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Version 4.26 issue?


Gregg Matteson:
installed 4.26 and copied the web directory to my working web directory and recompiled. Everything looks good except the chrome menu. in 4.25 the menu items were placed horizontally on the menu bar. in 4.26 they are vertical and don't look quite right.

Anyone else have this issue or have I missed something?

Thanks in advance,

Gregg Matteson

Alan Telford:
This can often be the case if you don't copy the latest version of the WEB folder from c:\Clarion6\3rdParty\libsrc\NetWeb\web into your application folder.

And once you've done that, make sure to completely refresh the cache in your browser. In firefox CTRL+F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+R will reload (overriding cache).

These two steps have fixed this type of error a number of times.


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