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Topics - Ubaidullah

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Web Server - Ask For Help / Progress Indicator in Excel Export
« on: October 23, 2024, 09:06:04 PM »

How do I enable progress indicator in Excel export on a NetWebBrowse?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Crystal Reports viewer
« on: July 11, 2024, 07:04:00 AM »

Has anyone implemented Crystal Reports viewer in a Nettalk webapp? Asking before I go down the rabbit hole.

Thanks for any insights.

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Redactor options
« on: January 22, 2024, 02:17:05 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Where can I find the valid options available to be set for Redactor?

When I put this in the embed before RedactorInit, I am getting a GPF:

loc:options =  'autoresize: false'

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / HTML text not displaying in view form
« on: January 20, 2024, 11:44:27 AM »

I have a Text field on a NetWebForm. I have the Redactor HTML editor enabled and it edits it correctly. I can also view the formatting when in edit mode.

But when the NetWebForm is called in View mode, the Text field displays the HTML tags instead of displaying it with the HTML formatting. The field is set as "Allow xHTML".

What should I do for the HTML formatting to display correctly in view mode?

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Which editor to use for simple formatting
« on: January 03, 2024, 08:39:14 AM »

I want to provide an input box where the user can write text and do basic markup like bold, color, etc.
I don't want to overwhelm the user with too many options.
I also want to be able to programmatically insert text in specific places so need to be able to handle the markup.

Which of the available editors (TinyMCE/Redactor/CKEdit/ACE) would be suitable for this task?

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Vertical spacing between fields
« on: November 24, 2023, 09:24:13 PM »

How do I change the vertical spacing between fields on a form for all fields?

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Number Picture in NetWebForm
« on: November 24, 2023, 04:31:18 AM »

I have a number field in a NetWebForm. I want it to display a value of 2000 as 2,000.00 (commas and decimal).

In a browse it is easy to set the picture to @n10.2 but how do I do it in a form?

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Description field in Lookup Settings
« on: November 16, 2023, 01:56:26 AM »

When generating a NetWebForm using the wizard, the Lookup Settings tab for a fields gets populated when there is a relation defined.

Question: what determines which field is picked for the Description field? Is there a way to set this in the dictionary? It seems, it uses the second field in the table. Wondering if there was a way to define this at the dictionary level.

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Must be in table validation and NetWebForm
« on: November 14, 2023, 03:43:06 PM »

When a field has validation set in the dictionary to "Must be in Table", the NetWebForm will display a message with the table name.

Is there a way to display the table description instead of the name?

So, instead of the user seeing this message:

Department: Must be in table DPT001

the message shows up like this:

Department: Must be in table Departments

where Departments is the description of the table DPT001.

This is an external system so I don't have control of the tables names.

One option I am thinking is to change the table label to a descriptive one and use the path name for the actual table name.

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Generate GUID in SQL - Part 2
« on: September 27, 2023, 04:31:10 AM »
Hi Bruce,

Last time this was discussed (Generate GUID in SQL), the recommendation was that the GUID should be generated by the client program.

I am currently designing a database and the client will be developing their software on it using languages other than Clarion. There will also be a Nettalk Web app.

To avoid issues with GUID values coming from the other apps, I am leaning towards setting the GUID columns with a default of NEWID() on the server ( or left(replace(newid(),'-',''),16) to make the value similar to st.MakeGUID() ).

Question is, what do I need to do in Nettalk so it gets the GUID value correctly? Not sure if setting PROP:ServerAutoInc would be enough as the docs say that this value is reset every time and ADD is performed.

Ubaidullah Nubar.


I have a memory form where the user enters a code.

On Save, I want to call a Form.

The form should be in Insert mode if the code is not in the table
but in update mode if the code is found in the table.

I set 'URL on Save' to a variable and set the value of this variable in the first embed in the SetFormAction routine.

But this doesn't seem to work as this embed code runs on opening the Memory form and the fields are blank.

So, it seems that action (insert or change) should be set in the called form as the url is formed before any fields values are input.

In the form, Advanced, I can set "Default Form Action". But how can I make it conditional?

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Next freezes browse
« on: June 11, 2023, 12:40:36 PM »

I have Wizarded NetWeb app. One SQL table.

When I click on Next, or search or do any navigation, the browse freezes.

If I clock Ctrl-F5, it performs the navigation action i.e. if it was Next, goes to the next page, if search, shows the results, etc.

No embedded code or any changes to default settings.

What could I be doing wrong here?

Nettalk 12.61

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / View uploaded files
« on: June 09, 2023, 06:39:50 AM »

I have a form that allows the user to upload a file. This file can be PDF, PNG or JPG. These files are then stored in a blob.

The user can see the list of files uploaded in a browse.

I want to allow the user to view the files by selecting the appropriate browse row. A view button on the row.

What would be the best way to do this? Is there any example that shows this.

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Menu type best suited to Mobile Web Apps
« on: June 06, 2023, 02:35:54 PM »

Which type of menu works best for a web app that will be used mostly on mobile phones?

Curious what everyone's preferences are.

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Maximum size of NetWebBrowse search
« on: March 29, 2021, 03:32:41 AM »
Hi Bruce,

What needs to be done to increase the length of the search filter in a NetWebBrowse? When the user types in a lot of text with spaces in between the filter (as seen in debugview) seems to cut off around the 500th character.

This is what the user is entering:
00669150 02802890 03389270 04004062 04004080 04114808 04698577 4698884 04701244 04710046 04710050 04818098 04818118

And, this is what I am seeing in DebugView:
Filter: ( INSTRING('00669150',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('02802890',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('03389270',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('04004062',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('04004080',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('04114808',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('04698577',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('4698884',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('04701244',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0 OR INSTRING('04710046',UPPER(ITEM:NUMBER),1,1) <> 0)

The last two terms are missing.

I would like to either increase the filter length or write my own SQL filter. With the SQL filter, the search could be a lot more shorter.

Ubaidullah Nubar.

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