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Messages - ccordes

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: hide field in browse
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:36:06 AM »
The browse field template has conditions for include and hide. These both control the entire column.
If all you need to do is hide the field, you can do this with some conditional css on the condition use the class "nt-hidden" that uses display:none
For the row conditions, remember that INCLUDE controls whether the HTML is generated for the page and HIDE merely sets a style to hide the contents from the user.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Message box
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:29:39 AM »
Then you are either coding a javascript prompt box or calling a ntws form page to process the request.
Look here for javascript ->


Did that fix it without the embed code???


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: conditional radio button fail in 6.17
« on: February 03, 2012, 07:12:08 AM »
Since this is part of a much larger project I will try to make a simple example.

Web Server - Ask For Help / conditional radio button fail in 6.17
« on: February 02, 2012, 05:01:58 PM »
This works in 6.15 - I set include conditions on some radio button options based on the primed value of a field during an insert.
Updated to 6.17. then it didn't work - the options never showed.
Reverted back to 6.15 - customer is happy again.

I have not done a compare between the two versions so I'm not sure what may've changed to cause this.

I would leave it as a string without a format. Then parse out the comma and period in the client side tab's server code.
Set both the variable and its session value.

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT 6.17 - adding xhtml breaks browse
« on: February 02, 2012, 05:23:34 AM »
I'm sure I must be missing something here. I'd like to put a link above or below a browse.
I put <a href="someotherpage">Click here to go to some other page</a>
in the xhtml, give it a routine name
Now the sort headers, search and nav buttons don't work.
I take it out browse works. Put it back it doesn't work.
I can even make it work or break editing it with the firebug editor.
Do browses not allow links? Are the scripts that fragile?  ???

(I even put the css classes back to their normal order!)


Web Server - Ask For Help / Understanding CSS load order
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:48:07 PM »
Hi Bruce,
Firstly, I want to say I love the ability of quick theming using theme directories - brilliant.
This isn't so much a question of How-to as it is to gain some understanding why it is done so...
In the NT template, CSS files are loaded in this order-

    s_web.AddStyle(clip(g:Theme) & '/jquery-ui.css',true) & |
    s_web.AddStyle('jquery-nt-color.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle('jquery-nt-menu.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle('jquery-nt-cal.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle('netweb.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle(clip(g:Theme) & '/nettalk-ui.css',true) & |
    s_web.AddStyle(clip(g:Theme) & '/' & clip('csmods.css'),true) & |
    s_web.AddStyle('dstyle.css') &|

This puts the jQuery values at the bottom of the pile. nt-colors and any other css class would take precedence.
The way I see it is that the precesdence should go NetTalk, JQuery, mine.
Tyhe NetTalk css is generally about structure, jQuery (Theme Roller) is generally about style and color, and Mine are usually minor tweaks to each of those.
Here is the way I have reordered the CSS stack -

    s_web.AddStyle('jquery-nt-color.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle('jquery-nt-menu.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle('jquery-nt-cal.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle('netweb.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle(clip(g:Theme) & '/nettalk-ui.css',true) & |
    s_web.AddStyle(clip(g:Theme) & '/jquery-ui.css',true) & |
    s_web.AddStyle('dstyle.css') &|
    s_web.AddStyle(clip(g:Theme) & '/' & clip('csmods.css'),true) & |
    s_web.AddStyle('vtip.css') &|

dstyle.css is my tweaks to the standard NetTalk structure and is common to all themes.
csmods.css are my tweaks to the individual theme like browse row colors or form colors that are related to the theme.

So the question is I guess, am I missing something in your logic of the stack arrangement that might get me into trouble without realizing?

Thanks for any comments,

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: C8 not regenerating Nettalk procedures
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:05:43 PM »
On the Applications Pad, the generate-Build button has a drop down of options.
Check to see if you have it set to Unconditional Generation.


Sorry, Rene. It is difficult to see anything wrong here.
That image is what I would expect a child browse to look like.
FWIW - Try using Firebug to see the actual HTML of the page and how the CSS is being interpreted.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Locator bug in 6.15
« on: January 19, 2012, 12:38:52 PM »
I don't know if this means anything, but my searches only work if the column is sort in ascending order as well. (and I haven't been able to search by date but I think that's just me)


OHHhh -  ::) That's different.

Never mind.

Thanks, Kevin!


 ??? Change: Fields on hidden tabs are not validated when Save is pressed. ???
Does this mean that now those fields won't be validated or that weren't and now they are being validated.

If they are not being validated when Save is clicked, then when do they? Does the user need to click Save on every tab?

Sounds dangerous.

Web Server - Ask For Help / page deformats while browse loads
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:34:30 AM »
I've had this issue from day-1 so I think I may be missing something simple.
When I have a browse that takes a while to load, the menu and index page get display without any css formatting. Once the browse completes, everything formats properly, but in the meantime, every menu choice is shown and is active. Things that should be hidden are displayed as a normal list.

This is especially bad when I use a form to filter the browse.

Any suggestions? Can I get the index and menu to complete before the browse starts?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Spacing between 2 Browses
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:29:28 AM »
I think if you look at the HTML source for both of those screens, and you look past the browse content, you'll find that they are both the same; div-wise.
The child browse will be it its own div to the right of the search form. Probably float:left.
You might be able to adjust this in the css changing the position attribute.


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