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NetTalk Web Server => Web Server - Ask For Help => Topic started by: terryd on February 07, 2009, 03:38:37 AM

Title: Hiding and Unhiding Form Tabs based on information entered on the form
Post by: terryd on February 07, 2009, 03:38:37 AM
I am trying to create a form where the tabs that should be displayed depend on information entered on the first tab.
So I would like to hide or disable the other tabs until I have entered all the fields on the first page which will determine the tabs to then unhide/display. If I use the wizard form type and click next then I would like clicking next to display the next valid tab.
Any pointers please.Thanks
Terry Davidson
Title: Re: Hiding and Unhiding Form Tabs based on information entered on the form
Post by: Johan de Klerk on February 07, 2009, 03:51:15 AM
Hi Terry,

Not at this moment.

Here are some liks to other posts about the same questions.

1) (
2) (

I also need the same functionality.


Johan de Klerk
Title: Re: Hiding and Unhiding Form Tabs based on information entered on the form
Post by: bshields on February 10, 2009, 12:34:06 AM
Hi Terry and Johan,

I did this a year or so ago on a test project.

It was ugly. But worked.

I had a radio button and depending upon its value it turned on and off certain tabs.

Firstly i needed to save all fields values in session variables to save their state.

I then had to save the client side value.

I added this handcoded JS to the control.


My variable that dictated the tab changes was LIS:PropertyType.

When the user selected a value, it would reload (yes full page refresh) the page, but the tabs would be redrawn correctly and work.

Its awful I know, but it worked.

Title: Re: Hiding and Unhiding Form Tabs based on information entered on the form
Post by: Johan de Klerk on February 10, 2009, 07:04:57 AM
Hi Bill,

Thanks for the update.

Sounds like to much work for me at this stage.

I think I will wait for NetTalk 5.


Johan de Klerk