passed as a cookie as well.)

The first part of the name, ReportInventory, can be "pseudonamed" if you like, using the PageName property of the ReportInventory procedure. ie if you put "ReportInventory.Pdf" into the Page Name field, then the URL can be


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Enter Key
« on: March 23, 2008, 10:51:27 PM »
Hi Kevin,

I don't think there were any major changes to the scripts. Pressing Ctrl-F5 on their side would be a "good thing" (but it'll happen naturally within a few days anyway.) If anything it's possible the bug fix was in the scripts, so it might solve their problem.


Hi Alan,

Regarding the first bit - the Identity field for the form may not be included as an entry field (read only or not) on the form. You can include it as a DISPLAY field if you wish.

2) is fixed in the 4.30 release version.


Hi Dave,

Thanks for the effort.
Done in 4.31


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Enter Key
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:43:55 AM »
Hi Kevin,

I think the enter key was corrected in the Pr7a build. However I do recommend you upgrade to the "official" release as there were a couple of minor changes.

Mike - do you have an example of the enter key still being a problem - it seems to be sorted in the various shipping examples...


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Auto Complete
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:41:28 AM »
Hi Kevin,

In short any form field that does a "Send new value to server" cannot auto-complete.

Alas, auto-completed fields do not generate a "changed" event in all browsers. So if you are wanting to "do something" when a field changes, breaks when the user uses auto-completion. So for any field that is "dynamic" (ie sets other fields etc) auto-completion is not possible.


Hi Mike,

There's no advantage, or disadvantage, to using multiple apps.
The speed constraints of the system are what they always are - CPU, Ram, Disk, bandwidth and so on. If the apps are not typically being used at the same time (but are running at the same time) then I'd suspect RAM as the primary issue.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: HTML Button in Email
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:36:54 AM »
Hi Kevin,

Mike is right. All you're gonna do is generate a small <form> in your Emails HTM section. The "action" for the form will be a URL of your site. Getting the URL right is important, so something like;

Obviously each email you send out has a unique "user" field whatever that is. Typically it's the unique id of the record in the database.

In your procedure, called Response, you can use p_web.GetValue('accept') and so on.

But wait, there's more.

Many email clients no longer allow a Button in an Html email. In other words this approach no longer works. You are allowed a link though, so instead of a <form> with buttons, you use a link.


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