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Messages - Sibuya

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Let's Encrypt
« on: November 09, 2018, 01:14:25 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Congratulations for NT11 lauch!

Finally worked!

I had some trouble with my routers and make Let's Encrypt work with dynamic IP.

Let's Encrypt manual generation produced .pem files and I converted to .crt/.key files using Openssl that have some catches. I had to remove some aditional information in .crt and include intermediate certificate manually and Bingo!

Now comodo, digicert and shopper ssl chekers runs without error or vulnerabilities.

Sorry to bother you.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Let's Encrypt
« on: November 07, 2018, 11:06:20 PM »
Hi Bruce,

I've beem playing around with other ports and get confused... Sorry! I forgot that alfter DNS resolution and IP is local, router does not let get out and routes locally.

I was looking for more information on Internet and found that my ISP is blocking many ports including 80 and 443 just to force us to buy a more expensive plan....

Now changed server SSL port to 55155 and some SSL tools could reach and analyze it like comodo analyzer.

Back to Wix it says that it unabled to verify the first certificate.

Comodo analyzer, Shopper, Digicert says that the certificate is not trusted. But in my machine browsers don't complaint.

I donwloaded from Mozila the last roots.pem and replace CARoot.pem in application directory but remains the same.

Should I add manually chain.pem or fullchain.pem generated by Let's Encrypt to CARoot.pem in application directory or should I install intermediary root in Windows certificate store?

Wix also uses Let's Encrypt certificates to their customers SSL sites.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Let's Encrypt
« on: November 07, 2018, 10:40:27 AM »
Hi Bruce,

Sorry, server os hosted in my machine and it was down. I just run server now. I'll try to keep up until tomorrow.

You could access with this same url. As I'm using Web9 example you could use http or https either will redirect to port 443. And IP is correct at the moment because is dynamic and is updated automatically.

I'm supposing that if I use I'm accessing from outside. Any way, I've tried to access from Wix using their Javascript tools that works if I don't use https. To access from Wix using http I have to disable https from the hole site.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Typescript
« on: November 05, 2018, 09:09:20 AM »
Hi Djordje,

This is what happens when you create a NT app for mobile using Phone Gap. You could have object code in Typescript .ts that is "transpilled" to generate javascript .js equivalent and finally compiled with Java to generate an APK for Android for example.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Let's Encrypt
« on: November 05, 2018, 08:36:39 AM »
Hi Bruce,

It's hosted in my machine pointed by dynamic dns.

I've made some more tests and still the same problem. Converting pem files that was generated by let's encrypt to .pfx .crt and .key with new version o Opensll and using original from NT9.31 was the exactly the same files. Tried to modify cypher like:

ThisSecureWebServer.SSLMethod = NET:SSLMethod3TLS

but remains the same.

Let me know when I should bring up my server at

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

Web Server - Ask For Help / Let's Encrypt
« on: November 01, 2018, 02:51:34 PM »

I'm using Clarion 8 + NT9.31 and got Let's Encrypt certificate with 3rd party software verified by DNS. I'm using dynamic DNS because this is a POC. Didn't touch in any dll or component from NT.

Browsers can access the secure server example based on Example 9 (Always TLS) and open https pages without complaint.

I have a customer that wants his Web site on Wix to send form data to this Clarion server and should be https using node module fetch on Wix side.

The problem is that fetch commando does not have access to Clarion server giving timeout of 14 seconds. Browsers pointing to dynamic DNS can access it.

I testes with all 4 test tools mentioned in NT documentation but Sophos cannot connect to server and times out, Htbridge's SSLScan says that server don't have SSL/TLS, SSLLab cannot connect to server. SSLScan.exe (very old) can identify the certificate and show it's informations.

Tried without any success disabling Firewall or changing  NT configurations.

Plesase, could any one give me directions?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Web Server and Oracle
« on: June 04, 2018, 01:31:38 AM »
Hi Bruce,

Sorry for delay. It was my fault declaring a queue. Web Server is working fine!

I tested in a "standard method" way with no source code declaring table parameter and returning view.

In my application I'm using source code to construct my own prop:sql to build a queue and returning it. Using SecWin too.

Thank you!

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Web Server and Oracle
« on: May 11, 2018, 05:38:34 PM »
I have an application running NT NetSimple with Oracle without any problems using Instant ClientV11.2.0.1. Application gets Oracle data using SQL:Prop.

When trying to migrate using NT WebServer it crashes with access violation 0x00000005 when trying to get the same data using Service Method and same SQL:PROP expression.

At beginning I thought that it might be Instant Client and tried to use last version V12.2.0.1 (32 bits) without any success.

Is there any adivce to this migration?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

NT 9.31 + Clarion 8 Enterprise

Web Server - Ask For Help / Mobile using web25 example
« on: February 23, 2017, 11:41:01 AM »

I can't delete a line item. Seems to be that is not resolving on how to show a confirmation for delete. How to show any kind of confirmation? How to debug in mobile? Firebug mobile emulation is showing the confirmation.

I couldn't swipe horizontally to see line itens list. So I went to WS settings and disabled header/footer fixed for browses and forms. Is this the correct way?

When mobile's browser Chrome changes to navigate as desktop mode is ok. When trying to change back it blinks a javascript error and WS stuck in mobile mode even accessing by destop browser that turns into mobile mode. I have to shutdown WS and execute again to reset. How to prevent this?

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: WS examples
« on: February 03, 2017, 04:20:44 AM »
Hi Bruce,

To use support in NetTalk I don't have any idea on how to use it. Do you have any example?

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: WS examples
« on: January 30, 2017, 06:23:33 AM »
I've been trying Dries examples using NT WebSocket clw and js but lack some methods like broadcast and how to handle wss without cryptonite because I'm using my own crypt lib.

I imagine that in NT broadcast means get all connections/sessions and send the message but I don't figure out on how to do it.

Do you have any example using NT WebSocket client and server? It helps me a lot. I'm using Clarion 8EE.

My intention is to get Dries examples working with NT WebSocket and use in one of my applications that I have to broadcast a message from one user to all logged in users in a SecWin Group.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / WS examples
« on: January 28, 2017, 05:52:12 PM »

Could anyone help me to find:

- WebSocket examples and documentation? I want to build the amazing examples from Webinar 291.
- Chat example using WS? I found using NetAuto in desktop app but not in WS.

I have Clarion 8EE/NT 9.17

Thank you.

Best regards,


Hi Edwin,

As I couldn't load you project I guess that it could be in you WebServiceMethod/Parameters/Fields that have fileds list for each file. Check to see if they are "highlighted" or selected. If so unselect fields that you want to include in your WSDL file or Documentation. See list header note.

If these fields are included in WSDL file, your customers can "see" your data fields to be referenced in your Web Service Methods when using tools like Visual Studio because these tools rely on this information.

The other way is constructing by hand-code in ASP for example the exact SOAP structure showed in on-line documentation that it works too.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT9.06 call applet
« on: May 27, 2016, 11:14:22 PM »

Yes, it's possible and it worked in a certain way.

It's unsecure and soom all browsers should ban Applets leaving Java Script that should be used for long time.

I have to use it because it was the option that 3rd party offered me to get to work to read certificates in smart card at client side.

An applet is used like any file or image to be used in you NT application. Just put .jar file in a folder and point to it to browser load when loading HTTP page. Declare the applet as earlier example and you should interface with Java Script.

But in NT app you have an issue. In server log screen you could see a bunch of messages showing that browser is  trying to access other internal classes that it could not find in server. Seems to be that browser is trying to find those classes in a path not inside jar but in server path. A way to bypass it you can extract classes from jar and build folders in a way that NT Server can find and provide to browser. It all depends on how applet was built.




Here's my experiment with Google Compute Engine or GCE.

Installed NT application on VM with fixed external IP and without Load Balancer works fine.

Start with Load Balance tests.

If I use Network Load Balance it seems to work but as Bruce said if client is behind a proxy farm we could be in trouble when IP changes dynamically.

Without Session Affinity Load Balance mess with communication sending from/to different servers to the same client.

As Bruce suggested the only configuration possible is HTTP(S) Load Balance wiht Session Affinity. In this kind of configuration Load Balancer adds it's own cookie that grants that communication will not break between clients and servers.

But as Bruce pointed this feature is in alpha stage so Google can make changes that breaks down this feature and I have to update Session Affinity command and boot all VMs again to get it work again.

To use this feature you have to agree with a declation that you accept this behaviour. This took about a couple of weeks because I'm using a project with free test type and priority is very low...

So this solution is not meant to be used in production.

Google internal Loa Balancer is based on HAProxy Open Source project that I found in Google documentation later saying that you could use it building another VM with this software and using as a customized Load Balancer. I'd not tried yet but documentation describes how to implement it and integrate with Google Compute Engine.

There's another limitation with this HTTP(S) configuration. Google states that HTTP(S) does not support Web Sockets. As I understood Load Balancer could filter some packages. But if you use HAProxy your own I found that you can configure out of box that it could accpept Web Sockets.

So there's some ways to use Google Compute Engine but it will take a lot of effort to get Load Balancer to work.

Hope that this could help who's looking for Load Balance solution in Google Compute Engine with your projects.



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