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Topics - jlavera

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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but cannot achieve what I'm looking for.
I'm getting a range of records by date; the filtering date is working ok, and the date field is in the output. However, the data for the field itself is wrong.

I'm doing a rest server using json, nettalk 11.04.

The answer starts something like this:
   "SMSRestApp_ROSTERS_Range_response" : {
      "app_rosters" : [
            "rosterid" : 97525,
            "rostershashmd5" : "24RT0TakMZqJkwOkrDag1g==",
            "startatdate" : 0
            "rosterid" : 241987,
            "rostershashmd5" : "ig0G+KGl6Zo4n01J8OqqrA==",
            "startatdate" : 78481
            "rosterid" : 90338,
            "rostershashmd5" : "BMdQQttOonBPMEPvT2Q99g==",
            "startatdate" : 75646

But you see, the first startdate that is reported 0 is actually the second, the one reported 78481, and so they are displaced one record.
Also, I want it to be formatted @d12. I especified that format everywhere, but still is showing as clarion date.
Should I add hand code? If so, where? Any clue or any other advice?

Kind regards,

Web Server - Ask For Help / Couple of problems with GetLocation
« on: January 22, 2013, 05:04:12 AM »
Hi, all.

Using Clarion 8 9304 v6 - ABC
Nettalk 6.46  - Mobile Android 4

Problem 1)

I tried to use p_web.GetLocation() into a "NetWebPage", it is called from a button from a "NetWeForm", but it doesn't seems to work, it never returns the Location Data. However, it always seem to work properly IF i put the p_web.GetLocation() into "Index" page.
I need run the p_web.GetLocation() when the user click on a button...  Is there a problem why this can't be so?

Problem 2)

The p_web.GetLocation() function seems work in asynchronous mode (or am I wrong?), so, how can I make a "wait" until the Location data arrives , for then save into a file?

Thank you in advance.
Jorge Lavera

- Clarion 6.3 9059  and  Clarion8 9304 V6.3
- Nettalk 6.51  (WebServer and mobile mode)

I have several problems with my web server with mobile users.
All problems are based in size of controls (entrys, buttons, browses, drops, etc..). (See image1, then image2 and then image3). Also the annoying change in the browse size: proper at first, bigger when back from the Form.

I have searched for information in NettalkCentral and Nettalk docs about it but I have not found the solution.
For Drops type, I had try with "Width (PIXELS):" option, but to no effect. (see image4). The controls seems to take the screen width, always.
For Date type, I had try with "Width (chars):" and also "Max length:" options, but they have not effect. (see image5) The controls also seems to take the screen width, always.

Note all these looks ok on PC screens, they just fail on phones (Tried several navigators and OS - including Android 4.0).
Any suggestion will be appreciated.

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