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Topics - RichCPT

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I have a NetTalkWebForm for Table #3 with a lookup into a .TPS VIEW with two files (Table2 and Table1).  When a selection is made in the lookup, I’d like to display values from both Table2 and Table1.  So far, I can only get values from Table2 to display on the update (table3) form.  If I can get the lookup working, the next step is to get the initial display (when in Change or View record mode) working.

Any quick suggestions on how to get the "Lookup Settings / More Assignments" to copy values from grandparent (table 1) to local variables for the update (table3) form?

On my NetWebForm procedures I do not want NT generating the field comments like, "A Number", "Required", "mm/dd/yyyy".
These comments all appear in DIV's with a CSS class of "nt-form-grid-cell nt-form-grid-cell-comment".
I'd really prefer not to generate these comment DIV's at all.
How can I tell NT not to generate them?

The look of the Creative Tim Material Dashboard Angular 2 (MD)  stuff  ( seems pretty nice.  If my client really wants his app to look something like that, how much work would it take to put the MD CSS and Javascript into NT WebServer so I could have:

1) The left sidebar menu.
2) The edit fields (like on "User Profile / Edit Profile") start with watermarks and then have the watermark jump up into a label position as the user makes their data entry.
3) The editing form turn into vertical list when page size becomes too narrow.
4) The various shadow effects.
5) The real application that I have seen that uses MD, has more effects like tabbed interface on detail pages and dynamic sorting of displayed tables.  There are also various color schemes to choose from in MD. 

How would I even go about making NT WebServer app look like the MD example in the above link?

How should I go about handling a compound code table when building a NetTalk API for a legacy application?  What I mean by "compound code table" is that the application has around 70 minor dropdown / lookup fields where the descriptions are loaded from a single table.  The entries are segregated by a lookup field number or "table ID" (it is a 4 character string).  In the legacy application the dropdowns were coded by using the PDDrops template.  I want to do the lookups in the API, so the client-side API user does not have to worry about performing the lookups.  When building a "read only"  NetTalk API for this legacy app, what would be the recommended way to go about performing all these lookups? 

If it is any help, I have the "In-Memory" database driver.

I need to process many records from a work file and turn them into email messages, using NetWebClient, and POST them to  The number of emails (POSTS) I am talking about could be up to 2,000 at a time.

So, that I have complete control over how rapidly the POST's will occur, I have coded a Generic window with my own looping and timer settings. But I need to know:
   1. How quickly (or slowly) should I be POSTing to the mailgun server?
   2. Do I need to wait for a netTalk event before moving onto sending the next email?  Which event?
   3. Do I need to pause after sending a certain amount of emails and wait for that amount of responses to come back or timeout?
   4. Do I use the same NetWebClient object for every POST and do I call NetWebClient.start() before initializing the fields for each post?
   5. If #4 is "NO" then do I use a limited queue of NetWebClient objects, where each POST will be using an entry from the queue and that queue entry won't be re-used until a response is received or it times out?

Is there a dictionary property that can be set on a LONG field in a TABLE, so the field will be output as a formatted date string when used in an API Service returned VIEW?

I have the "Screen Picture" set to "@D2" in the Dictionary for a LONG field in a Table.  I have an API service that returns a VIEW which includes one table with that LONG field, but it always outputs the clarion integer representation of the date value.  It seems to me I saw a NetTalk video where the "Options" tab was used in the Dictionary to add a custom "Property" which would cause output of the field in an NT API service method to be formatted as a date string.  Could someone tell me how to set that or where it is documented or if I am remember things wrong?  Thanks.


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