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NetTalk Web Server => Web Server - Ask For Help => Topic started by: kingja on April 27, 2015, 09:59:58 AM

Title: CSS and DIV's
Post by: kingja on April 27, 2015, 09:59:58 AM

     I have a memory form on which I display various charts created with RGraph.  Each chart is created with HTML code added on the XHTML tab of the form.  I added DIV's around each and then created the following CSS:

 .patientstatus {
 width: 50%;
 float: left;

 .reexcision {
 width: 50%;
 float: left;

 .pathology {
 width: 50%;

.excisional {
 width: 60%;
 float: left;

.lumpectomy {
 width: 40%;
 float: left;

 .physsurvexc {
 width: 50%;
 float: left;
 clear: left;

 .physsurvlump {
 width: 50%;
 float: left;

     This gives me the effect I'm looking for, see the attached image.  However, the Close button is in the center, not at the bottom left where it should be.  Any thoughts?



[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: CSS and DIV's
Post by: Bruce on April 28, 2015, 02:15:52 AM
I'd have to play with Firebug on the page to make a suggestion Jeff.
Can you put the page online?

Title: Re: CSS and DIV's
Post by: kingja on April 29, 2015, 04:34:20 PM

Thanks, but I think I found the issue.  I removed

.pathology {
 width: 50%;

from my CSS and it all works as expected now.
