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Messages - jking

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT 14.20 API error
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:44:37 AM »
Hello all,

    I think this is a prefix issue, like I had in April this year.  In that case Bruce suggested setting jsonParameter.SetMaxPrefixLength(4) to something less than 4, the default.  I'll experiment with this more later.  But for now the workaround was to check Include Field Prefixes in the Options tab of the Parameters tab in the NetWebServiceMethod template.



Web Server - Ask For Help / NT 14.20 API error
« on: August 31, 2024, 04:10:02 PM »
Hello all,

     I'm getting an error 40 when trying to use an API to delete a record.  I'm trying from the JSON Post example created in the API documentation in my app.
 Please see attached image JSONPOST.png.  I'm confused by the error definition as it indicates trying to save a record when I'm trying to delete a record. 

     Interestingly, the HTTPGET method does delete the record as expected.  See image HTTPGET.png

I cannot see where the issue is in the JSONPOST.  Can anyone help?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Media field type question, part 4
« on: August 26, 2024, 12:10:04 PM »
Hi Bruce,

     I'm still working on my app with the Media field type on a form.  One thing I have noticed is the Media field stays at the width and height set in the template...that is it is not responsive to resizing the containing form.  Please see the attached image.  Can you suggest a way to make the Media field width be bound to the right margin and the height to be bound to the bottom margin?  I'm looking for some CSS to add to my custom.css file but have not found anything yet.


Jeff King

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Media field type question, part 3
« on: August 23, 2024, 05:59:29 AM »
Hi Bruce,

     I have searched Google but no answers yet.  Another issue has arisen.  The menu bar/tool bar has an icon for doing text annotations and highlighting of the displayed PDF.  This shows in Edge browser but not in Chrome.  Any thoughts on why?  I'll keep searching.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Media field type question, part 3
« on: August 19, 2024, 10:46:57 AM »
Hello all,

     I have the Media field type working pretty well now.  However, I would like to be able to hide or disable certain functions on the Media field menu/tool bar.  For example, I don't want the user to be able to print or save the viewed PDF.  Is it possible to control these menu/tool bar options?


Jeff King

Hello all,

     The memory form I created had the Form Source field set to Memory instead of Table.  Changing this to Table and setting the actual target file, solved this issue.  I can now do Insert, Change and Delete when calling the update procedure.


Jeff King

Hello everyone,

     After reading page 189 in the 4th ed. of the NetTalk book, it was revealed that the upload folder will always serve files for download (save).  So, I created a reports folder and serve my PDF documents from there.  They now display in the Media filed as expected.


Jeff King


     In part 1 of this topic, I mentioned I had the Media field type on a tab, of a multi-tab form, to display a PDF document.  This works but is a bit cumbersome, moving between the PDF tab and other tabs where data is to be entered.  Instead, I would like the Media field to display the PDF document to the right of the tabs on the form.
     The only way I can think to do this, is to create a memory form, and place two procedures on it.  One for the actual tabbed update form and one for the display of the PDF in a Media field.  I have this memory form called by the corresponding browse and it does look good.  However, the update form on this memory form, does not do Inserts, Changes, or Deletes.  Is there a way to code this to properly update my target file from the memory form?  I'm looking at the "Browseless Form" section in the NetTalk book, but so far I have not made this work.

Thank you,

Jeff King

Hello everyone,

     I have placed a Media field type on the last tab of a multi tab form.  The idea is to allow the user to view a PDF of a report, from which they will do manual data entry.  The source of the PDF documents is in the uploads folder under the web folder.  The Media control will only download the PDF document and not display it.  However, if I place the PDF documents directly in the web folder, they do display as expected.  On the Media field's Media tab, I set the URL to the following:


When I put the PDF's in the web folder, I use the following:


The same thing happens in the example app web74.  Can anyone offer a solution?  I really want the PDF's to be in the uploads folder, or some other custom folder, not in the web folder.

Thank you,

Jeff King

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: File Upload button on MemForm
« on: May 28, 2024, 12:05:43 PM »
Hi Bruce,

     In preparing the example app web26, I found a solution.  I simply created a local variable (string) and used this in the Field name on the field tab of the File Upload button.  It now uploads the selected file to the uploads folder.



Web Server - Ask For Help / File Upload button on MemForm
« on: May 23, 2024, 04:12:36 PM »
Hi Bruce,

     I'm trying to use a MemForm, with a single FileUpload button on it, to upload files to the web\uploads folder.  The web log does show the POST /dataupload event but the actual file is not in the uploads folder.  I have tried this running a local exe and also from a server using a dll with the multi-site host.

     I have run the example app, which uses a normal NetWebForm, and the file does get uploaded properly.  Is it possible it won't work with a MemForm?


Jeff King

Hello all,

     My co-worker received a message about a new version of Chrome and he updated.  This seems to have fixed his issue.


Hi Bruce,

     My co-worker did go through the steps outlined in the Learn More link, but still has the issue.  I asked him to check the Java Script console for error messages but have not heard back.  Stay Tuned!


Hello all,

     I have a co-worker who is running NetTalk 14.20 web apps from his MAC with the latest Chrome browser.  When he clicks on a drop list he gets the Chrome "Aw Snap" error 11 message.  See attached image.  The app does work as expected with Safari on this same MAC.  In addition, the app works as expected on his Windows 11 machine.  Anyone have any thoughts on the cause and a fix?


Jeff King

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: API problem, NT 14.20
« on: April 11, 2024, 11:02:58 AM »

     After looking at the source, I have come up with this:  set  jsonParameter.SetMaxPrefixLength(1) in the Before Loading Parameter embed:

! Start of "Json Setup"
    ! [Priority 5000]
    ! End of "Json Setup"
    if json.LoadString(strjson) = jf:ok
      do FreeQueue:PatientEnrollment
      jsonParameter &= json.GetByName('PatientEnrollment')
      if not jsonParameter &= Null
        jsonParameter.SetMaxPrefixLength(Len('Enr') + 1)
        ! Start of "Before Loading Parameter"
        ! [Priority 5000]

            jsonParameter.SetMaxPrefixLength(1)     !my code here, set to either 1, 2 or 3
        ! End of "Before Loading Parameter"
        ! Start of "After Loading Parameter"
        ! [Priority 5000]
        ! End of "After Loading Parameter"

Should this fix my prefix issue?



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