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Messages - vsorensen

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Compatibility / Possible fixes
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:10:57 AM »
I'm running a sample page through an IE6 compability checker, and I'm thinking the following changes should be made:

1.  In NetWeb.CLW
Old:    packet = '<div id="_busy" class="bdiv"><img src="/images/_busy.gif"></img></div>'
New:  packet = '<div id="_busy" class="bdiv"><img src="/images/_busy.gif" /></div>'

2.  In "After Browse, before buttons," the Save Button set is between the </td> and the </tr>.  It should be inside the <td></td>.
Old:           packet = clip(packet) & '</div><13,10></td><13,10>'

New:           packet = clip(packet) & '</div><13,10></td><13,10>'
                 packet = clip(packet) & '<td><13,10>'
(existing code)
                 packet = clip(packet) & '</td><13,10>'

I already submitted this, but perhaps a spam filter got it.

Took awhile to track down why my browse buttons weren't working in NT5.00pr7, but I finally found the cause:

In NetWeb.clw...
loc:onclick = sub(loc:onclick,1,iq) & '__Referer__=''+escape(location.href)+''&' & sub(loc:onclick,iq+1,size(loc:onclick))

should read
loc:onclick = sub(loc:onclick,1,iq) & '__Referer__=''+escape(location.href)+''&amp;' & sub(loc:onclick,iq+1,size(loc:onclick))


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT5 Browse and footer
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:26:32 AM »
I had actually tried that, but I thought it was wrong because it didn't work.

It turns out that although I do install the latest copy of the web styles into the program folder, and the default data folder, I was testing using a copy of the EXE pointed to a different data folder, with the old web styles still in place.

Sheesh... I knew I was missing something obvious.

Well, now I need to add a test of some kind to warn the user if they've made a custom copy of the web folder, and it doesn't have the latest styles in place.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: NT5 Browse and footer
« on: December 27, 2009, 05:12:25 PM »
I must be dense, but I'm going to ask after a few days of trying to figure it out.

Exactly what 'nt-width-100 adiv' change is needed in the footer?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Best approach for history log / audit trail
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:01:24 AM »
I would like to be able to write out a log that details if a record was deleted, or if a value in a particular field was changed.  It needs to include the original or deleted value.  I thought it would be fairly straightforward, but after trying a few alternatives I have yet to get it working reliably.

(I've tried putting code in both "pre" and "post" change embed points, and saving the initial value to a session variable, but there were quirks such as the saved session value getting changed when the form was called in the update stage).

What is the best way to provide an audit trail that includes the "original" values after a change or deletion?

Is there an example I've missed?

Have you tried the 4.37 pre-release posted yesterday?  It solved a number of problems I was having that were introduced in 4.36.

Works with the 4.37 pre-release ... thanks!

I compiled the same app with version 4.31, and it does work properly there... I'll give it a try in 4.37 as soon as that is available - thanks!

I appear to be stuck on this one. 

I have a browse, page-loaded.  I click on Last or Next or Search.  In Firefox it works as it should.  In IE, the "busy" icon appears, and the page never loads.  If I press F5, the page (as it should look after a button press) loads.

I've gone as far as writing the page out to disk when it is served, so I can see that the browse section is being sent, but the only difference between the failed send and the F5 send is inclusion of the <SCRIPT> that declares the browse control, and the value of RequestAjax.

I've played with this for days, and days, and days, and I have gotten nowhere.

What am I missing?

In NetWeb.TPW:
          packet = clip(packet) & '<td'&clip(loc:MultiRowStyle)&clip(loc:SelectColumnClass)&'><!--here-->'&p_web.CreateInput('radio','%vx',clip(loc:field),,loc:checked,,,'onclick="MailboxesBrowseControl.value='''&p_web._jsok(loc:field,Net:Parameter)&'''"')&'</td>'&CRLF
          if loc:FirstRowId = ''
            loc:FirstRow = '<td'&clip(loc:MultiRowStyle)&clip(loc:SelectColumnClass)&'><!--here-->'&p_web.CreateInput('radio','%vx',clip(loc:field),,'checked',,,'onclick="MailboxesBrowseControl.value='''&p_web._jsok(loc:field,Net:Parameter)&'''"')&'</td>'
            loc:FirstRowID = loc:field

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: 4.35/C7/DLL - "unresolved for export"
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:32:04 PM »
Uninstalled 4.35, installed 4.36, still get:

W3HEADER@F18NETWEBSERVERWORKER Is unresolved for export
_CREATESORTHEADER@F18NETWEBSERVERWORKERllsbsbOsbl Is unresolved for export

I have found the problem - C7 looks at the subfolders under LIBSRC, so it was pulling up the contents of a "\c7\accessory\libsrc\win\CanDelete" folder, which contained an old copy of NetTalk.  Once I deleted that, the errors disappeared.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: 4.35/C7/DLL - "unresolved for export"
« on: June 29, 2009, 05:27:22 PM »
This is C7 5768 (last week's release).

In terms of priority, the other issues I reported (IE8 Javascript errors and Radio Button selection not working) are much higher on my list because they affect existing releases...

Web Server - Ask For Help / 4.35/C7/DLL - "unresolved for export"
« on: June 29, 2009, 05:25:54 PM »
I couldn't get my DLL application to compile, so I tried the example and had the same problem:

_CREATEHEADER@F12NETWEBSERVER29NETWEBSERVERHEADERDETAILSTYPE Is unresolved for export - C:\Users\Public\Documents\SoftVelocity\Clarion7\Accessory\Capesoft\NetTalk\Web Server\MultiDLL (20)\AllFiles.exp:1465,3

W3HEADER@F18NETWEBSERVERWORKER Is unresolved for export - C:\Users\Public\Documents\SoftVelocity\Clarion7\Accessory\Capesoft\NetTalk\Web Server\MultiDLL (20)\AllFiles.exp:1609,3

_CREATESORTHEADER@F18NETWEBSERVERWORKERllsbsbOsbl Is unresolved for export - C:\Users\Public\Documents\SoftVelocity\Clarion7\Accessory\Capesoft\NetTalk\Web Server\MultiDLL (20)\AllFiles.exp:1626,3

try pressing Ctrl-F5 once the site is loaded in your IE browser.
Sounds like a simple file-version issue - for the JS errors anyway.

Same result (tried CTRL+F5 twice)...

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB6; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
Timestamp: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:31:44 UTC

Message: Invalid argument.
Line: 136
Char: 7
Code: 0

Also compared the web subfolders, and the distributed version matches \clarion6\3rdparty\libsrc\netweb.

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